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Posts posted by OWA

  1. I'm still a little confused about what I saw in that video.


    Is the missile launcher the default that can be switched on and off between whatever the infantry unit inside is?


    So if I entered with a GI, I could freely switch between the missile pods and a machine gun?

    Yes, 10 seconds between turret change.

  2. Welcome to this week's blog. This is kinda rushed since I've spent nearly a whole day on coursework today :)


    <h3>Ore Extractor: Textured!</h3>

    The ore extractor is usually seen extracting ore from the ground in the middle of rich ore fields. The drill activates every 45 seconds with a claxon to warn any passers by. No doubt you have seen this in action in the videos. Next time you see it ingame, it'll look like this.




    <h3>Flak Track: WIP Texture</h3>

    The Beerinator has moved into the Flak Track from the V3 launcher. This anti infantry/air death machine is the workhorse of the soviet military. Uncharacteristically fast and lightly armoured, it speeds into battle carrying five infantry units or two terror drones. Flak them down comrades, for the union!


    (Now with new camo patterns!)




    <h3>The IFV</h3>

    I asked danpaul88 for a description on how the IFV works, but he did us all one better and made a video illustrating the script in action in it's current state. Check out the video below!



    <h3>Soviet Vehicles: Updated Camoflage</h3>

    So, our camoflage has been normalised by cfehunter and TheBeerinator. This means the soviet vehicles will roll into battle in a colour coordinated manner. Which is cool.


    <h4>Rhino Tank</h4>



    <h4>V3 Launcher, now de-giraffarigged!</h4>



    <h3>Dune Patrol: Now With Bases!</h3>

    I gave dtrngd a load of untextured assets to see what he could do with them, so he shoved them ingame and we get the first glance at what an AR base will look like geometry-wise. Pretty cool eh?




    Testers will be getting their hands on this in the coming weeks to test it hard. :)


    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    Coursework :)


    I'm free from it a week on friday :)


    Next blog, I'll have my devised drama exam piece uploaded somewhere so that you guys can watch me make a fool out of myself and hopefully scare you a little as I act out my psychopathic role :D


    cfehunter had a week off college last week because they were moving the entire network to a new building at his college.


    Welcome dtrngd back from Austria! He's been away, but he does so much AR work you would never have known ^^


    <h3>OWA's Community Support Gelnika</h3>


    Let's not crash in the sea this time mmmk?


    Nothing seems to be happeneing as things stop for exams/coursework. Oh well, you get a nice picture of Piccolo for your trouble.




    <h3>Project Of the Week</h3>


    This week's coveted project is Trackmania Nations Forever!


    A free game in the truest sense of the word, TrackMania Nations Forever lets you drive at mind-blowing speeds on fun and spectacular tracks in solo and multiplayer modes. Nations Forever will offer a new "Forever" version of the Stadium environment, a solid solo mode and 65 brand new, progressively difficult tracks. TrackMania Nations Forever will unite an even larger number of players than the original Nations thanks to its engaging multiplayer modes, innovative online functions and revolutionary interactivity between players.


    TrackMania Nations Forever will offer a new "Forever" version of the Stadium environment, a solid solo mode and 65 brand new, progressively difficult tracks. TrackMania Nations Forever will unite an even larger number of players thanks to its engaging multiplayer modes, innovative online functions and revolutionary interactivity between players.


    For TrackMania Nations Forever, Nadeo studio chose to take advantage of the PC's capacities as a gaming, creative and communications platform in order to allow a greater number of players to share a unique gaming experience.


    This game is truly rather epic. Nations Forever is the new, updated version of the original Nations game and guess what? It was released today/yesterday depending on your timezone!


    Visit the homepage for a download link here!



    I relied on pictures waaay too much this time. But that's what you guys want eh?


    Now scat! >:3

  3. I dont see any of this as being an issue.


    OWA, that seems like an excuse, and danpaul88, I dont think that is true.


    GI costed 200, Conscript costed 100, you have demonstrated your scripts abilities, and I dont see why you cannot just fit an override for these two free chaps.


    *GI was superior, but remember, to even get to a veteran, going by this system, would have to kill 6 Conscripts without death or class change. The fact that the GI requires a possibly (hopefully) slightly time consuming deploy be effective would (again, hopefully) handicap his overpoweredness.


    *Conscript, however, costing less, was easier to promote. Kill 2 GIs, and you got a promotion. Kill another, congrats- you are elite! The fact that the Conscript had no need to deploy to fight effectively, but died easy combined with easier veterancy would even out the GI very much...


    You could argue that the contrasts between the sides could be abused and make the game unfair for one side, but that more than likely means one side is not thinking enough.


    If two units (spare the "they are starting units stuff" also) is the excuse to not follow RA2 in this issue, then so be it, it is your game. Part of making a recreation of a game, be it cross-genre or not, is trying to be close to the source material as possible, while navigating through the issues that would presented by doing this. This just seems like the easy way out, imo.

    AR isn't an RTS. If we were making a RA2 RTS conversion then yeah, every detail would apply. But as this is an FPS environment, we have to take in some consideration to balancing.


    Our aim has always been to make the Conscript and the GI the basic spawn characters (although I think that spawning as technicians would be our only real alternative). Although your point about the veterancy is a very valid one, as the conscript doesn't have the benefits of sandbags and a heavy machine gun. We'll see how it turns out in testing. If the GI trumps the Conscript too much, we'll lower the promotion requirements for the Conscript.


    It's all about tweaking the game to make it playable in the FPS perspective as well as resonating some good vibes from the source material and we hope to make a compromise with this issue, if we can.


    Finally, an unrelated thing that I forgot to mention earlier. I found a pack of RA2 idle sounds that were hosted somewhere which have come in extremely handy. I'll make sure to add you into the credits list, EVA-251 :D

  4. a fine blog, but why the complicated veterancy stuff?


    RA2 did it fine with VeteranFactor=3.0


    A conscript had to kill 300 credits worth of enemies to be promoted 1 level in veterancy. A GI had to kill 600 credits worth of enemies to be promoted 1 level.


    Shouldn't you guys have rules.ini open when making this? I know I would. :S

    Since Conscripts and GIs are both free in AR, the Conscript loses it's edge of having two of them to every one GI bought.

  5. Installing excessive amounts of codecs can slow WMP down, and cause it to become unstable. Hence why I only install the commonly used ones, which are DivX, Xvid and AC3Filter.

    Well the video is encoded using ffdshow and it is of the mpeg format.


    @r34ch and Harble, the track is called Black Wing Metamorphosis and is a remix of the track 'One Winged Angel' from Final Fantasy 7. It is on the fourth disc of the 'Voices of the Lifestream' OC remix album.

  6. Welcome to the AR blog, brought to you today by Bluehell Productions: This is why we can have nice things :)


    <h3>Alpha 4 Patch 1 Video</h3>

    I got home from college today and decided to make a video for you guys :) It came out at a whopping 23 mins so there's coverage for you. It is now available for download!



    <h3>Veterancy Scripts</h3>

    danpaul88 has been on fire this week as he has optimised the veterancy code as well as playing with the IFV scripts (more on that below).


    Here are the changes that have basically been made to the veterancy code, straight from the coder himself:

    I have finally got around to finishing up the final touches on version 2 of the Veterancy scripts. The new scripts include the following changes from the original scripts;

    • No support for any instant health / armour regeneration on promotion
    • Different parameters for skin and armour types on promotion (previously it applied the same new shield type to both skin and shield types)
    • Infantry now gain a new shield type on promotion instead of increased maximum health / armour
    • There is now only a single script to enable veterancy that works on all units, AI or Player. This means the veterancy system is also no longer tied into the AR unit scripts, and could be used in other mods if they wished to use our system
    • Promotions for all unit types use the same functions so the code is easier to maintain and update
    • Extra features like health regeneration for Veteran and Elite units is handled in external scripts and can listen for a special Custom which is sent on promotion events.

    Following on from this I want to draw up some new points values and promotion requirements for units, since the existing ones were pretty much randomly picked off the top of my head as I was creating presets without really checking the values of other units around them.

    I am thinking something like this;

    Infantry: Value between 1 and 8, veteran promotion requirements about 10-22, elite requirements about 30-50

    Vehicles: Value between 10 and 20, veteran promotion requirements about 20-44, elite requirements about 50-80

    Buildings: Value between 15 and 30

    Unit specific values based on the above general ranges would look something like;


    Format: Unit : Points Value : Veteran Points Required : Elite Points Required

    • Allied GI : 3 : 14 : 32
    • Soviet Conscript : 3 : 14 : 32
    • Allied SEAL : 5 : 18 : 38
    • Soviet Tesla Trooper : 6 : 20 : 40
    • Allied Rocketeer : 5 : 16 : 36
    • Soviet Flak Track : 12 : 20 : 46
    • Allied IFV : 10 : 24 : 58
    • Soviet V3 Launcher : 10 : 24 : 50
    • Soviet Rhino Tank : 16 : 32 : 66
    • Allied Grizzly Tank : 16 : 32 : 66
    • Allied Mirage Tank : 17 : 34 : 70
    • Soviet Apocalypse Tank : 20 : 44 : 80
    • Allied Chronominer : 12 : 0 : 0 *
    • Soviet War Miner : 14 : 24 : 50

    NB: Buildings not included yet


    * Chronominer cannot be promoted


    Here is what the script variables look like in level edit. These scripts could be potentially used in any mod when they are released.




    Here are a couple of screenshots of the scripts in action. We are also going to add a keybind which allows you to check your veterancy at any time you want. See it in action below.


    (Take a look at the guys going down the hill on the top right picture. Boogie down that hill yo!)[/cravendale]






    Here is the IFV in all it's unwrap-applied, disco disco glory! As you can see below, danpaul88 has been working on the scripts and has gotten the IFV to change models when a differant infantry unit enters. In the screenshots below you will see that the IFV has "transformed" into a Rhino tank because a certain infantry unit has entered. We will be implementing out cool scheme of cooldown times and such for the turret changes which will be demonstrated in a later blog.






    That's right folks, the new Apocalypse Rising competition has begun! The aim is to make a game icon for Apocalypse Rising.


    All the details and rules can be found in this thread!


    Remember, the closing date for this is April the 30th, so you have just over 20 days left!


    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I'm back at college for six weeks now. :D But hey, after those weeks are over I don't have to go back there for any more lessons a.k.a I will have finished!


    cfehunter hasn't been to college because they had to move an entire network of computers into a new building in the tech college.


    danpaul88 has been working on the mod like a worker ant on steroids for the past week or so. Go Dan go!


    BogdanV posted up a staff tutorial on how to rig using fake worldboxes. Yay!


    TruYuri has been learning how to rig using fake worldboxes. Double yay!


    As a result of this, trees now cast proper shadows. Triple yay!


    Lord_Kane used his Monolith to buy me enough time to destory the Space Marines with my hellhounds. Epic match. But LK sacrificed himself to buy me the time :)


    <h3>OWA's Community Kidnap Helicopter</h3>


    Stealing pretty girls since 1996.


    Well I didn't get anything from anyone so you get a picture of Cheggers himself.


    I'll be recording my lines for the FF7 radioplay later in the week. Providing that Deadpikle and Lord_Kane are still up for it, I have one more role left. I can confirm that TagDaze will be playing Cloud and I will be playing Barret. :)


    <h3>Project of the Week</h3>

    Project of the week this week is the Armageddon Steel Legion mod for Warhammer 40k Dawn of War: Dark Crusade.


    This mod introduces the Imperial Guard regiment of armageddon known as the Steel Legion into the fray.


    Notable Features:


    - Diverse new race including over 30 units and 9 buildings.

    - All units are army paintable.

    - Many upgrades for units.

    - Most units have a random displayed look.

    - New scale for tank units, to be more equal to tabletop.

    - Extended AI that let's you play against steel legion.


    New Features specific to DC:


    - Pick between 2 unique doctrines Mechanised Infantry and Armoured Company from the HQ building.

    - New tanks.

    - New upgrades

    - New FX, new fixes, Sounds, etc.




    - Original Dawn of War : Dark Crusade game made by Relic and distributed by THQ.

    - Dark Crusade patch 1.2.


    This is a great mod and I advise anyone who had Dark Crusade to try it out. It has tanks that make C&C's Mammoth Tank look like a plastic army toy. (I think I now know where EA got their inspiration for the MARV from.)


    <h3>Take care now!</h3>

    Ya'll come back now y'hear!?

  7. That's a nice idea, but how does ren take cel-shading? I mean even if it works, don't we have to script it in again? Would take a lot of resources ingame, wouldn't it? I wouldn't mind that of course, if you can make it I'm all for it.

    If it's not doable via 3dsmax materials, it's doable via textures. This will have no affect on FPS as it will not use any graphics scripts.

  8. Fucking HELL, OWA! I told you that AR should be cel-shaded. Now you've done gone and TEASED us with cel-shaded RENDERS followed by less-than-awesome in-game TEXTURED SCREENSHOTS.


    Fucking OWA!!!!!! :D:) :)

    Haha Steppo. I'm kinda thinking of putting forward the option of having two differant clients that will work with each other. One with the cel shaded textures, one without. So people could choose what they wanted.

  9. Welcome to this week's blog. This blurb serves as an introductary section to break you all in nicely. Broken in now? Ok, let's get on with the updates!


    <h3>Soviet Conscript WIP</h3>

    The Soviet Union and their affiliated states perfered to use conscripted soldiers to comprise the bulk for their military. As a light infantry unit, Conscripts are armed with PPSH41 submachine guns, and while ineffective in small numbers they can, in swarms, engage medium units and defenses with ease.


    As their name suggests, these infantrymen consist of drafted personnel. Although less skilled than their Allied counterparts, Conscripts are cheap to train and deploy. One typical tactic that is employed by the Soviet Union is to make use of the Cloning Vats to create large numbers of Conscript infantry to overwhelm the enemy through numbers.


    This was modelled by me! Enjoy! (Notice the new render background from Soviet Deso)




    <h3>MP5 Sub-Machine Gun</h3>

    Ric has been working on getting the MP5 ready for unwrapping. The model is just about done now, minus a couple of minor details. Check it out! 9This is the SEAL's main weapon.




    <h3>Cel Shaded Stuff</h3>

    I'm really getting into rendering things using this method at the moment. Check out the latest stuff that I have rendered in this comic book style!



    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    Cake Stall Tomorrow! :)


    I have discontinued working on C&C Reborn. I wish them the best of luck for their future releases! (The Reborn mod I am making on my own will continue in development though.) I also finished Kane's Wrath and have now started on Dawn of War: Soulstorm :)


    cfehunter and Ross played RA2 with me and it was epic. My naval base was taken down too quickly by cfe's boomers though. :D I got him back when he lost all his buildings in the next match though :) Good games!


    <h3>OWA's Community Müller Corner</h3>



    srowell3 has released a bunch of cool RAlism addons for APB. get them here.


    Other than that......


    .....I am Duffman!


    <h3>Project of the Week</h3>

    Project of the week is the flying toilet mod!


    This is a fun little mod by Viperxp23 for C&C Renegade which spawns a flying toilet when you buy something using the Nod Airstrip.


    Get it here.


    Have fun with thie classic mod!



    Next week we shall have more cool stuff. See you then!


    Seriously, you can stop reading now.

  10. Welcome to this weeks blog, I have some special treats for you this week, so I had to make this a little later than usual. Sorry European people :D


    <h3>Cel Shading</h3>

    So as a little bit of fun, I decided to have a go at cel shaded renders, with awesome amounts of success! I shaded up the Fort Bradley map and stuck a load of cool units on it. I also shaded up some random things like base defences and a select few units. AR won't look like this ingame, but it's a nice little bit of fun to have with the units, seeing as RA2 is like a cartoon. Hey, that's given me an idea. I could make a comic strip out of it :)








    <h3>Armour.ini changes</h3>

    danpaul88 has been re-hashing armour.ini to mainly get rid of the Renegade values, but also to help with the new naming conventions and veterany scripts. Take a look at the shiny new changes below!


    <h4>Special warheads</h4>




    Blamokiller (do we need this?)







    <h4>Primary Warheads</h4>


    Used By: Rhino / Grizzly / Apoc

    Strong Vs: None

    Normal Vs: Buildings / Vehicles / Infantry / Air Units

    Weak Vs: None



    Used By: GGI / IFV (normal) / IFV (GGI)

    Strong Vs: Air Units / Infantry

    Normal Vs: Vehicles

    Weak Vs: Buildings



    Used By: V3

    Strong Vs: Buildings / Vehicles / Infantry / Air Units

    Normal Vs: None

    Weak Vs: None



    Used By: Flak Trooper / Flak Cannon

    Strong Vs: Air Units / Infantry

    Normal Vs: Vehicles

    Weak Vs: Buildings



    Used By: GI / Conscript / SEAL / IFV (GI)

    Strong Vs: Infantry

    Normal Vs: Air Units

    Weak Vs: Buildings / Vehicles



    Used By: Rocketeer / Pillbox

    Strong Vs: Infantry

    Normal Vs: Air Units / Vehicles / Buildings

    Weak Vs: None



    Used By: Mirage Tank

    Strong Vs: Infantry

    Normal Vs: Air Units / Vehicles / Buildings

    Weak Vs: None



    Used By: Tesla Coil / Tesla Trooper

    Strong Vs: Infantry / Vehicles

    Normal Vs: Air Units / Buildings

    Weak Vs: None



    Used By: Prism Tower / Prism Tank

    Strong Vs: Infantry / Vehicles

    Normal Vs: Air Units / Buildings

    Weak Vs: None


    More changes to come and these are by no means final.


    <h3>Dune Patrol</h3>

    dtrngd has been working on Dune Patrol along with TheBeerinator. The new sand and cliff textures are really making this map stand out from the rest, graphically, right now. Here are a few screenshots showing the work that has been done.







    <h3>New Testers</h3>

    If you don't know, we have been hiring and firing testers. Chronojam has posted up the additions and removals in this thread. Congratulations to the new testers (*cracks whip*) and commiserations to those who didn't make it.


    Here are a few screenshots of four of the new testers breaking their Apocalypse Rising virginity. (Pics courtesy of Deadpikle)



    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I've had a really lazy week so far, since I have this week and next week off. Mammutpanzer will be visiting me tommorrow as he is in the country and mobile via the train.


    cfehunter has Kane's Wrath. He got no RA3 beta key with it though. Nor a disc or a case....


    Lord_Kane and I will be doing a podcast soon. Watch out for it.


    Chevy unwrapped the ore extractor.


    Ryo Hazuki a.K.a Chris, broke his arm. Get well soon man!


    <h3>OWA's Community Support Mr Rogers</h3>



    [FW]Wolf informed me to say that Battle For Dune has just released it's 17th update. This mod is looking like it may be the last Renegade total conversion to rise from the ashes before the community really strains for talent. Good luck to those chaps! Visit their site at http://www.battlefordune.co.uk !


    srowell3 also messaged me today to say that his APB RAlism mod, Red vs Blue, is doing really well with a whole bunch of new skin replacements and other little extras! Check out the mini mod at http://www.cnclegends.co.uk ! Screenshots can be found here!


    Both .co.uk links so go british modders! Up the blighty!


    <h3>Project of the Week</h3>

    This weeks project of the week is the RAlism pack compiled by srowell3 :)


    <h4>This pack Includes</h4>

    Command Icons

    Classic Recolours

    New Sounds

    New Launcher

    Audio Command Fix


    <h4>To Install</h4>

    Every improvement is in a seperate folder. The location in brackets is where the new files should be put.

    If it asks you to replace a file you may wish to back up the file before you write over the top of it.


    <h4>To Uninstall</h4>

    Every improvement is in a seperate folder. The location in brackets is where the files should be. To remove

    changes from the game simply delete the files.




    Kicken and V0LK0V made the service depots and vehicle recolours. Some may have been subtley changed

    by me. But please remember that they recoloured them in the first place and I am not trying to rip off their work as my own.


    The emoticons when using a command were around the forums a while ago. (originally from C&C Renegade)


    The new launcher I did modify myself (new background buttons and sounds). The sounds I found and put into the game.


    The menu music was a preview from the 'Tiberian Dawn' mod. Sorry guys if any of you play apb...


    Here are some screenshots.







    You can get it here.


    <h3>As Apoc always says...</h3>


    Every day is community day ^_^

  11. Hmm...perhaps someone'll post an in-game :p You know OWA, when RA2's installation screens, there are "technical details" of the Grizzly, Tank Destroyer, Prism, Rhino, Mirage, Kirov (lol), Typhoon, AmpTrans (wtf?), V3, Drone and others...not using them as a concept? :p

    Those are damn good referances. Wait til you see our installer in full :D

  12. Hi, this is the blog. However this text is distracting you again. Seriously why do you read this bit? :)


    Coolstuff below!


    <h3>New Screenshots</h3>

    To kick off, the big news this week is that thanks to danpaul88, the Rhino Tank is now ingame along with the V3 Rocket Launcher rigged by nameme. I consider this to be a big milestone in the development of the mod, because now we can begin to balance the vehicles whilst other stuff is being worked upon. Now that we have a decent amount of vehicle ingame, focus will be shifted onto the buildings since our maps are desperately in need of them. Since we now have a decent amount of maps to roll around we can show off just about all of the camos in their natural environment, which is pretty cool.


    Anyway, enough of me waffling on. Here are some screenies.






    As you can see, the Rhino Tank is a little small at the moment. This will be corrected so that it is big and bold, just like the soviets should be. It also drives like a marshmallow too. So, it needs to be weighed down a bit more to give it that heavy feeling when you are driving it. As if to say "I have a heavy tank, you guys are toast."


    But not literally because you use bread for toast.


    <h3>Dune Patrol</h3>

    dtrngd has been working with TheBeerinator to make Dune Patrol look really nice with lots of awesome sandy desert textures. How would you guys like a few sandcastles put in the map for a laugh? anyway, this map is going to be really great as it takes place in a dynamic sandstorm (if we can get it working) so that there is a sandstorm randomly happening and subsiding as the battle unfolds. Since the map is fairly standard in a way, we aim to prove that a great gameplay experience can be made using even the most generic levels.



    This one is going to be fast and fun so keep watching it in the future!


    <h3>Changes and Jobs</h3>

    • ini re-tooling
    • Rhino needs to be bigger *OR* Grizzly smaller
    • Floating poly on the V3 model
    • Rhino needs more aero drag / lower turning speed
    • V3 needs a bit more speed
    • V3 rocket needs a lot more speed
    • Look into tank shell explosions
    • Fire trail aggregate on V3 missile set more towards the back
    • Buff the Rhinos shell damage slightly
    • Gun hands need making
    • More things need unwrapping
    • Some nice cool secret stuff

    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    Well, I've had a wierd day today. So I went to college and did some coursework as usual. After college I went to Pizza hut with some friends and ate a lot before walking back to college to help out during open evening. We were given vouchers to go and buy food with so I went off down to the college cafe and bought some stuff. (Mini eggs, refresher chew bar, tootie fruities, worcestershire sauce crisps and the all important cup o' tea). So I munched that down as well as my packed lunch that I had left. At the end of the evening (around 8:30pm) I walked off down the hill with my girlfriend. We hadn't gotten halfway down the hill when I was overcome by stomach pains. I managed to get down the hill to Morrisons supermarket to wait for a lift home but my stomach was really bad. It felt like my insides were trying to rip themselves out. I wasn't sick on anything so I was ok. I waited around for a while until it got really unbearable. I found out that KFC was open so I went into there and left them a nice present in their recently refurbished loos. (I'll say no more).


    Right now I feel really really tired and I'm aching all over. But I'm not the type of guy that cancels stuff due to illness. So the blog goes on!


    cfehunter passed his A+ exam and is now a qualified techy. Hand that man a gas welder or impact drill right now! :)


    A very happy birthday to Chevy787 who has turned 15 today! Congrats man and good luck for the future!


    <h3>OWA's Community Support Porta-Loo</h3>



    My Reborn mod is basically complete now, besides a few small bugs. Hooray! Now I have basically all the vehicles working correctly (Juggernaut rocks) and the weapons nearly setup completely. Login to irc.n00bstories.com and hop into the #rebornmod channel to try it out! Also, feel free to drop some suggestions my way if you have anything that you want to see in the mod. :D


    <h3>Project of the Week</h3>

    Ok this section is new, but not so new. It's basically a re-hash of "Blast from the Past" but encompasing all manner of cool projects from mods, to apps, to games etc. Cool eh?


    The week we have Pong VB by cfehunter!


    In the first 2 months of the first year of college, cfehunter had conquered visual basic, producing this, Pong VB! It was originally designed to be blockbreaker but was converted to Pong after a few design changes. It plays the same as normal pong but as you get a higher score, the faster the ball gets, so watch out!


    Download this, extract it and run the executable to play this cool little game.




    <h3>A tramp cries out in the night...</h3>


  13. Okay then. I'm just tired of seeing people nitpick over things that have been said before. If people kept saying the same thing over and over again, youd get anoyyed too.

    By cartoony I meant the face of the GI looks slightly cartoony while the seal and Ivan look absolutly normal. And yeah dtrngd, that is an example of cartoony, 2 chains of bullets forming an X on the torso, huge ass guns, and the body armor. Just sterotype a little is what I'm saying, even if its just the face it will help a lot in my eyes.

    I swear it wasn't me sniping in the base on drought. I was sitting on the huge rock overlooking the tiberium field (as a stealth sniper) trying to keep the GS whores away. Unfortunity, since the scope is really screwed up, I couldn't really do much.

    If people kept saying the same thing over and over again about a certain aspect of the game. I'd fix it.


    With the characters, just wait until they are running round with their weapons. The SEAL was one of the only semi serious characters in the game and the asset was completed before we decided to go with a more omgcartoony style. He still fits though.


    I wasn't accusing you so no need to defend yourself there.

  14. 1. I really don't see the difference. The seal looks as realistic as the APB guys, while the GI looks cartoony. Same goes for Ivan, he looks like an APB guy. Infact, the GI is the only guy that looks like the "cartoony style" you people say that AR has.

    2. I beg to differ on "dark horse" part. You flamed Reborn in blog 72. Also, I saw you playing on MP-Gaming's Reborn server at about 3 (GMT-6) today. So if you hate it so much, why are you playing?

    1. Cartoony isn't always graphics. I could be a cartoon character if I wanted to be, but still look like a regular person. Let me tell you how. Exaggeration. So, going by what you are saying, the rhino tank is more of a realistic vehicle, even though it has a recoil that could score a perfect game of ten pin bowling as well as the tank itself which speeds around the battlefield faster than it really should. Realism much? I didn't think so. And OH MY GOD IT LOOKS REMOTELY LIKE APB THEREFORE IT MUST BE A CLONE OF APB!!!!! k.


    Gameplay > Graphics


    2. I flamed Reborn by saying it wasn't my cup of tea? Riiiight. So I'm not allowed an opinion any more, is that it? Metaphor time, RA2:AR is in the comfortable position of being the middle child in the TC mod world. APB being the older child, who looks down on the attention seeking Reborn (the youngest child). Essentially RA2:AR is the dark horse because we always get left out of the fray when APB and Reborn go at it.


    (Nothing of this has to do with the mod's physical age though. It's just a metaphor).


    I played today because Mammutpanzer, [FW]Wolf and dtrngd were having a game. Never has a game got me more annoyed (a lolstealth sniper headshot my character, in my own base, when I had just bought a beacon). Don't bother arguing against that one, it's absurd. So yeah, Reborn have done a good job on the graphics side of things, but the gameplay leaves a lot to be desired (and I mean a lot).

  15. I rather like this blog... However.


    The V3 was laughably useless and inefficient in RA2, even if there was minimal anti-air opposing it. I'm wondering what you plan to do with it to make it less useless? A straight port would make it completely unusable, seeing as even ground-based, ground-operative units have the ability to shoot in the air in this FPS environment.


    Also, I'd like to know what happens to the infantry unit on taking control of a Robot Tank - I'm worried mostly about Snipers and the like, who'd be more than happy to take the helpless controlling infantry out of commission if given the chance.


    Finally, how will Hover physics be handled (For robot tanks, amphibious transports, etc)? Are you planning to take advantage of the ability to Hover, or is it simply going to LOOK like it's a foot off the ground while still being quite bound to the land?

    It's actually pretty good in the FPS environment.


    The infantry unit stays at the Robot Control Center. Soviets don't have snipers :p


    They'll hover over water properly.

  16. Wasn't that what I said?

    Whoops I didn't read the posts properly. I should really be replying to MuadDib15 here, sorry about that Kakashi :D


    So yeah, MuadDib15, just because we don't want AR to be like renegayde, it doesn't mean that we want it to be a carbon copy of APB. There is still a lot of uncharted territory out there.


    theta123: APB and Reborn have had this feud for years, so it won't stop that easily. AR is the dark horse here.

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