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Posts posted by OWA

  1. How many men have you seen pregnant?

    I doubt Tanya would be running around the field with a baby inside her either >_>

    What? :)


    I'm just wanting a responce for this idea. A way to describe this is those old storybook games where an action occured when you clicked on a certain item on the screen. It's just an Easter egg to add to the humor of AR (also, what was the name of the animated snowman in one of your maps? I'm too lazy to revisit that video).


    Another Easter egg I thought of is having a note taped on the fridge saying "repair the fridge!" as a reference to these forums, and opening the fridge reveals a bunch of sandwiches.

    It's pretty easy to do, but we don't want to share our easter eggs :D Find them yourself when the game is released :)


    I'm just saying. Mabye I'll just repeat that idea when the project is almost done.


    Anyways, what will the weak points be for the Airfield and where will they be?

    Look at the older blogs, since it is mentioned there. But for your benefit they will be the missile racks, and the main controls for the aircraft lifts. Missiles in the basement, controls in the top.

  2. Happy hundredth BenBen :>

    Woot woot! Yay 100th anniversery! AR is getting old :>

    Coke machine is win, as well as the posters in the allied barracks.

    Everything is shaping up!

    Love the ware house, and i love how it is when garraisoned.


    The HQ looks so damn nice aswell, great work there!


    Those barracks internals are awsome!!!


    Lmao at those vids :p


    Another great blog guys, happy 100th blog!

    omg that was an awesome blog ....worth the wait :) and congrats on the website and 100th blog


    Wow 100 blogs. :)


    Grats to the AR team. ^_^


    Epic blog as always BenBen. >:3

    Congrats AR team ^^ :o:o



    Cool warehouse and allied barracks :D

    Happy hundredth!





    love that warehouse


    and cool airforce HQ


    and cool barracks interior

    Excellent stuff as always. Congratulations on your 100th blog!

    That's some sweet texturework, and the arrival of the AR site = epic. Great job guys!

    Congrats on the hundredth blog! And I must say the Airfield looks awesome and so does the warehouse, AR just keeps on getting better and better. I must say the Garrison function should be interesting to see though.



    Thanks guys. It's great to know that we have all your support when developing this game! :)

  3. Sorry to change the subject, but I'm wondering if the GIs are able to stack their sandbags and create guard towers. If so, that would be a bad bug exploit since what I guess what the engine would allow is:


    1. GI deploys

    2. Another GI stands on sandbags and deploys

    3. Another GI jumps the steps and deploys on the top of the uppermost GI's sandbags

    4. Keep repeating step 3

    5. Last GI deploys on top of the tower


    And they might go on to step 6:


    6. Every GI under the top GI undeploys, now you got a floating deployed GI


    Although tanks will easily kill him, I imagine it would be a nightmare for aircraft and infantry only maps, especially aircraft if the process is done with Guardian GIs.

    They can currently do this, but it will be fixed before release. So there will be no more sandbag pyramids.


    when we see next video about units? :)

    When I get round to making one :D


    (couldnt edit previous message, thats why new post)

    l have suggestion: you would make migs buildable for some unofficial server

    That would be up to the server owner. We may setup a player controlled mig and leave it in the editor for you guys or something like that.

  4. This is it friends! The 100th blog milestone! I honestly can't believe that I have been writing these for so long, since it feels like just yesterday when we were at C&C Source and just starting to write these blogs. Thank you all for your support and nice comments. We at the AR team of Bluehell Productions are overjoyed that our project has lasted for this long!


    May 100 more blogs follow after this one!



    Yes ladies and gentlemen! The website is up and running! It is by no means complete yet, but Tankmaster and I will be updating it over the following weeks so that it will eventually be a powerful source of information on all things concerning Apocalypse Rising.



    This week we shall be linking the site to www.apocrising.com for ease of use.


    Notes to the public:


    This site does not display correctly in Internet Explorer's 6 and 7 (It displays correctly in 8). This is due to that fact that Microsoft are incompetant when coding browsers and don't follow certain conventions. Firefox and Opera work fine though, as well as other browsers, including Chrome.


    There is a lot of information missing from the site. But you'll have to bear with me as I update it.


    We will eventually be adding a breakdown of each unit, structure and weapon in the game as well as a downloads database for videos and such, so keep watching this space.


    Special thanks go to drunkill and The_Aces_of_Razgriz who have helped with some of the site graphics. Thanks also to Chronojam who helped me set the site up properly.


    And finally, big thanks to Tankmaster for creating the site from scratch. Great stuff!



    You may have seen the RA2 warehouse that Guy with a wrench released to the public a while back. Well, he has gone and textured it up for us, as well as make garrisonned versions too! We'll look into how this building will be garrisoned and make a up a video for you guys at a later date. For now, enjoy the images!











    Note: a lot of the textures and props aren't final, but are there as placeholders to give you an idea of what it will look like once completed.


    <h3>Air Force Command HQ Update</h3>

    Zion is back from his break and has continued work on the AFCHQ. The internals are nearly complete and looking great. We have been forced to use an elevator in this structure but that will not be the only way to the top of the structure, since there will be ladders to clamber up. This will ensure that there are always multiple routes to the weakpoints of the structure.


    Without further a do. Here is the updated model!




    <h3>Barracks Update</h3>

    dtrngd has been working on improving the allied barracks for you guys to eventually run around in. This includes beginning to model the kitchen as well as add various other props like wall posters and such. I'll let the pictures do the talking.





    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I'm really enjoying university so far. I have been set most of my assignments already, so things are really going to kick off next week. I'll be modelling a living room, making a HL2 singleplayer map using Hammer, making a motion capture video and doing something related to design documents. All good!


    cfehunter is selling me some computer parts. Expect to see a new monster PC appear next month.


    danpaul88 chalked up a new personal best score of 8718 in Tetris Ultra mode!


    Zion makes a shoutout to Andy and Nicole from my college, because he said he would, as well as everyone and anyone else who studys games development at Liverpool Community College. =^_^=



    TheBeerinator got kidnapped by TruYuri and is being held hostage in an embarrassing position.


    BogdanV is going to have less time again due to education.


    Lord_Kane is back! His computer is now working again and he is a happy chap.


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>

    Check out these great videos from Kajetokun, Terry Yum Goong and Zeta Punch.


    I laughed so much when I saw these.


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>


    <h3>Thanks For Reading</h3>

    This has been the 100th Apocalypse Rising blog. Join us in a month for the two year blog anniversary!


    Until next week my friends, farewell.

  5. I can't see anything wrong with multiple maps having radar...after all, the beta's being released at radar tech level, right? :p


    How awesome are terror drones going to be?

    Yup pretty much and terror drones will be awesome.


    IF people started complaining abt GI and conscript imbalance , is it possible to make the allies spawn with a GI that doesnt have sandbag capability, and they would have to buy an identical GI for like 75 creds that has the sandbag ability?

    That wouldn't be true to RA2 in the most basic sense. Although it is logical in some aspects, the downside is that the conscript would be better than this "basic GI", as in RA2 conscripts were better than undeployed GI's.


    I can see the possibility of infantry crouching under the Pillbox's sandbags, under the machine gun's field of fire, being invincible... (I think it's me but I see an allied soldier inside the pillbox, in the stock cameo)



    Will Sentry guns tilt their entire turret up and down on elevation? Will they try to shoot rocketeers? O.o

    Soviet infantry won't be able to get close enough to the pillbox to be able to hide under the field of fire. The pillbox would get them regardless, since it is quite low down in the ground.


    The cameo looks to have a guy in the pillbox, but we changed it to an autoturret because of engine limitations. Also people would get pissed off at the fact that they couldn't kill the pillbox gunner.


    The sentry gun will still be a ground only base defence, but if rocketeers land near it then expect them to fire back.

  6. Still doesn't stop them shooting the ground if the vehicle is on a hill, since you can artificially make the trajectory lower that way. And it also creates blind spots if the rocketeer is so close to the apoc that the super fast missiles cant turn around fast enough to shoot it, but it's below the minimum angle of the barrels.

    Blah, I guess we'll have to test it out a bit then...


    -Kirovs make damage to friendly units/strucktures by bombing/falling over?

    -air force headguarters is count as radar? if so, allied aircraft is limited maps where Soviets also get radar?

    -Only if friendly fire is turned on.

    -Yes, unless it's a special condition objective-based map.

  7. Doors...do we walk into them?


    Oh yea, about the minor weakpoint...if its destroyed, does the object disappear or stay at a 0 hp with the hitbox still there?

    100 must have quite a few goodies :p

    Some doors you can walk through. Walking into them would hurt if you did it all the time. :D


    The minor weakpoint can be repaired again and again until the building is destroyed. The major weakpoint may be a lot tougher and we are debating removing the ability to repair it, otherwise it will just act the same as an MCT in Renegade or APB.


    nice weakpoint, and love that drill keep it going beerinator


    though if you kill a building withing killing the minor weakpoint first will the effects of the minor weakpoint still apply too then? ( in that case of bar limited refills) and if not will you then be able to kill the minor too after the actual building is down?

    The answer is yes. If you lose the building you lose the abilities that the building provides. In this case, regular refils.

  8. Well, today's the first blog written from within my new home, Staffordshire University! It's really rather awesome here, so I'm really rather happy. My flatmates are also really great. There are two guys, one's called Tom and the other is called Leigh, but we call him a Mac because he has one of those aweful white machines.


    Anyway, to the pub blog!


    <h3>Barracks Weakpoint</h3>

    I threw out a thread about this in the internals forums, since you guys already know that we will be using a weapons cache for the barracks' major weakpoint. The minor weakpoint, however, is rather interesting.


    dtrngd summed it up really nicely, so I'll quote him straight.


    Ok I think we got the weakpoints for the Allied Barracks.

    This is a combination of fuse-boxes and OWA's kitchen idea, also allowing us to have Kremlin Fried Chickens in the Soviet Barracks, as well as disabling refilling but not totally. Keep reading.


    Major weakpoint is ammo-stock. Destruction-> Building dies from ammo explosion, people inside die too. Separate hp.

    Minor weakpoint room is in the kitchen/dining room. No, the weakpoint itself can't be a fridge or something similar.

    That is funny as hell. ATTACK THE FRIDGE.

    Not because it's funny, but because it doesn't make sense.


    Just imagine. Tanks are shooting the barracks from outside. And you are repairing a fucking frigde to heal the building xD


    But the frigde does need electricity! If the fuse-box is the weakpoint itself, the fridge's freezing operations are borked and the food gets spoiled. Thus LIMITING and not TOTALLY disabling refills for infantry as a negative effect. Because you can still have a sandwich or a loaf of bread to eat without the fridge/freezer/stove/microwave oven/etc.


    Limiting refills: you are only able to refill every 3-5 mins (something like that). Why? Cuz your kitchen is borked, electricity's gone.


    This also covers the repairing stuff. Repairing the fuse-box to repair the whole building makes more sense than a fridge.

    And once the barracks is gone, well, everything inside is gone, including your beloved kitchen :D


    Remember: the health of the minor weakpoint can't be the same as the building's hp, since that would kill the role of the minor weakpoint. Minor weakpoints are for temporary negative effects. Major weakpoint destruction is permanent (kinda like an MCT, but not quite, since it has a separate hp, as ammo-stocks don't have to do much with the building's hp, but the destruction of this still kills the building.)


    Hope you like that, and it covers everything.


    <h3>Broken Bridges and Other Wonders</h3>

    When inside a building you may encounter doors. BogdanV has modelled and textured some general doors to use on various buildings which is pretty cool. Some of our buildings will have a few locked doors so that the buildings look bigger :)


    Also on the menu from BogdanV are these pillars from a broken bridge. Bridges break and they leave pillars, these pillars.


    The man himself had this to say concerning the cracked pillars.


    Someone wanted a highway ? Well, we're a bit behind schedule (bridge pillars are still in construction) and some damn derka-derkas from Derkaderkistan blew a hole through the pillars and got away with the rubble!


    Look at the size of the crack! And how are we going to find any cement in this fog ?!


    Another thing I had in mind was to make good use of what little physics Mr. Rengay knows. By this I mean utilising rigid bodies for knock-able trees/houses/<anything that isn't squishable> and for destruction anims.


    Although you'd probably have to spend half of your life to write down a cinematic and to make rigid bodies out of the tons of debris that should appear, it would result in a more realistic behaviour because such an object could be blown up anywhere on the map without worrying about chunks of debris hanging in the air after the destruction anim has finished.





    <h3>Impact Drill</h3>

    TheBeerinator has been texturising the Allied Impact drill, as it is near completion. Detailing is pending as you can see, but I think it is really shaping up.


    Expect to see these rigged up with the new fps gunhands as soon as they are all ready. Since I now have access to a motion capture studio, I may be able to persuade the staff to let me record some new walk/run/jump/pose/taunt/shoot/eat pie animations for our infantry. This means that the Tesla Trroper will walk with a heavy stride, whilst the allide techy will bob up and down as he jogs from place to place drilling things (yes I see the inuendo in that comment).




    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I am now settled into university. I'm meeting new people all the time, (as well as a few potential staff members!) I played motion capture charades yesterday which was wierd. Being your own mum is great, since you actually get up on time every day and stuff. It's great!


    Here are a few pictures of my room:


    Pic 1

    Pic 2

    Pic 3


    Poster based on this image.


    And one of me looking like a fool. I love my Nod t-shirt. I saw a guy in a GDI t-shirt and yelled "PEACE THROUGH POWER!". I'm such a C&C geek xD


    It was cfehunter's birthday on sunday. He's now 19! Congratulations my friend, you've aged well!


    danpaul88 was telling me about how rubbish the university internet was and I agreed with him fully until I played a lagless game of APB today before writing this blog. It was at 4 am though, so I guess it's off-peak or something.


    <h3>OWA's Random Section</h3>

    Mr Hitler thought old England was done, so he celebrated early by singing the Jefferson's Theme to a crowd of avid fans.


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>


    <h3>Next week...</h3>

    You'll get a treat!

  9. on that subject, to quote myself:

    I just don't see an expensive MRJ being worth it, thats all.

    This is also a cool idea, but we'll see how it plays out, since the spy is a way off yet.


    -early of this year l asked how "ready" AR was (30%). how ready it is now for 1st release?

    -hopefully tesla tank doesnt have minimum range like in APB?

    -does kirov have shadow to bomb more accurately?

    -any soviet counters vs tanyas and seals? (no mines...)(later yuri?)

    -which are better vs infantry: apocalypse's cannons or rockets?

    -splash damage for desolator?


    btw where previous faq disappeared?

    - Once we get the buildings, infantry and weapons done, we should be somewhere near. On the new website bar there will be a progress page, so you can check back on how we are doing.


    -Unless you want the lighting bolt clipping through the model, that'll be how it's going to play out, just remember that the IFV is a ton faster than the APB Tesla Tank.


    -It should do, yeah. We may put a line on the top of the kirov, so you can see what point the bombs are dropped from.


    -Crazy Ivan can counter the SEAL at close range, then the Soviets have Boris to bolster their ranks. On infantry only maps, the Desolator will be very handy to have.


    -Cannons, since you can't hit infantry with the rockets. This is not the case with rocketeers though.


    -I'll get back to you on that one.


    Ask cfehunter where the previous FAQ went :D

  10. I know just how you feel, although they said in the previous blog that they do take every suggestion into consideration. Mostly you just don't hear responces from people becase they're not interested. Like how they are not interested in an elaborate refinery with glowing red hot smelted ore and metal working mashinery.


    But I bet they would add the flag if they can get the right animations, which is extreamly hard to do for flags.


    (And as to my refinery suggestion, you don't have to change the floor plan, mabye just make the basement actually a catwalk with the ore prossesing mashinery outside of the rails. Also as to describe what I mean with my imagry, think of the Genosis robot factory in Star Wars episode II)

    It's not that we aren't interested, it's just that we are good at missing suggestions that are posted up on the blog when browsing.


    The flag was kind of obvious since it was there in RA2 and everything.


    You have seen the interior for the refinery in the previous blogs right? Since we have two open furnaces inthe top level and this blog we posted the basement level, so what you are requesting has basically been preplanned and is now going into action.


    If it's obvious, I either miss it or leave it since it's, well, obvious. :)


    However, if you have a burning question, use the FAQ, since all the questions put in there are answered 100%.

    Lol, nice blog


    Taco car, NX enterprise, SG bear inf, etc. are nice things to put in with the extras code :D

    Probably only the Taco car will make it, since I'm not part of any of the other clans and I recieved the model as a donation. :)

  11. Tough but not impossible. In APB, phasetank thefts happen.

    Very true. I forsee the IFV being used as a SEAL taxi.


    This question is kinda out of nowhere, but are the Renegade fnkqrrm extras going to still be there, just for laughs?

    If w can add extra purchase menus, sure!


    If they are put in on a purchase menu, they won't be allowed on the official server though.

  12. Welcome to this week's blog. this will be the last blog that I will type from home in a while, since next week I shall be in university!


    I honestly can't wait! Anyway, to the business end of the blog.


    <h3>Crazy Ivan IFV</h3>

    So, in my special IFV turret designing, I came to making up the Crazy Ivan IFV. I came up with this, a compressed-air piston cannon that fires out dynamite.


    There will also be a secondary ability to detonate all of the lovely dynamite in the back of the turret for some decent damage.




    Primary Fire: Bomb Chucka

    Secondary Fire: Kaboom


    Here is the model that I have made for this wierd and wacky combination of IFV.




    <h3>Allied Barracks Interior</h3>

    dtrngd was eager to get away from mapping for a while, so I sent him a little project to work on, the Allied Barracks interior. Since we decided that MCT's were evil, we have put more focus into building weakpoints as a nice alternative. One of the confirmed weakpoints for the allied barracks is a weapons cache that will take the whole building with it when it is destroyed.


    Since allied soldiers live in the allied barracks, dtrngd has made a significantly large underground area to compensate. This will make for excellent gameplay in infantry only maps, since their are more routes to the lower levels. Here at AR, we dont; like choke points, so expect this multi-route theme to be carried out throughout most, if not all, of our structures.


    Opposite the room where the major weakpoint is located, is an office from where Tanya can be requisitioned. This will obviously not happen in the first release, but when Tanya is included into the game, this is where you will go to call upon her combat expertise. There will be a similar area in the soviet barracks so that boris may be called upon).


    Anyway, enough talking, check out these images to see what I mean.



    If you have any ideas, do not hesitate to post them!


    <h3>Soviet Refinery Interior</h3>

    Since the Soviet Refinery had a lack of internals, I drew up some quick concept art for a basement level and sent it over to Ric so he could model it up. The basement level is going to be a bit like the strut E heliport area in Metal Gear Solid 2, as there are a some conveyer belts running with crates and whatnot piled up.


    There will also be walkways to cross over the conveyer belts to the major weakpoint of the refinery, the furnace and processing controller/regulator.


    Here is my quick concept drawing:



    And a render of Ric's model so far:



    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I'm off to university on sunday! I honestly can't wait!


    It is also cfehunter's birthday on Sunday! He'll be 19!


    chevy787 is back at school. Where did the summertime go? I know that, here in britain, we never got a summer because of the rain! :)


    r34ch is also off to university as well. Good luck man!


    Kane000 is off to college too! I didn't forget, honest!


    <h3>OWA's Random Section</h3>

    Being the day that it is, I had to post this :) :




    Also! Make chocolate cake in 5 minutes with this clever recipe. (I'm not endorsing it in any way because I haven't tested it yet :D)


    Find the recipe here!


    <h3>Wait a minute!</h3>

    There is something very special coming for blog 100. Stay tuned! See you next time!

  13. I don't think the technician should do anything to an IFV. Make him the only character that doesn't transform the IFV. Or perhaps, allow it the ability to slowly regenerate the IFV's health. That way the normal default version of the IFV wont be totally eclipsed by all the better versions and people would still consider using it (even over the guardian IFV).


    This way people can choose:

    Do I want a powerful rocket launcher or a normal rocket launcher that I can heal my own damage in?

    Did you consider the fact that the GGI IFV is only better at taking down vehicles and aircraft? The basic IFV is still better at taking out buildings and infantry. Check Yuri's Revenge, since it's true.

  14. I do like the idea of a Radar Jammer IFV, but I think it should have longer range than the Tesla Tank or the Radar Jammer in APB since the Spy+IFV combo cannot defend itself. I think this'll be balanced out.

    It can flick back to the normal rocket IFV at the push of a button.


    "Dogs cant go into IFVs"


    Lies, they can in RA3. :p


    anyway, great blog. Perhaps the techy in a IFV can repair structures only and not vehicles?

    They still can't drive :D


    But in RA2 (not sure about YR, but I think it was the same) a dog in an IFV gave you an IFV with the ability to detect spies.

    I don't remember this ever happening. Dogs still can't drive too :)

  15. Welcome to this week's blog. You have been marked for termination by opening this page. My associate, Sam the Tortoise, will be at your door shortly. :)


    <h3>IFV Modes</h3>

    So, in the quest to expand beyond the source material, the team and I have come up with this pretty nice feature.


    Instead of the generic "special" IFV turret. We will be offering infantry specific turret models and possibly some new funtions.


    Some of these turrets include the Tesla Turret, the Flak Trooper Turret and the Guardian GI Turret (all of which used the "special" turret model in RA2).


    Take a look at these below.




    Here is a revised list of IFV combinations. Please feel free to discuss and suggest improvements.


    IFV + Conscript/GI = Machine Gun IFV

    IFV + SEAL/Chrono Commando = Advanced Machine Gun IFV

    IFV + Rocketeer = Whirlwind IFV (The Whirlwind is my current dev name for the Rocketeer's RPG weapon).

    IFV + GGI = Advanced Rocket IFV

    IFV + Techy = (Suggestions Please)

    IFV + Engineer = Repair IFV (also repairs structures)

    IFV + Tesla Trooper = Tesla IFV

    IFV + Flak Trooper = Flak Cannon IFV

    IFV + Dog = Nothing, dogs can't drive.

    IFV + Ivan/ChronoIvan = Instead of the demo truck function, we thought that we'd give Ivan a big cannon for firing his explosives from. Please let us know what you think.


    IFV + Sniper = Sniper IFV

    IFV + Terrorist = Demo Truck IFV

    IFV + Desolator = Radiation IFV


    IFV + Cosmonaut = Laser IFV


    IFV + Yuri/Psy Commando = Mindblast IFV

    IFV + Spy = Instead of the generic Machinegun IFV we were thinking of maybe having a Radar Jammer IFV instead. Please let us know what you think.

    IFV + CLEG = Chronogun IFV

    IFV + Tanya/Boris = You know what to expect.


    IFV + President Dugan = The ultimate weapon.


    This should add a nice bit of flair to the game as each infantry unit (exluding dogs) will find that they are gifted with custom IFV graphics. A good bit of detail in my opinion.



    Guy with a wrench has updated his gate model by texturing it! the textures are applied to it, but it is now gone into UVW unwrapping, which will ensure that everything lines up nicely. Check out these images below!





    Also, a couple of animation videos have been concieved using the gate. The animation is really rather nice and fits the cartoony world of RA2 pretty well in my opinion. Watch for the motor shaking as the gate raises. I really love that little feature.


    <div align="center">>>Videos Here<<</div>


    <h3>Level Editor</h3>

    danpaul88 has released the AR level editor to the staff to play around with. As with most w3d Level edit builds these days, it updates automatically depending on what version of AR you have running, which is pretty neat.


    This tool is fairly useless without AR, so you are going to have to wait for the mod to be released before it can be given out. But yes! We are thinking about you map making people out there, so don't fret!


    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I'm off to uni in just over a week. I can't wait to get there since it's going to be simply awesome!


    cfehunter is getting his hands on Spore in the next few days. I thought he had it already but he reassured me that it was still in the post.


    dtrngd has been mapping and playing with the vehicle physics after I had a little play around with a few things concerning them.


    danpaul88 has been filling us in on how the AR version of level edit works. Cheers!


    Chevy787 is back at school.


    TheBeerinator has been attacked with work from all sides.


    Ric has been modelling the GI's main weapon (small SMG thing).


    <h3>OWA's Random Section</h3>

    GameCon Radio regular, DJBloodmoss shows us how it's done as he uses this monsterous underground drill in this australian gold mine. Good show!


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>


    Also, if you have the RA3 beta, enter CnCRules' King of the Hill Tournament, it should be fun with enough people :D


    <h3>That's all folks!</h3>


    That's it! I'm all out of tricks!

  16. Going with the topic of spys, do you think we should break away form RA2lism again and make them have a useful role in an IFV?


    I thought, while in an IFV, he could do two things when the IFV was near the enemy's base: eather be able to listen to PMs or jam Soviet messages entirely, both doing devestating effects to Soviet communcations.


    Of course it is obvious to see a Spy IFV in the Soviet team list, but then again spies are also obvious in APB so they still do a similar task. Their presence limits Soviet communication to PMs so that planning takes longer.

    (Speaking of IFVs, will the Tesla Trooper IFV be as awsome as in Red Alert 2?)

    Or like a Radar Jammer IFV. That could certainly work.


    Watch the blog today for info regarding the Tesla IFV.

  17. How will spying done and balanced?


    Will you have a "weapon" that when targeted on a specific soldier and fired, would transform you to that soldier?


    I think you should be able to disguise as a friendly unit as well. What would be better than getting the Soviets chasing a fake Tanya around the map while the real one blows up the War Factory? (or get pwned when you realize disguising as Boris wasn't such a smart idea)


    As for the balancing, well, RA2 spies could turn the tide of a battle EASY.

    Chrono Commandos, veteran tanks, infantry, money stealing, all of them the sort of things you just didn't want the Allies to have.


    Will AR require spies get to specific points in the building and/or do things to the building (similar to Covert Ops and their hacking tool in ET: Quake Wars), or will it be like APB, where effects happen upon entering the building?

    Also, will it be possible for us to obtain the vaunted Yuri Prime, with his glorious aircraft-carrier range mind control? (In RA2, it was infiltrate the Allied and Soviet B-Labs)

    Lastly, this is likely to be impossible, but could you do something Quake War-ish with the spies? As in the spy adopting the player's name (not in the player listing though) and being perfectly identifiable as a friendly by the Soviets (name is red when looked at close), until the spy fires his sidearm or w/e.


    At that point, the name would turn to the original player's, class name would be "Spy" and name color would be blue.

    (an aside from this question- I forsee epic desolator spam)

    The spy will work a bit like the APB spy in terms of covertly switching teams, however, he will be equipped with a make-up box or coathanger weapon, with a mighty range, so that he can target enemies and disguise himself. Another possiblility is that he could use this weapon to switch through all of his possible disguises.


    There will be a node in each building which the spy must access to reap the benefits.


    You'll be able to obtain the hidden units, however Yuri Prime may have to be added as a Secret Lab unit instead of a spy-obtainable unit.

    I love the idea of catwalks/similar roof access on buildings. The only problem there is I doubt it would help vs a desolator, mainly because radiation doesn't just exist in the ground. While RAism might seem to suggest that, remember paratroopers take damage from radiation on the way down :p


    By having a range nerf on desolator (compared to epic range in RA2) I'm pretty sure that can be balanced easily. As for splash damage...Radiation gun capable of irradiating whore square miles of land, or penetrate any enemy armour and fry their brain, not to mention even mess up tanks a fair bit...


    Radiation gun.


    Splash damage through buildings in this case is one of few cases where I'd actually agree with it :p (if it gets splash damage ofc, though i think it should be handled like d a small scale version of it's deploy function, but meh)

    We may have to limit the range of the desolator's radiation deployment, to make it feasible for other units to attack him.To prevent team hampering, we might have to make it so that the deo gets a special type of radiation that doesn't hurt friendlies. We can;t really answer these questions confidently until it has been tested out properly for balance.


    The paratroopers taking rad damage whilst still in the air was an engine bug.


    Also, it would be helpful if can be made so that no one spawns on a building level with a deployed desolator (that is, if they stick with the RA2listic ground radiation only).


    Another question I have is how are they going to make the conscrips and GIs balanced? They were made in RA2 not to be balanced but to fight 2v1.

    Tanya was never supposed to be able to be killed by a single rifle soldier, but you see it happening in APB. Since the element of player skill now plays a part in aiming, these two characters classes should balance each other out. The Conscript's main weapon is better in range and damage than the GI's primary weapon, but the GI's secondary weapon is superior to both of them, the disadvantage being that the GI has to be stationary to use it (although we are allowing limited movement in the sandbags).

  18. Actually, cel-shading can be done as part of the game. I think i remember OWA or some other AR staff saying that it would be some kind of special shaders used to pull it off, similar to the refraction effects in APB.

    It's not true cel shading, but more of a TF2-style lighting shader as stated.


    It's not similar to the refraction effects at all, apart from the creator.


    I'll answer the questions, you can go back to moderating since that is your job.

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