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Posts posted by OWA

  1. hey this looks so good cant wait to play, and with that S4M Silenced Pistol, what program you using to model it?

    (im that kind of guy) lolz

    We all use 3d Studio Max for our 3d art.


    Well, I must admit, I just can't wait for this mod to show up, keep up the good work, guys! :)

    Thanks! Also, welcome to the forum :D

  2. l have couple ideas; can you add national flags above buildings, so people know what nation they're in?

    plus can u make Cuban guerrilero-styled class (green cap and camo suit with bullet belt) alongside conscript class in Cuban nation?

    We could add national flags, but players are told which nation they are playing as at the beginning of every map and you'll know by what you can buy on the sidebar. Custom infantry flag textures are not out of the question though.


    We're sticking to RA2's canon, so no cuban guerillas. The terrorist is in though so he's about the closest you'll get.

  3. You don't have to do what I am suggesting because I am basically obsessed with accuracy of portraying military technology, but the S4M lacks any mechanisms to eject the empty shell out, making a magazine useless because you can't load another bullet with the shell still in it.

    Those mechanisms will be included; this model is still a work in progress.


    Does that mean the major weakpoint will still be intact even if the building is destroyed from the outside?

    The weakpoint is linked to the death of the building. So if the buildings dies, the weakpoint will be disabled.

  4. Hooray! Bridge hut!


    The S4M is a great sidearm for the Terrorist, even though it's going to be made cheap because it's not going to survive the boom. However, I was wondering what's with the side clip. The S4M actually opens up like a double barrel shotgun, and loads like one too. It basically uses a speed loader to make the loading quick.



    Also, when the building dies when the major weakpoint is destroyed, are you going to create a large explosion from the weakpoint or will smaller explosions fill the building?

    We gave the S4M a side mounted clip to give the weapon a few extra shots before it needs to be reloaded.


    Hopefully both types of explosion will be there.

  5. Welcome to this week's blog. For the stuff you actually want to see, look below.


    <h3>Building Bridges</h3>

    rm5248 has been working on getting more pieces of bridge modelled to aid fanmappers in the future. Hopefully these pieces of bridge will be able to be placed in level edit, so you won;t have to mode you're own unless you feel obliged to.


    rm5248 will be making a few differant bridge types for you guys to use, which shall be pretty cool.


    Also pretty cool is the fact that rm has also modelled a bridge repair hut that mappers will be able to place down on maps. Inside is a basic interior with controls that engineers can access to repair the bridge. We may also do lift and swing bridges, so if an engineer accesses the controls, he can make the bridge move (maybe even with some enemy tanks on it if it's timed right :D ).


    Anyway, here are some images!





    <h3>S4M Silenced Pistol</h3>

    Originally this weapon was going to be the standard issue pistol for the soviets. But after an internal discussion it was decided that due to the crazy design of the weapon, that it should go to the Cuban Terrorist. The soviets would then be left with the Tokarev as their standard issue weapon.


    This weapon is crazy, fires two bullets at once, reloads from a dual side mounted clip and is probably going to be funny as hell to use.


    Take a look at what Poggel has done with the design so far.




    <h3>Weakpoint Setup</h3>

    danpaul88 has been developing the scripts for the weakpoint logic. Basically when these crates are destroyed, the building explodes from the inside as all of the internal workings are damaged.


    Take a look at what danpaul88 has done in the screenshot below!




    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I've been working all week. Can't wait for the weekend! Also, Black & White 2 is awesome! Also, I'm working on getting the AR logo sorted out and fixed up.


    cfehunter has been around and about the forums.


    dtrngd has left for a week, but will be back.


    danpaul88 has been waiting for Windows 7 to arrive on MSDN. August the 6th looks like the date of arrival.


    TheBeerinator has been doing a few things for APB.


    Ric has been refining the Chrono Miner model. Yes the miner itself is being refined!


    The rest of the team have been working on various things.


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>



    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>



    Again next week.

  6. To rephrase a previous question: Are there any infantry only maps that most of the map is indoors, such that the barracks and oil derrecks or refinery are located outside, but the fighting only happens inside a large complex, such as an airport or shopping mall?


    If not, is Hail Mary being consitered?


    Second, will reload animations be slightly more accurate, such as having the model actually cocking back the lever/bolt when a new magazine is loaded?

    Nothing has been decided about those types of maps yet.


    Hail Mary is a likely possibility.


    Hopefully the reload animations should be pretty slick, what with the new hands and all.


    have you decided how much anti building and other dynamites ivan have?

    will deso make same damage-thing like nuke: kill all infantry in ALL levels in structure?

    Ivan will have an infinite number of anti-tank dynamite sticks (a.k.a small dynamite) but he will have a limited amount of bigger charges.

  7. Welcome to this week's blog, a little late but hey! We have a fair bit of new stuff to get through!


    <h3>Chrono Miner</h3>

    Ric has been updating the Chrono Miner model ready for unwrapping. The Chrono Miner is the Allied ore gathering unit. It carries less ore than the Soviet War Miner, but can get back to base twice as quickly to dump it.


    Here are a couple of images of this marvel of modern technology.




    <h3>Bomb Defusal</h3>

    Since the engineers and technicians in AR carry suitcases, drills and welders we thought that it wouldn;t really make sense if they were using them to defuse bombs. To make up for this Poggel has modelled up wire cutters for each faction, so that C4 and Dynamite can be defused. Also, they may give a nasty nip to any enemies that get too close! :D


    Anyway, here is a render to wet your appetites!




    <h3>War Factory</h3>

    dtrngd has been working on the Soviet War Factory's interior! At the moment it is looking to be our most detailed building yet! You may be wondering why the middle of the floor has railings around it. Well, the render below is of the war factory's basement, but below that is the vehicle creation zone. We are planning to use a giant elevator to bring constructed vehicles up form the second basement, past the first basement and up to the ground floor, where they will drive out of the doors. No more creation of vehicles right in front of your very eyes.


    This is going to be epic if you are standing in the first basement watching the vehicles for a tank rush going up the elevator. Kirovs are also going to be epic to watch. I feel that this war factory will probably be one of the most interactive structures in AR, which should be awesome to walk around inside.


    Check it out below.




    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I was at the cinema yesterday and got back pretty late, so no blog yesterday.


    It was dtrngd's birthday yesterday! Wish him a good one if you haven't already!


    danpaul88 and I have gotten the website working again, check it out at http://www.apocrising.com


    TheBeerinator has been doing a few things for APB but should be resuming work on the Soviet Barracks soon.


    The rest of the team have been working on various things which shall be revealed next week :)


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>



    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>



    We have a problem...

  8. Welcome to this week's blog. We are a little devoid on content again this week due to various factors, but hey; the show must go on.


    <h3>Soviet War Factory Weak Point: Fuel Tanks</h3>

    dtrngd has been adding detail to what will be the major weakpoint for the Soviet War Factory.


    These are only some of the massive fuel tanks, housed in the War Factory, used to keep the Red Army's war machine running. Thick tubes pump the lifeblood of the diesel engines below to where newly constructed vehicles are fuelled up ready for combat. The fuel for these tanks comes from many other tanks housed in the war factory. However due to the sheer volume of fuel stored at the war factory, this stockpile is off limits to meager conscripts. Only the engineers, technicians and scientists that work within the Soviet War Factory can access them.


    Anyway, here is a peek at what Allies should be looking to target if they want to shut down Soviet Vehicle operations.




    <h3>Rig Man</h3>

    At the weekend, I sent my base infantry model to TruYuri to see if it would rig up correctly ingame. Compared to the rig time of some of the older infantry for APB, it knocked spots off it. Within a few minutes it was rigged and ready for game. There are a few mesh errors that need correcting but otherwise I can start modelling up some more characters. We are hopefully going to coax Eggman into porting the infantry rig into 3dsmax for ultimate control over the rigging process (and decent meshes!).


    Anyway, here is rig man. His head took less than two minutes to model.





    <h3>APB Metal Music Mod</h3>

    Since we've really got nothing else to show, I will enlighten you guys on a little project that r34ch and myself have been working out.


    Basically, we want to provide an alternative soundtrack for APB for all of you metalheads out there. This means you could be rocking along to attack the Tesla Coil on Fjord to One by Metallica and raining some hellfire down on the Allies on Forest of Illusion, with your Flamer, whilst rocking to Raining Blood by Slayer.


    We are working towards a full compilation for all of the maps that are currently in rotation on the MP-Gaming server. We choose our tracks for the atmosphere they create ingame, so for longer maps such as Keep Off the Grass, we'll choose something that starts pretty slow etc.


    If you have any suggestions for trakcs, please feel free to pm me.


    Here are a few examples of our tracks choices.


    Map - Artist - Track Name


    Menu - SOiL - Halo

    RA_AS_Seamist.mix - Megadeth - Hangar 18

    RA_Wasteland.mix - Machine Head - Clenching The Fists Of Dissent

    RA_ClassicFjord.mix - Metallica - One

    RA_ForestOfIllusion.mix - Slayer - Raining Blood


    Once we have chosen all of the tracks, we'll be posting the minimod up, along with instructions on how you can create your own music mod :D


    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I've been at work all week. I'm self employed maaaan! Anyway, going to wetherspoons tomorrow for food, which will rock.


    cfehunter is back and will be working again once I contact him.


    dtrngd has been working with zunnie on a neat little co-op map for APB. He needs testers, so go and find him for information.


    danpaul88 has been helping me drag the website back online. All that is left to do is re-establish the updated SQL database.


    I've set the team on their various tasks now so there should be something to show for it in a bit :)


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>

    I'm the invisible man! (Just like my friend Marvin actually).

    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZK5hZu2UTY&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZK5hZu2UTY&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZK5hZu2UTY&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>


    <h3>Happy Birthday</h3>

    You didn't think I'd forget you Dr Tesla?





  9. That is a cool blog you have there!


    Two Questions:If you take a taco car will another taco car spawn again?(it can be on another place:


    I want it to spawn.


    And will There be amphibious crates because it some maps in red alert II there were amphibious crates?

    If you set it up on a spawner yeah.


    There will be amphibious crates.

  10. It's been a week and nothing much has happened to be fair. But let's get those barrels out and go a'scraping!


    <h3>Flak Cannon</h3>

    I've been working on getting the Flak Cannon fixed up. Before I touched it, it looked something like this.


    As you can see from that image, there is no way that the Flak Cannon could tilt up and down without horrendous clipping; so I took it upon myself to fix this. I have remodelled the barrel and turret so that the cannon can now tilt freely. I may add a few cogs and running gear inside on top of this major edit so that it'll look nice when moving.


    Anyway, enough chit chat, check this out.




    It's not quite final, but you should get the idea.




    <h3>Soviet War Factory</h3>

    dtrngd has been busy working on the Soviet War Factory. The doors now open and various other small changes have been made to the exterior. This structure is looking to be pretty well detailed.


    Images below!





    <h3>When AR Goes Wierd</h3>

    dtrngd sent me a bunch of random testing screenshots that he had taken. A few of them are rather wierd, but hey! You get a nice insight as to what we do inside these walls of our madness box.


    Mysterious blue beam of death!


    "He's just sunbathing, honest!"


    Who ever thought that you could get an elite tree. Wait a minute...


    Apocalypse Rising: Getting you stuck into the action. So stuck that you won't want to move... at all.


    When Kirovs are made of concrete...


    Too Many Tacos!


    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I'm off out drinking tommorrow, yay! Remember kids, don't drink and IRC.


    I have also setup my train set on my desk to eliminate the boredom of loading wait times!


    cfehunter is home.


    dtrngd is also home and working on the Soviet War Factory.


    TheBeerinator is working on the Soviet Barracks.


    I will attempt to bring the rest of the team back on task soon.


    r34ch and I are making a Metal music mod for APB. If you think you have a good suggestion for a track, contact me via pm!


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>

    Brought to you by theta123 who is back on the block.


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>



    Parle vous en Francais?


    Nein, ich benutze das internetsprache!!11!!!!211one!!1two!11

  11. ok downloaded the maps thanks!!!


    in APB or AR will ever be added the japanese empire as a third team?? or its just RA2 and RA , no RA3?

    Just RA and RA2, so no Rising Sun here.


    will be kirovs and choppers available in all (normal) maps?

    High tech maps yeah.


    Nighthawks should be available in all vehicle maps though, if I've got my facts right.

  12. Welcome to this week's blog. I always say this, what's with that?


    <h3>A Technical Demonstration</h3>

    Since we aren't enforcing vehicle limits in Apocalypse Rising, dtrngd, Teamwolf and myself thought that we'd give a little demonstration by buying a LOT of vehicles. We then grabbed some Apocalypse tanks and destroyed them all for a laugh, before parking them next to the Oasis on Dune Patrol.


    Take a look below.







    <h3>Pillbox And Sentry Gun Rigged With Muzzle Flashes</h3>

    Here is something that I forgot to post from a while ago. danpaul88 has rigged up the pillbox and sentry gun with muzzle flashes, courtesy of TheBeerinator. You won't see much of these up close if you are on the opposing team though.






    <h3>The AK47 Is Done!</h3>

    I've finished modelling the AK47 and have now passed it over to TheBeerinator for unwrapping and texturing. It came out at around 4500 polygons, which is what I was roughly aiming for. This should look pretty good in the hands of the Soviet Barracks Statue as well as in APB in the hands of the Soviet Rifle Soldier.




    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I've passed my first year of univeristy with all credits! I'm also off camping on friday :D


    cfehunter has completed college now!


    dtrngd is going away but will be back on monday!


    danpaul88 has been setting up the new server for the website (the website is currently down at apocrising.com, but will be back shortly).


    TheBeerinator has his hands full with assets to texture as well as kickstarting his own RA3 mod.


    Guy with a wrench has been playing around with some of his objects and has gotten a few ingame. He has also given me a great idea for how to handle garrisoned building destruction.


    The rest of the team is going to be directed soon when I get the time for a proper conflab.


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>

    A Running Bomb...


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIsPV5abR2I&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIsPV5abR2I&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIsPV5abR2I&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>


    Top Bombing!




  13. Welcome to this week's blog. sorry if I rush it a little, but I've got to jump on a bus soon and I didn't want to delay it any further.


    <h3>The Return of BogdanV</h3>

    BogdanV has returned for the summer! He had a few computer troubles as well as school, but now he is back and working on developing maps and such once more. To announce his return he posted up some screenies of his map project, Desert Assault.


    Here are a couple.




    The blocking perimeter will be made larger as the map gets progressively bigger. This is shaping up to be a pretty well detailed map!


    <h3>Tech Hospital</h3>

    Guy with a wrench has been busy creating an interior for the tech hospital. Currently it has two floors inside which you can traverse as well as a roof level, this may be condensed slightly if it proves to be simply too big ingame. On one of the floors will be an area where engineers can capture the building for their team. We haven't decided what this area will be yet. It could be come sort of fusebox or terminal which the engineer has to rewire/hack. We'll see what happens.


    Here are the screenies!





    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I came back from Download Festival broken and bruised, but with a big smile on my face as it was awesome! I didn't see Aido there, but he was also there somewhere. Slipknot are insanely good live, I recommend all of you to see them!


    cfehunter has dropped off the radar. Maybe that whale came back...


    dtrngd has finished all of his exams! Well done to him!


    TheBeerinator is badgering me about the AK47. He'll get it once I fix 3ds Max :D


    danpaul88 has been making code changes in preparation for new test build. This build will hopefully contain the Barracks for both factions!


    BogdanV is back!


    Nameme99 is also coming back! It's like a return of the AR oldbies!


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>

    Mix Daft Punk with The Fresh Prince and this is the result!


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TEK9Fu55m4&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TEK9Fu55m4&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TEK9Fu55m4&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>




  14. Welcome to this week's blog. I don't have much for you. But hopefully it'll be enough.


    <h3>AK47 and the New Face of the Statue</h3>

    I've been working on modelling up the AK47 for the Soviet Barracks Statue (it may also be used in APB too). Also edited recently, was the Statue's face; which has now changed from my handsome mug to some randomly generated hard russian-looking guy.


    I'll let the pictures do the talking, but please bear in mind that the AK is work in progress.


    Comments and critisism are welcome though.





    <h3>A Bridge Too Far</h3>

    rm5248 has been working on a bridge for mapppers to mass produce. This will be placeable in level edit so you guys don't have to model your own bridges unless you really want to. Hopefully the use of more static meshes like these will bring out some really awesome maps from the community.


    Here are some images of the new bridge. In the first image is a comparison of it up against the old bridge.




    <h3>Terror Drone Control</h3>

    Recently the topic, of where the Terror Drones should be controlled from and which building they are linked to, has come up. Let me explain.


    The original idea was to have the terror drones controlled via the Soviet Radar, so when it was disabled, Terror Drones couldn't be controlled anymore. But then we realised that the Terror Drone was War Factory tech, so we moved the terror drone consoles over to there instead.


    However we don't feel that this makes sense anymore. So what do you guys think?


    Should we stick to our original idea of linking Terror Drones with the Radar or should we follow canon and link the Terror Drones to the War Factory at the expense of logic?


    We'd really like to hear your thoughts on this matter.


    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I'm off to Download Festival this weekend. See you in the mosh pit Aido!


    cfehunter has finished or is near the end of college now, I believe.


    dtrngd likes Guild Warez (Wars), but I think he likes War Factories more :D


    TheBeerinator is working on texturing a few nice things for you guys to see. It was also his birthday on wednesday! Give him a congrats! Also happy birthday to Zonekill, player01, Battlelaf and Stippel!


    Look out for some tech structure interiors from Guy with a wrench soon!


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>

    Have some ninja stalking cat!


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>


    The rest of the team is working on various things.


    <h3>Don't Worry...</h3>

    ...Be Happy!

  15. well, multiplayer is as fun as singleplayer for me so, if you ever do something like that i would really aprecciate. Besides my multiplayer doesnt work very well....

    Apocalypse Rising may run considerably better than any other w3d-based game due to the fact that we've combed Renegade's data files and removed everything that we don't need.

  16. will it ever be implemented a single player?

    Perhaps. We were thinking of doing a singleplayer tutorial mission for new players to play through but nothing much after that really. Although I do have an idea for a story if we were ever to do a campaign.


    Will Red Alert: Yuri's Revenge music be played on certain maps?


  17. good, no more tanya clones. but this will bring little problem that many people like those heroes, but they can only wait and camp near PT for ready to purchase next hero. that was annoying imo in reborn. l'll put new comic into my drawnings-topic about this today


    l thinked if BH team will make mod about ra3 after 5 years (when APB and ARgh are ready) into W3D-engine...but then we laugh:"lol old engine :) , do we still use it...? :D "


    l thinked usable of chrono tank and -legionnaire


    ty :)

    This won't be an issue, since you'll need to become an Elite Three Stripe unit before you are allowed to purchase them.


    Our engine will always be old, but it won't stop people from playing :p


    how old character/vehicle models you use? reborn models looks more detailed as graphically :)

    Some of our newer ones are pretty detailed, but Reborn's vehicles are done up with textures. If you took the textures off them they wouldn't look any better than ours. Plus, the Reborn team update their graphical content pretty regularly.

  18. Great blog.


    Will the rockets be able to explode in the warfactory if shot at long enough? Sort of like an MCT weak spot. Probably not, but gota ask.

    The Missiles are disarmed at that stage, so shooting them won't have an effect.


    The War Factory looks awesome inside, the industrial look of it fits the Soviets all too well.


    I was also wondering (or actually suggesting) if the Soviet factory will use an extensive use of rusty cranes while the Allied could use robot arms instead, similar to the one on the Allied Service Depot. This might make them look unique, while fitting their themes.


    Also, is it possible to have particular items move across the assembly line of the unit you bought? For example, it it possible to show a Rhino Tank turret be placed on the vehicle by the crane/whatever-you-plan-to-use when you buy a Rhino Tank?


    Last, I imagine you can put your face elsewhere, perhaps a civilian statue or in Allied propaganda. You definitely need a cameo in that game.

    The Soviet War Factory will have that industrial look about it, whilst the allied counterpart will be more futuristic in it's design. Robotic arms in the Allied War Factory will probably be what we will go with.


    It is also possible to do per-unit construction animations. However, since the unit is built instantly, the conveyer belt would probably serve as a transport, for unit parts to replace, the one that was just built, in a giant underground warehouse.

  19. I'm back early from Wales to bring you this blog. I was planning to come back later but shit hit the fan. Nevermind though, so I have some goodies.


    <h3>Soviet War Factory Teaser</h3>

    dtrngd has been working away on the Soviet War Factory as you all know. I mentioned a blog or two ago that there was going to be something very innovative happening with this structure, so this week we have a teaser video for what we have in store. No doubt those of you watching dtrngd on VNC will probably have guessed by now, but still take a look at what we have in mind, as it is rather epic in my opinion.


    Take a look at the video in the link below.



    <h3>Statue Update</h3>

    TheBeerinator is texturing the Soviet Barracks currently, so getting the statue finished is top priority for me at the moment. As you can see, he is nearly done!


    The AK47 needs some work before it is done and the Statue's face needs changing, because in all fairness we decided that my face doesn't suit the beefy, square jawed image of soviet troops on propaganda posters.


    Here is an image of what I have currently.




    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I am back early from Wales and will not be going to Cardiff on friday anymore. Next week is Download Festival though :rockon:


    cfehunter was gonna come with me, but we aren't going anymore.


    dtrngd is working hard on the Soviet War Factory and has written a neat description of the Terror Drone.


    Soviet Terror Drone - Cost: 500

    Buildings needed for construction: War Factory


    Description: Fast moving, remote controlled drone. Has no armor and can be destroyed very easily.


    Attack: jump.

    -Infantry die instanlty (including Hero Units).

    -Vehicle health slowly degenerates, until they blow up.

    -Can not attack buildings.


    Best for:

    -Eliminating lone enemy units on the battlefield.

    -Weakening an Allied assault by destroying several units before they reach the Soviet base. Best usage: kill the Repair IFV first.

    -Surprising enemy units, thanks to the small size.


    Defense against them:

    1. Send the infected vehicle onto a Service Depot or get a Repair IFV to remove the drone. Chronominers can teleport away, leaving the Terror Drone on the field (they don't teleport with the miner).

    2. Try to keep most of your infantry away from them, deploy GIs, keep your Pillboxes alive, build Mirage/Prism Tanks to kill them very quickly.



    Advantage of using them:

    -Once the Drone is destroyed, your character will not pop out of it and then get killed, since you control it from the War Factory.


    Disadvantage of using them:

    -Your character is standing still at the Terror Drone Terminal while controlling a drone, and can be killed easily by Allied units infiltrating the War Factory. Once you are killed, the Terror Drone shuts down (until someone takes control again) and becomes a vulnerable target on the battlefield.


    TheBeerinator is working hard on the Soviet Barracks.


    danpaul88 and the rest of the team had a discussion on the Soviet War Factory the other day, since it uses a strange concept which could get you stuck.


    rm5248 is working on a new bridge for mappers to use in their maps.


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>

    Here we have a Farmer; hear him roar!


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>


    <h3>I guess it's time to bring this to a close...</h3>

    ...so I bid thee farewell until next time.

  20. another thing that makes chronotechnology hard to make too is actually the balancing, as you might very easy end up with a tank that supposed to be an battle tank ending as a transport for the strong inf instead (like tanya)

    Like the Battlefortress and IFV you mean?

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