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Posts posted by OWA

  1. Welcome to this week's blog! I have been writing these for two years now, can you believe it? Anyway, since I was short on time today I haven't had chance to do what I wanted to do, so I'll put some of the blog up, then put the rest up on the weekend or something.


    <h3>Alpha Walkthrough Video</h3>

    This is what you've been waiting for folks! The walkthrough video for the current alpha coupled with some ingame testing footage.


    Sorry about the framerate dropping now and again. My PC is dying and my new one is without a motherboard currently. Also apologies for the voiceover, since I had a cold at the time :D


    But yeah! Here it is!



    I'll shove it onto youtube later today, just in case you didn't want to download the high quality version.



    The Pillbox is now complete with muzzleflash! TheBeerinator has been working hard on this lead-spewing death machine and it's ready to be rigged! In ther news concerning Allied structures, dtrngd will be finishing up the Allied Barracks for next week. So expect a big model update in the next blog!


    Anyway, here's the pillbox for now!





    Zion has made the decision to leave the team after accompanying us for as long as I can remember. We all wish him well for the future and give him a respectable send off.


    Thanks for working with us for these years.


    As a parting gift, he has handed me some cool content in the form of an Airforce Command HQ and a few more awesome goodies. Check out the render and the videos below!





    (Yes, I know that we've shown the first video before, but I thought it'd be good to show it again to jog your memories.)

    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    My motherboard set on fire as I went to boot my new pc. I need to wait for a replacement...


    cfehunter is going to get money back from the guarrantee.


    danpaul88 is helping me link the domain name to the website.


    dtrngd has been promoted to the role of 'Producer'. Congratulations!


    Poggel is busy with various things.


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>

    Here are some flash movies, some of them are from a guy called Nightshadow.






    <h3>See You</h3>

    Next Year Week

  2. The interiors, as always, are epic. AR has the best interiors of any renegade mod.

    Everything is looking nice, love the pillbox.

    Thanks guys :D


    Everything is looking up. But I must pop this question... Would any GI (or the Col.s for that matter) want a picture of the president?

    It's not their place to choose :x

  3. Yeah, before that C&C had two completely different factions balanced with each other. Then SC came and everyona was like "what game haz moar races tan us we needs to makez evin moar in our gamez". And that's where generals and the nine-in-three faction whorage came from. Thank you, Star Craft!!

    Dawn of War has 9 unique factions now :D


    Shame on you.

    No U

  4. Hey there guys, welcome to blog 103!


    <h3>Allied Pillbox</h3>

    TheBeerinator has just about completed texturisation on the allied pillbox. This is all pretty self explanatory, so here's the images.





    <h3>Allied Barracks Interior</h3>

    dtrngd has been hard at work on the Allied Barracks interior. He has added cool details such as air vents, warning sirens and pictures of respected Allied leaders. Here are the latest update shots. This interior is near completion!





    <h3>Soviet Tesla Reactor Interior</h3>

    I have been working on the Soviet Tesla Reactor's interior and have begun to decorate the walls and add props.


    This includes workstations, railings, pipes vents and other things. I have hit a snag currently though, since I worked on it in university and brought it back to halls. Then I realised that I don't actually have 3ds Max 2009 installed on my computer, since I have simply opted for 3ds Max 9. However, with some help from TheBeerinator, I managed to bring you this render.




    <h3>Team Notices</h3>

    I'm going home at the weekend to get my new PC built. I'll post my exact specs up for you guys when I get chance :)


    cfehunter is coming out for a drink with me and some friends on friday so we can catch up on stuff that's been happening :)


    dtrngd is dissapointed that he hasn't completed the interior to the Allied Barracks yet, but he is hoping that you guys are appreciating the work he is putting in to get it done.


    TheBeerinator is eager to texture things. :D


    danpaul88 is helping in getting the domain linked to the site. I need to email Blazer again with some stuff before we get it finalised.


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>

    Here is a link to a great site for C&C Renegade maps, tools and misc files.



    This is a definite bookmark for you w3d modders out there!



  5. Details are important, but still it is going slowly. You can f˙˙k me if you want but it´s a shame not so many (big) changes have been made. I could concern about the details later. Or you have done the main things already? Just answer what you like, I just said my thoughts about it. :D

    I'm sorry, but we like to work at our own speed. If you can't wait then it's tough luck.

  6. Isn't that interior a bit TOO big already 0o? It's very nice but I hope all the rooms will have some strategic value too, like hiding spots (inside the closet maybe for lols?) or something. And lots of PT's everywhere.


    Also holy crap Batman. Literally.

    That's as big as the interier will get. There will be fake doors added to make it look bigger.

  7. yes, I mean whats the point of having a detonator if all it triggers is a timer to detonate the bomb :p

    If the C4 is planted, it gives you time to move around a bit before the switch is triggered and the Soviets are alerted, possibly to plant multiple charges on multiple buildings and set the timers both off, giving the soviets a choice on which building to run to.

  8. Welcome to this week's blog. Sorry I'm a little late, but it's here :)


    Without further delay, lets hit into it.


    <h3>Allied Barracks Interior</h3>

    dtrngd has been hard at work on the interiors for this structure. He has modelled out the kitchen/canteen area as a selfserve kind of thing, since the Allies like to live in the life of luxury, even if it is only a restaurant-style cafeteria. There will be a door added on that will theoretically lead to a bigger kitchen where the GI's can place their ration orders for the week. Unfortunately, this area is off limits to combatants since the chefs are quite obsessive about how clean their kitchen is. This is apparent by their recent notice to mount a box on the wall that soldiers can place their ration forms into. It's like they lock themselves in there on purpose or something.


    But for those soldiers who don't trust the chefs, there is always the fridge, worktops and cooker to prepare a sneaky sandwich or so. I tell you, the Allies live the life when it comes to eating.


    Afterwards the soldiers can hit the locker room to grab their gear ready for patrol. It is still a mystery to this day as to how on earth the GI's get so many sandbags in their lockers. It's one of their trade secrets.


    For special orders, the soldiers must report to the CO's office for briefing. It's a lot more comfortable in there than the soldier's living area. The CO even has a red phone that links him to the Allied high command. Now that's an honour. They don't give out those red phones as readily as they used to. President Michael Dugan is behind this cutback, due to the supposed "hijacking" at the NYC silos on the day that the soviets invaded. Jerry Boyd couldn't open the silos and it was suicide. The silo doors were closed and the missiles exploded under cover. This rendered the Allies defenceless. Allied CO's have to be especially careful when using the phone, but usually, it is safe.


    Here are some renders of what I'm on about.






    As a final note, dtrngd and I were talking about the possibility of having random meal names put up on a blackboard in the cafeteria. These would include such dishes as Carville's Suprise with Dugan Dip and other wonders. We could also make the names appear randomly, so you get a new set of dishes on the board each time you play. It's just little ideas like this that, I believe, will make AR a fun game to experience.


    <h3> Remote Revenge</h3>

    Got C4? Then you'll be needing this. Yes! The detonator!


    Flick the switch and push the button to begin the countdown to impending doom for anybody in close proximity of said device. Using a welding torch vs armed C4 is unadvised, so technicians have been equipped with bomb defusal aparatus a.k.a pliers.


    Anyway, here it is. The big button textured by TheBeerinator and modelled by Poggel :)




    <h3>Website News</h3>

    Various updates and changes are being made to the website almost daily. here are a list of changes and features to come.



    • Site template has been made longer.
    • Acknowledgements page has been added.
    • More staff have been added and staff have been ordered on the page.
    • New news post topbar has been added.

    Things to look forward to:

    • Full unit, structure and weapon lists with images, descriptions and tips for newbies (essentiall tl;dr sections).
    • Downloads database with videos and extra content.
    • Proper about projects page.
    • Updated FAQ.
    • Proper URL

    <h3>Team Notices</h3>

    I have joined the university's recent formed mod club and have been given the position of Lead Art Director on a new UT3 mod that focuses on the main concept of Steampunks vs Sci Fi. Don't worry though, as you guys are always my priority over any other mod work. This should hopefully be another reason to get UT3 other than for RenegadeX ^^


    cfehunter is on coursework :D


    dtrngd has been working flat out and laughing his ass off becase of JOKRBRBGBTELLMEWHRTHEYRSGRBA.


    Chevy787 has lots of school work to do :)


    TheBeerinator has been engaging in some e-drama once again. SrsBsns :)


    <h3>OWA's Random Section</h3>

    For the benefit of those of you who didn;t get what I was on about when writing about dtrngd in "Team Notices", here you go.


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>



    Two year blog in two weeks!

  9. Bah, I could've sworn that Tanya was limited after patching RA2. Ah well, I guess you can't always be right.


    Other than the Yuri unit being in RA2 as a reason for including him, the other reason is basically for a proof of concept. If we can do a Yuri unit on this engine, then we'll see what happens with the rest of his faction.

  10. Just wondering. what will the symbols be in the chat messages? (like con yard symbol, Ore Refinery symbol etc..) :)


    ps: congrats dtrngd you have reached past the 1000 post milestone :D

    We may not use symbols. It is undecided as of yet.


    Will the C4 beep when placed? Just think "Beep... beep... beep..beepbeepbeepBOOM". It'd be awesome.

    It should begin to beep when you trigger the countdown or something similar.

  11. I'm still a little concerned of Yuri. In Red Alert 2, he was meant to be countered with spams of fast moving vehicles that would chase him down, and he can only defend himself by mind controlling one of the many vehicles.


    However, AR will only allow a certain amount of players on each team, so there is no way you can do this. Also, it completely ruins the fun of AR. For example, imagine an Allied player steals an Apocalypse Tank. However, a Flak Track comes and Yuri mind controls the hard earned Apoc and flees with the Flak track. He then camps in the Soviet base until the Allies are forced to destroy the Apoc. Last, Yuri was suppost to be the hero unit of RA2 until he split in Yuri's Revenge, so Boris took his place and made up for the lack of his technology. But having Boris and Yuri for the Soviets in AR, not only is that a very misplaced canonical error, but that makes the Soviets have two heroes vs. the one Tanya.


    To make this into a question, how will Yuri be dealt with?

    You can't really talk about how fun AR is or how balanced it will be until you actually play it. If the Allied Apocalypse Tank doesn't have backup with it then that's tough. Usually the player would have destroyed the flak track before it even got within range of Yuri being effective. If you think mind control is going to be an instant pointlolclickcontrol thing, you are mistaken. If you have two tanks, or even two infantry vs one Yuri, Yuri is going to be at a disadvantage.


    A misplaced canonical error? You don't think that Boris was somewhere in RA2 and that he just magically appeared in YR? We have stated many times that AR takes place at the tail end of RA2, when the Soviets get their new technology such as battle bunkers and siege choppers, but they still have Yuri around.


    Yuri also wasn't a hero unit in RA2. Why? You could build more than one of him. You could only ever build one Tanya in RA2. Yuri Prime was the other Hero unit in RA2, but he required so much hassle to get (playing as soviets, build an allied spy and send him into a soviet battle lab) that it wasn't even worth it in the end.

  12. -How infantry would get into Kirov? Rope-ladder? It will land without units? oO

    -Are non-human creatures (dogs, dolphins, squids,...) still not targeted by Yuri?

    -A little idea for Yuri. He mind controls enemy (enemy player dies, npc created). NPC follows Yuri. Yiri gets into safety and player manualy switches from Yuri to this unit. Thus you can manualy control a spy (for example) playing for Soviets.

    ~Little offtop: any thougths about YR shooter? :D

    -It will land for you to get in.


    -Yeah, however it was in RA2.


    -We'd thought about the NPC thing, but the toggle switch could be a nice touch.


    ~Time will tell.

  13. crazy ivan is in first release?

    idea: to make combat knife more useful, it's hit would make effect, that slowers enemy speed

    Yes, however the knife will probably kill the enemy before that effect has a chance to kick in.


    edit: ivan can get promoted?

    Yes, like every other infantry.


    edit of edit mrrrrh:

    does ivan and/or conscript & flakker models have beard(and eyepatch for ivan)?

    The conscript wears a full-face helmet but the Flak Trooper may have a beard. It all depends on who's face I scan into the game. The eyepatch may make an appearance.

  14. Welcome to this week's blog.


    I've been scrambling around for content this week since last week's media fart. But have no fear, as this blog is not empty!


    <h3>Allied Impact Drill</h3>

    Whether this drill will be able to mess soviet units up is set to go under discussion soon, but one thing is for sure, the drill is definitely going to be repairing allied structures across the AR world once it has been implemented.


    TheBeerinator has completed the texture on this vital piece of kit, modelled by rm5248, and it's looking really rather nice. Check it out below.




    We are also trying to think of a secondary purpose for this weapon, other than repairing things. Our main idea was that it could do a little bit of close range damage, but we'd like your input on this.


    <h3>C4 Explosives</h3>

    The C4 explosive is truly a weapon to be feared, as a single charge can a considerabe amount of damage (applied to the major weakpoint of course). These fearsome explosives are given to only the most elite conventional allied soldiers, the Navy SEAL and Special Agent Tanya.


    We need to balance the C4 into the game before we can confirm how much damage it will do. We may make it destroy a building on one hit, or we may make it damage it to a near-death state. This will also affect the quantities of C4 being carried by each unit. The SEAL will carry less C4 than Tanya though, that's for sure.


    TheBeerinator has textured Poggel's model below. It has turned out nicely too :)





    Beware the random crate of randomness. Travelling over this crate will benefit you in some cases, but hinder you in others. You could be promoted up a level, healed, be given credits or you could be blown up into pieces. I don't recall the bomb crate being in RA2, but it'd be good to introduce into AR because it adds that nice gambling element of whether you should get the crate or not. This factor is one that makes the crate such a nice little addition to the game as a whole. Along with random placement, expect the crate to pop up in many places around the map.


    Here is the model, done by me.



    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I'm getting a new computer in a couple of weeks time. This is going to be a bit of a monster when it comes to specs, but nothing too space-age. I've also been learning Hammer so that I can make HL2 maps for my Games Design project! I've also been drafted into the role of choreographer for our motion capture group, since I was too tall to be the performer :D


    cfehunter is back home after a stint away for a while. He is glad to be home.


    rm5248 is up to his neck in work at the moment as is BogdanV and Chevy who are both back at school.


    Chronojam has been walking the dog a lot as well as sorting out a website APB logo to put on the AR site affiliates page! :)


    <h3>OWA's Random Section</h3>

    This week's challenge is simple.



    Bonus points for finding a second Westwood-related referance.



    Next week, there will be more. But you already knew that so you can stop reading. Thanks.

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