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Posts posted by OWA

  1. Warning, blog contains win! It always does. :D

    The refinery walkthrough sparks my curiosity:

    1) Is resource escalator accessible by infantry?

    2) Stair rails on the first floor, mb?

    3) Barrels... >:) You know what my question is, do you?)


    Yeah, and the TC is great, can't wait using Pepakura Designer on it X)

    Before - after.

    1. Currently, yes.

    Will it be accessible in the release version? I doubt it.


    2. Soviets have no time for stair rails, they need the raw materials to make more things! Remember, if a conscript falls down the stairs and dies, there are 100 more standing there to replace him.


    3. Explosive barrels may or may not feature in multiplayer maps, since they are a singleplayer thing. If we do decide to put a few in, they definitely won't be around the bases because they cause too much damage.


    Wait... what? Really? I mean they had them (very crude mind you) in Renegade missions, so I assumed you would be able to improve on that and make them halfway decent.

    What rm meant was; exploding barrels in the context of C&C were used as a device in singleplayer to make it easier for the player. You didn't really see these barrels in multiplayer, thus they would negatively affect the gameplay if we were to add them in close proximity to base structures. They are totally possible, just not very clever in some circumstances.

  2. l have request; if some 1 makes map which is based into "lone guardian" mission map, l wish that he adds soundtrack as HM2. it's perfect for it. or for Red dawn. but HM1 in canyonriver is... idk, it suits for high-tech epic-map lolz.

    btw civilians are in?

    Lone Guardian is going in eventually.


    Civilian Tech structures are in, civilians themselves haven't been discussed yet.


    Will it say "Ore Miner Under Attack"? because when I play APB we lose our ore truck alot :) and we didn't know that it was under attack!


    Yeah, that'll be going in as a sound clip.

  3. Welcome to this week's blog guys. Let's get this ball rolling.


    <h3>Soviet Refinery Walkthrough</h3>

    dtrngd has completed the interior for the Soviet Refinery and has gotten it ingame to walk around in. This evening I took the map and made a quick walkthrough video for you guys. You may notice that the Refinery has no minor weakpoint. This is because the War Miner affects credit income when the enemy faction destroys it. So the Miner is the minor weakpoint if you like. However, it's not linked to the refinery's health in any way.


    Also, the no elevator policy we are running seems to be paying off. :)


    Take a look at the video on youtube below.


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>


    Also, download it from here if you want a better quality video.


    <h3>We had a Conflab</h3>

    Well, we had a conference on Saturday which was pretty cool. We got just about everyone to turn up and we

    reminisced about the times of old. Better is the fact that The_Merovingian (or Zion as he's known now) has decided to come back and help AR! :) Give him a warm re-welcome.


    We didn't discuss anything of real relevance to be honest, most of it was just random stuff. We did discuss having new first person arms though. There will be a few more arm types than those featured in APB. this is because units like the conscript and Tesla Trooper have massive gloves which will need modelling out. We'll get them working soon enough though.


    <h3>Tesla Coil Fixed</h3>

    dtrngd wasn't happy with the Tesla Coil, so he took it and made it as close to RA2's as he could possibly get. I think he succeeded; take a look below.




    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I have a headset again now, so I can talk to people on skype and teamspeak again!


    cfehunter actually paid for megavideo.


    dtrngd has been working lots.


    danpaul88 has been wanting the Barracks for the next test build.


    Chevy has been conflabbing with us.


    TheBeerinator is working on Soviet Purchase Terminals.


    Tankmaster is working on some features for the installer.


    Poggel has been working on a Tokarev pistol!


    Eggman891 is going to meet Merovingian with a contract for him to sign his life away once again.


    The rest of the team has been doing stuff.


    <h3>We're Looking For...</h3>

    We are looking for extra staff members to join our ranks!


    At the moment we are looking for:


    <h4>2d Artists</h4>

    <h4>3d Model Artists</h4>


    What we are looking for in either a 2d or 3d artist, is someone who:

    • is enthusiastic about working with the BHP Apocalypse Rising Team.
    • has spare time.
    • will be active in the foreseeable future (a.k.a we don't want you running off).
    • is competent at creating their own 2d textures or 3d models in 3d Studio Max/Maya.
    • is over the age of 16 (we overlook this if you are what we assess to be a mature individual. This rule is known as the TruYuri rule).

    PM me with your application stating why you would like to join the team along with any past experience. Please provide example textures or models, if you have any.


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>

    Crab Battle?


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>






  4. I lol'd.


    Having some unit info on the installer might be cool. I mean, you only have to install once, right?

    Indeed you do, unless you are a compulsive reformatter.


    Ouch! I hope you recover from that foot injury swiftly OWA, it looks rather nasty =(. I just wanted to say that having the installer be all RA2-ish makes me wanna cry tears of nostalgia. Just seeing the pictures takes me back to the first time i installed Red Alert 2... ahh... such happy days.

    Cheers Trev, I can walk again and have been active on my bicycle, but now I think I've got a dose of the flu :D


    Just so I can get my memory straight, wasn't the RA2 installer also intentionally slow, so they could show off their awsome slide show?

    That it was.


    If you put the cool OWA voice talking while the installer goes on, I'd keep it to even 10 minutes :)

    Haha Occult, you flatter me. :) I need to get a microphone first though.


    After a long time.... Im back! So, hows the game?


    And hows the chrono legionaire?

    The game is coming together a piece at a time.


    Also, the CLEG isn't being worked on at the moment, but he'll make an appearance after the first release.

  5. Hey guys, welcome to this week's blog. Slightly late again I'm sad to say, but I couldn't stay at my desk whilst my friend was celebrating his birthday. However, here it is now!



    <h3>Oil Derrick</h3>

    So our old Oil Derrick model was a bit... well.... old. So Guy with a wrench has made a new one! This will fit in line with the other tech buildings that he has done previously. Only the Secret Lab to go by my record :D


    Take a look below.




    For those of you who haven't been keeping an eye on proceedings, the engineer character on each faction will be able to capture these special tech buildings that are dotted around the maps. They provide bonuses for your team. For example, the Tech Oil Derrick provides additional funds for your team. Tech buildings are handy, so keep an eye out for them. Also, it gives you more of an incentive to become an engineer.



    Remember a few weeks back when I was showing you guys the War Miner? Well, now I have gotten the model to the stage where an ore dumping animation can be made. That's right! The War Miner will deposit it's lovely load of ore by tipping it out into the main pit ready for transport into the refinery itself.


    Take a look at the pretty pictures I have below!





    <h3>So where do you suppose the War Miner goes?</h3>

    dtrngd has been working on a few teaser screenies for you guys. I shall say no more and show only pictures...




    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    So I actually started university again this week and it looks like this year will rock. Facial modelling, 3d animation, Advanced Unreal 3, 2d texturing and making a game in Unreal 3. the game is called Rift Hunter and it's about fighting a race of highly evolved wolves that are attempting to use the past to make the human race extinct. It's cool stuff.


    cfehunter actually paid for megavideo.


    dtrngd has been reffing all week.


    danpaul88 has been going over the recent changes to scripts 4.0 (as listed in one of the last APB Blogs) and fixing any errors that may occur.


    TheBeerinator has been doing something with Soviet pt's. Nothing has been shown yet since he is a busy boy.


    Eggman891 has been finding his drinking limits.


    The rest of the team are gearing up for a conflab.


    Our buddies over at Renegade X released their first public beta yesterday. Version 0.35. Check it out here!


    <h3>We're Looking For...</h3>

    We are looking for extra staff members to join our ranks!


    At the moment we are looking for:


    <h4>2d Artists</h4>

    <h4>3d Model Artists</h4>


    What we are looking for in either a 2d or 3d artist, is someone who:

    • is enthusiastic about working with the BHP Apocalypse Rising Team.
    • has spare time.
    • will be active in the foreseeable future (a.k.a we don't want you running off).
    • is competent at creating their own 2d textures or 3d models in 3d Studio Max/Maya.
    • is over the age of 16 (we overlook this if you are what we assess to be a mature individual. This rule is known as the TruYuri rule).

    PM me with your application stating why you would like to join the team along with any past experience. Please provide example textures or models, if you have any.


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>

    Billy Mays orders McDonalds! Legend!


    <center><object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object></center>


    <h3>Til next Wednesday...</h3>

    ...providing something doesn't happen to keep me from typing.

  6. With the installer, is there some things you plan to make it a little different from the RA2 one, so people can tell the difference and add in a bit of creativity? I can imagine you could show off AR's models in comparison to the in-game voxels, and perhaps show your own faces and stories as the history briefing part.


    And I sense a WTF Boom! coming to our random corner very soon. Will it be supplied by Tanya? :D


    Edit: I also hope a speedy recovery of your foot. We don't want you to die on us!


    Edit 2: Oh right, we already had a WTF Boom. Do it again!



    First, good blog. Going to have to agree with TruYuri, and the Refinery looks great ingame, even lacking a texture!

    The installer is brilliant as well.


    If anything, you guys should spoof the original schematics with your own models :)



    Well... my installer takes about 2 minutes to install the current alpha version of AR, so it would have to be REALLY quick xD



    Perhaps making our own cinematics? But that just takes too long and yeah why bother holding up the installation just for eye candy.




    We will eventually be replacing the renders of the RA2 units with our own selection, but for now we'll keep with what we have.


    Oh, and if anyone has concerns over the installer taking ages to install, don't worry. Tankmaster is going to code in a quick install button.

  7. Welcome to this week's blog guys.


    Little late again I know, but we have been struggling for content lately as everyone re-enters education.


    Anyway lets get down to business.



    Tankmaster has been working on replicating the rA2 installer for use in AR upon release. I must say, he has done a perfect job with porting over the RA2 assets to form this piece of awesome. We will eventually be replacing the renders of the RA2 units with our own selection, but for now we'll keep with what we have.


    Oh, and if anyone has concerns over the installer taking ages to install, don't worry. Tankmaster is going to code in a quick install button.


    Take a look at the images below.






    dtrngd has been fixing up the refinery and has now gotten the first concept into game. The basement hasn't been connected up yet, but it is soon to follow. We have opened up an entrance in the front of the structure so that it can now be accessed from both sides. This is a welcome change to the old version, which only had doors on the back. Bye bye campers!


    Here are the first ingame shots of this work in progress.




    <h3>A Populated Barracks</h3>

    dtrngd has also been putting the new purchase terminals and repair nodes into the Allied Barracks. This is essentially what the structure will look like when you guys get your hands on it, when AR is released on

    [Date Removed].



    Take a look below!




    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    So I kind of hurt my foot.... But other than that, everything is cool!


    cfehunter had a cold but has managed to shake it off now.


    dtrngd has been refining the refinery. (See what I did there?)


    danpaul88 has been checking scripts 4.0 over for potential compatibility problems.


    TheBeerinator has been thinking about making some Soviet Purchase Terminals.


    The rest of the team has been lingering around the internal forums.


    <h3>We're Looking For...</h3>

    We are looking for extra staff members to join our ranks!


    At the moment we are looking for:


    <h4>2d Artists</h4>

    <h4>3d Model Artists</h4>


    What we are looking for in either a 2d or 3d artist, is someone who:

    • is enthusiastic about working with the BHP Apocalypse Rising Team.
    • has spare time.
    • will be active in the forseeable future (a.k.a we don't want you running off).
    • is competant at creating their own 2d textures or 3d models in 3d Studio Max/Maya.
    • is over the age of 16 (we overlook this if you are what we assess to be a mature individual. This rule is known as the TruYuri rule).

    PM me with your application stating why you would like to join the team along with any past experience. Please provide example textures or models, if you have any.


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>



    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>



    It's the Blargh!

  8. Hey guys! Apologies for the lateness, I moved into my new house and was without internet on my computer until Saturday. Then things got kind of hectic, but all has seemed to have cooled down for now. as a bonus, I have Eggman891 living about 150 metres away which feels surreal.


    Anyway, lets dive head first into the updates!


    <h3>Allied Repair Node</h3>

    A while ago it was established that the allied power plants in AR were to utilise geothermal energy as a source of power. This concept has been loosely transferred into the repair nodes by TheBeerinator.


    Water flows through the central section of the node, but when the linked building is damaged that water will leak. We'll be using decals and emitters to achieve this.


    Take a look at this!




    <h3>New Civilian Tech Airport</h3>

    Guy with a wrench has been modelling up the tech airport. This will grant your team a para-drop ability when captured. We are unsure how para-drops will be setup, but we have the basic logic for parachutes ready.


    The Tech Airport may not feature in the first release, but will likely be featured in the first major patch along with the American Air Drop.


    Check out the images below!






    <h3>Revamped Refinery</h3>

    dtrngd has been modifying and updating Ric's Soviet Refinery model so that it accommodates the interior correctly. The animations for this structure are going to be something special indeed. War Miners will have a dump animation for when they deposit their expensive loads off which will hopefully make use of some nice emitters.


    Check out the fixed exterior below.




    dtrngd, TheBeerinator and Guy with a wrench deserve a lot of credit for their work on various structures so if you see them online, please take the time to thank them.


    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I've been moving into university! I have internet and I live near to Eggman891 and cfehunter. We are planning on taking over the town.


    cfehunter is sitting to my left.


    dtrngd has been working on the refinery.


    danpaul88 has been scripting up a way to get many screens put onto the repair nodes. More on this soon.


    TheBeerinator has been texturising.


    Guy with a wrench has been modellising.


    The rest of the team have been doing team stuff.


    <h3>We're Looking For...</h3>

    We are looking for extra staff members to join our ranks!


    At the moment we are looking for:


    <h4>2d Artists</h4>

    <h4>3d Model Artists</h4>


    What we are looking for in either a 2d or 3d artist, is someone who:

    • is enthusiastic about working with the BHP Apocalypse Rising Team.
    • has spare time.
    • will be active in the forseeable future (a.k.a we don't want you running off).
    • is competant at creating their own 2d textures or 3d models in 3d Studio Max/Maya.
    • is over the age of 16 (we overlook this if you are what we assess to be a mature individual. This rule is known as the TruYuri rule).

    PM me with your application stating why you would like to join the team along with any past experience. Please provide example textures or models, if you have any.


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>

    Someone's killing our T.V. Salesmen...


    Billy Mays died tonight...


    <center><object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object></center>



    Time to go to the beach...

  9. Plenty of eyecandy there. The Tech Power Plant looks exceptionally awesome. Resembles a lot to that power station near my house.


    The Tech Outpost is just as great. Very detailed.


    The Prism Tower has yet to be textured, right?


    EDIT: There're 2 hours between my post and the blog. What happened?

    Prism Tower needs to be textured yeah.


    I make the blog in a hidden place before I post it.

  10. Welcome to the blog guys! This week is a Guy with a wrench special, since two of his creations are showcased! See below for more.


    <h3>Tech Outpost</h3>

    So you want to repair in the field huh? Not an allied player with the advantages of the repair IFV? Then this is your best bet Soviets! The Tech Outpost! Defended by a patriot missile battery, this sturdy construction can be taken advantage of by engineers to systematically act as a repair point for soviet (or allied) armour in the field. Take heed comrades and send your engineers out in search of these key structures to gain an advantage in the field.


    Modelled by Guy with a wrench, images below.




    <h3>Tech Power Plant</h3>

    Tech Power Plants are available on some objective based maps where the Allies and Soviets must race to capture a certain number of them to power up something destructive, be it a Time Machine, a Psychic Amplifier, a Psychic Beacon, a Super Weapon or something else that requires a lot of power.


    Of course, you could always win by destroying the enemy's structure, but they won't make it easy for you.


    Anyway, here's what all you budding engineers out there will be capturing soon enough.


    Modelled by Guy with a wrench.




    <h3>Prism Tower</h3>

    dtrngd has modelled up a new Prism Tower for the allies to defend their bases with. The prism tower works by refracting light through some sort of giant mirror. This effect can be multiplied when multiple Prism Towers fire into each other (we have this working btw).


    Here is the model below!




    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I went to see Muse and they were awesome! I also got on TV! I'm standing next to the girl with the epic blue hair. (Shout out to Shannon! <3)


    cfehunter is moving into university very soon along with myself and Eggman891. I'm going to be there on friday and I can't wait!


    dtrngd has started fixing up the Soviet Refinery. Soon we are going to have a lot of lovely soviet structures ready for TheBeerinator!


    danpaul88 has been away.


    The rest of the team has been doing various bits and bobs.


    <h3>We're Looking For...</h3>

    We are looking for extra staff members to join our ranks!


    At the moment we are looking for:


    <h4>2d Artists</h4>

    <h4>3d Model Artists</h4>


    What we are looking for in either a 2d or 3d artist, is someone who:

    • is enthusiastic about working with the BHP Apocalypse Rising Team.
    • has spare time.
    • will be active in the forseeable future (a.k.a we don't want you running off).
    • is competant at creating their own 2d textures or 3d models in 3d Studio Max/Maya.
    • is over the age of 16 (we overlook this if you are what we assess to be a mature individual. This rule is known as the TruYuri rule).

    PM me with your application stating why you would like to join the team along with any past experience. Please provide example textures or models, if you have any.


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>



    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>


    Also in the Random Corner this week are these epic Nod shoes made by fellow Nod follower, Adder24!




    Check out her deviantart page right here!


    <h3>So, you say Kane has his happy feet on?</h3>



    (except for when they are in those shoes)


  11. Welcome to this week's blog. I have drunk a sufficient amount of tea, so now I can write this.




    <h3>Tesla Reactor</h3>

    The Tesla Reactor interior is finished in terms of modelling. All we need now are some Soviet Purchase Terminals to litter around the place.


    dtrngd has been working on this and has made a pretty good job. There will be two minor weakpoints in the Tesla Reactor. Two minor generators and the main Reactor Core. If both small generators are destroyed, the power will be shut off until they are repaired. These minor weakpoints aren't too tough compared to the main weakpoint which requires a lot of punishment before it goes; taking the rest of the structure with it.


    Anyway, I'll let the pictures do the talking.





    <h3>War Miner</h3>

    I've been remaking the War Miner, since our old model was way off in terms of accuracy. Also, since we don't want our miners to clip through infantry, I'll be working on a travelling mode for War Miner next. That's right, the Miners will probably travel with their scoops up so they don't get stuck on hills and such. This is an easy fix for the Chrono Miner, since it's scoop is designed to move, but the War Miner's scoop is static. This means that I'm going to have to get a little creative with the animation, but it shouldn't be anything too drastic.


    Anyway, check out the new War Miner below!




    I'll be finishing this model off in the next week or so, then I'm going to finish the Grizzly Tank and IFV off.


    <h3>Dug up from the archives...</h3>

    I was looking around my computer today, when I stumbled upon my archive of old Apocalypse Rising videos. These were made ages ago, by danpaul88, to demonstrate certain scripts. This particular video demonstrates how the Chrono Legionnaire's gun is able to erase infantry and hold them on the spot in "stasis".


    Check it out.




    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I'm off to Teignmouth on friday, then back to university a week on friday. I cannot wait!


    cfehunter is getting ready to join me.


    So is Eggman891. C&C party much?


    dtrngd has finished the Tesla Reactor now and will start on something new soon.


    danpaul88 is away for a short time.


    TheBeerinator has finished the Allied Repair node. More on this next blog.


    Guy with a wrench is working on the Tech Power Plant, it's looking great!


    Chevy787 is gearing up to do some more unwrapping.


    rm5248 was looking into some applications codery stuff, unless I'm mistaken.


    The rest of the team is here there and everywhere.


    <h3>We're Looking For...</h3>

    We are looking for extra staff members to join our ranks!


    At the moment we are looking for:


    <h4>2d Texture Artists</h4>

    <h4>3d Model Artists</h4>


    What we are looking for in either a 2d or 3d artist, is someone who:

    • is enthusiastic about working with the BHP Apocalypse Rising Team.
    • has spare time.
    • will be active in the forseeable future (a.k.a we don't want you running off).
    • is competant at creating their own 2d textures or 3d models in 3d Studio Max/Maya.
    • is over the age of 16.

    PM me with your application stating why you would like to join the team along with any past experience. Please provide example textures or models, if you have any.


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>



    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0r4MRkwRZeU&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0r4MRkwRZeU&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0r4MRkwRZeU&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object></center>



    Tesla Bees! D:

  12. awesome Tesla Reactor, though somehow that machine shop doesn't look very accurate to RA2... or is it just too long since I played it last?


    Yeah Gummibear, it looks a tad TOO long but hey, if we could drive into it...:)


    We based our machine shop off the concept art: http://www.baxaart.com/artchives/Yuri/machshop.jpg



    nice buildings. what u mean that machine shop is an unorthodoxic structure?

    I mean that it's unorthodox because it is a weird shape and has no interior :D

  13. Welcome one and all to this week's blog! I have a few goodies for you this week, so let's get to it!


    <h3>Tech Machine Shop</h3>

    Guy with a wrench has been really busy pumping out tech buildings this week. The first of these to be completed model-wise is the Tech Machine Shop.


    Basically, if an engineer captures this structure, whilst out on his travels, it will provide a small health and armour regeneration bonus for vehicles. Combined with a high vehicle rank, this has the potential turn the tide of a battle. However, be wary because the machine shop and other tech structures can also be destroyed, which denies both teams of the advantages.


    Tech structures have no weak points, but they do feature an interface for which engineers can capture and use the building for their team's advantage.


    Check below for some images of this unorthodox-looking structure.




    <h3>Tesla Reactor</h3>

    dtrngd has been working away on the Tesla Reactor's interior. He has taken my model and has begun to expand on it. Unlike the Allied Power Plant, the Tesla Reactor only has two minor weak points instead of three. However, they will roughly match up all together health-wise.


    The major weak point is going to be something incredibly special to behold once it is ready. There are multiple routes down to the major weak point. One of these ways involves a staircase that is heavily influenced from the never-ending Shin-Ra Building staircase in Final Fantasy 7 (the "sneaky" route). I don't know about you guys, but I can't to walk around inside this structure as the main generators emit a low humming noise.


    Here are a few renders to wet your appetite for destruction.





    <h3>Big News</h3>

    Before last week, Apocalypse Rising was still using scripts version 3.4.4. But now, thanks to the power of science, danpaul88, some paper-clips and several secret flavouring ingredients; we are proud to announce that Apocalypse Rising's next internal test build will be running on scripts 4.0. That's right! We've joined the club.


    I'd also like to take this moment to thank the clever individuals who are working on scripts 4.0 currently, including jonwil, StealthEye and Saberhawk. These guys and the rest of the crew at Tiberian Technologies are one of the reasons that we stay on the w3d engine. Give a round of e-applause for the unsung heroes of today's w3d advances because by god do they deserve it.


    <h3>Revolver Unwrapped: A Tale of Woe</h3>

    "BANG!" wents Crazy Ivan's revolver has he shot an unexpected Allied Rocketeer in the side of the head whilst he was viewing the military grade slop on offer at the Soviet Barracks Canteen.


    "Heh", Ivan thought to himself "where would I be without this trusty side-arm of mine". He spun the gun round his finger before placing it back in it's holster. Just then, in walked the Desolator from a hard day's fighting on the battlefield. The iron crunch of his boots echoed throughout the Soviet Barracks as he lumbered into the canteen area.


    "Have you heard", he said in a thick accent, "It will be a silent spring".


    "That's what you always say", Ivan retorted as he reached for one of his demolition packs. The Desolator looked over at the body of the Rocketeer that had been foolish enough to actually take interest in the crap that the soviet chefs called food.


    "I see you had flying insect trouble" he stated in a sadistic tone.


    "Da comrade, da" replied Ivan "But I couldn't have fixed the problem without this revolver of mine. Unwrapped by chevy787 you know".


    "Looks good to me", said the Desolator, "Hey, do you hear rain?"


    Suddenly a bolt of lightning struck the Soviet Barracks violently.




    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I've been working on something special for next week's blog.


    cfehunter is gearing up for university.


    dtrngd is balancing out the Rhino Tank and the Grizzly Tank. It's pretty fair at the moment, but we need to make some proper tests before we confirm anything. (Using values from RA2 works!)


    Guy with a wrench has started to model the Tech Power Plant


    Poggel is on a break.


    The community's very own Mammoth Tank, Mammutpanzer, attended the GamesCom in Cologne, Germany. He was then spontaneously invited to attend the CommandCom whilst wearing an AR t-shirt. His full write-up is in the works and is not to be missed when it goes live!


    A big thanks goes out to Greenflammes. "Why?" you ask. Well, according to a few of my sources, he's been doing a pretty good job in translating the AR blogs into German for the viewing pleasure of the masses of German C&C fans. Keep up the good work man :D


    <h3>We're Looking For...</h3>

    We are looking for extra staff members to join our ranks!


    At the moment we are looking for:


    <h4>2d Texture Artists</h4>

    <h4>3d Model Artists</h4>


    What we are looking for in either a 2d or 3d artist, is someone who:

    • is enthusiastic about working with the BHP Apocalypse Rising Team.
    • has spare time.
    • will be active in the forseeable future (a.k.a we don't want you running off).
    • is competant at creating their own 2d textures or 3d models in 3d Studio Max/Maya.
    • is over the age of 16.

    PM me with your application stating why you would like to join the team along with any past experience. Please provide example textures or models, if you have any.


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>

    Wishmaster! The mis-heard lyrics.


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object></center>


    <h3>Insert analogy here.</h3>

    Nope, it's just not gonna work.

  14. How about if there was a manual alarm that a person can just walk up to and press E? Then we can impliment it without ruining sneaking tactics. However, to prevent alarm spams, it should not be able to activate unless there really is an enemy in the building, or just the same room to prevent people from pulling the alarms just to see if there really IS someone in the building.


    I would also love to see the enemy be able to pull the alarm, just to taunt or even slyly divert the enemy's attention.

    That's a fun idea, however in the interests of AR's release we don't want to delay it with more features like this if we can help it.

  15. Really something there, especially with the PTs. They look as they are in the cinematics, and they are not just for purchasing units and refilling now. Really great job at them and of course the tesla reactor. Just cant imagine how it will look when done in its gigantic size. Btw why not adding cameras that cant shoot but alarms players in nearby building that someone has entered a building or is near a weakpoint area? Or do the cameras just have the tendency to shoot people? There should be some kind of way to protect the buildings a little.

    Cameras and alarms would ruin that sense of sneaking that you get when there is nobody around and you are heading in to destroy the power plant or whatever. Basically, it ruins the element of surprise by practically saying "THERE IS SOMEONE IN THE POWER PLANT, GET HIM!" So yeah, cameras would make it too easy to defend.


    Plus, we are enforcing a feature freeze now. So any more features that come as ideas will not be implemented into RC1. This will push forward our development schedule a bit, since we can focus on getting the job done, instead of deciding what to do.

  16. About the cupboards... will they close when soviet tank drives near building, and if so could said soviet tank splash damage into said building... if so mother Russia thanks you, if not you will die like allied dogs.


    Other than that thanks for the blog.

    There will be zones that cover the interior of the structure, so they will only close up if an enemy guy runs into the structure. Tanks won't set off the zone's lock sequence.


    Thanks for reading :)


    I love the look of the PTs, they are just like I invisioned and wanted: a cinematic, cool blue, overly fancy digital display. The cupboard idea is also very clever, as it explains (in a dryly humorious sort of way) why you can't refill in battle. However, I have a few questions:


    - What's the difference between the large and medium sized PTs in terms of function?

    - The fact that they will alert the presence of an enemy, does that mean that you consitered the camera idea once presented to you?

    - If red screens means the building is dead, how will the color of Soviet PTs work?

    - Will there be red alarms and sirens that will complement a PT on warning mode?


    Last, I have to say the Tesla Reactor is so dead on, I can't really describe how great it looks to me.

    -We may give the larger pt a better healing rate over the medium sized one.

    -We considered the security camera idea a long time ago, but ruled it out because 9 times out of 10, the camera has the aim to kill you. We don't want to make it too hard to infiltrate structures!

    -You'll find out about that soon enough :D

    -Nope, just a simple on screen dialog that tells the player that the supplies have been locked up. You should be able to track the intruder on radar anyway, so this won't be much of a give away for wannabe Solid Snakes.


    does ball itself have tesla effects?

    It will do when it is rigged.


    Epic...just epic. I love the PTs. Looks like the consoles of a ship's bridge :)


    Also, it seems very weird that if a Soviet stands on the ramp of the Allied War Factory and the refill cupboards at the far, far away near the weakpoint gets locked...



    This won't happen, since the Soviet guy will need to be in the building for the cupboards to lock up. The ramp doesn't count as being inside.


    The accuracy in the Tesla Coil is astonishing. However, it's still kinda hard to picture it's actual size from that small picture.


    Great work on the PTs. Also, I suppose that since they aren't flat panels attached to the walls, the well-known PT shouldn't happen anymore, right?





    You mean the PT bug? This was fixed a while back as far as I know.


    /me likes


    I must ask, you say that there will be warning lights on the PTs to alert to the Power being offline, and to there being intruders...


    will there be any way to 'sneak' into AR buildings without triggering this? I'd hop to be able to get crazy ivan in and blow up stuff without being swarmed by 50 GIs who saw red flashing lights...

    There will be a screen that tells you whether the power is off.


    No warning sirens or anything though, just a subtle change on the screen.

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