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Posts posted by OWA

  1. I mod games too, I know what a Placeholder is. My mods are filled with them.


    And yes, I would of loved to see a box with the text Tech Outpost on it.



    >>ctlond02, ctlond06, ctmoon01


    Boxes with Front, Damaged, Garrison written on them.

    Yeah I've seen those in RA2, (especially the one that says "Front"). But yeah, I don't see the point in even stating what needs improving on the placeholder. It kind of makes me wish that dt never even made the placeholder up now >_<


    After that truck, I demand AR in cel shading :D. Will that gate be just for cosmetics, or can it block anything?

    It can block enemy units.

  2. I know it's a placeholder, but the..."pipe-thingy" holding the turret and the base together is...


    Kinda too small and thin :/



    I dont like the Patriot Missile at all...


    I thought you guys were using the cameo version?

    It's a placeholder, meaning that it is there to mark a location rather than to look like what it's supposed to. Would you rather have seen a giant box with the text "Tech Outpost" on it?

  3. Welcome to the AR blog! Crammed with commie goodness!


    <h3>Freezing Straits Update</h3>

    dtrngd has been working hard on texturing freezing straits. These awesome results can be seen below, as well as the not so awesome tech outpost placeholder. Rest Assured, a new model will be made for this facility.




    <h3>Drill Texture Progress</h3>

    TheBeerinator has started to texture the Allied Impact Drill (modelled by rm5248 a few months back). The base coat has been layed down and the detailing has begun.


    This weapon will ensure that allied technicians will be able to perform maintenance on Allied structures efficiently.... unless the batteries run out (which wont happen since the techy's carry spare batteries!).


    Here is a screenie!




    <h3>War Miner in Cel Shading</h3>

    I was playing around in 3d Studio Max today and decided to cel shade the War Mine for your viewing pleasure. I think it came out pretty good :)




    <h3>New Staff: Guy with a wrench</h3>

    You may have seen this thread in which Guy with a wrench made a load of RA2 civilian buildings. He pm'd me and now he has rejoined the team! I say rejoined because Guy with a wrench was once on the AR dev team back in the days of Blazemods. He was with us a short while, but then left due to some real life troubles.


    So lets give him a warm welcome back everyone :)





    It's still a spanner.



    <h3>Soviet Guard Shack and Gate</h3>

    Today I re-made the Soviet guard shack checkpoint type-thing. The prevideo model wasn't as nice and I got a bit of inspiration from watching my brother play Timeshift, so I remodelled it and added in the new sandbags (generously provided by [NE]Fobby[GEN] :D).




    I also got Guy with a wrench on to remaking that aweful gate of mine. Here is the new gate which is now motorised :) Expect to see this enter the unwrapping phase soon. More map objects are being worked on as well, which will fill up out maps quite nicely.




    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I have been away for the past three days, but I am now back for a while. I enrolled onto my university course yesterday, so I'm well on my way to getting myself sorted and into uni!


    cfehunter is selling me some computer parts and has made a photobucket album for our Shindig 5 pictures! Legend!


    dtrngd has been messing around with some tank physics today and it seems to be working out nicely :)


    Lord_Kane is getting his pc up and running again next month! Expect more podcasts then!


    <h3>OWA's Random Section</h3>

    <center>Achmed, the dead terrorist. (My brother linked me to this and it was funny enough to be put here).


    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uwOL4rB-go&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uwOL4rB-go&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uwOL4rB-go&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


    Silence! I kill you!</center>


    <h3>Until Next Time</h3>

    When stuff happens on wednesdays.

  4. I like that idea.

    I like that Idea even more.

    would be nice to see destroyed buildings look destroyed...I've always thought that the apb Ore Refinery really needs to have some of that ceiling come off and a few windows beak...






    Are AR buildings going to feature destructible glass? maybe have it respawn or something when the building is repaired...love you long time if yes.


  5. well I know Reborn at some point said something with their titans gonna have different numbers, so it should be possible to at least have that, if you can make it actually then got in the right order (in lack of better word :D ) I don't know ofcause

    That picked the texture from random, but I guess it may be able to pick it up in order.

  6. How will desolators work? I can see them being much the same as an APB shock trooper with less vech damage, but it's that deploy effect i'm worried about...




    It would make infantry-only maps...unenjoyable if even one guy got in range. plus, team-hampering would be spammed by every n00b who wants to test it out.


    Lets see, what else do we have?


    Britain: the sniper. I can't see many complaint about this one (well, not from the allied team)

    France: Grand cannon. -_> This could be fun

    Germany: Tank destroyer. yay, something balanced

    Korea: Black eagles. A little less balanced, but who be complaining?

    Russia: Tesla tank. Now comes with a 360 degree turrent and dual barrels...*drools*

    Cuba: Terrorist. $200 for someone with low armour who has to get near something to kill it....might be a good subterfuge 'boom i'm in your CY lol' unit, but one shot only

    Lybia: We all know the demo trucks, now they look cooler. and are cheaper. *drools*

    Iraq: Desolater. Hmm...I have my doubts as to it's use (not being able to kill buildings and all)


    and we have Americans, who as always have to be a pain in the ass by having a paratrooper thing. Oh well.

    The Desolator can't damage buildings so he is only useful at killing other units. We haven't worked out the deploy function yet but we do have the ability to make radiation, just like in RA2. We'll see how that one plays out.


    Everything will be balanced out in some sense, so nothing can be unbalanced. The Black Eagle is essentially a better Harrier, the downside being that the soviets will know that they allies will try to use the Black Eagles more than they would use normal Harriers and, thus construct more flak cannons.


    If a map doesn't have a war factory, you won't get given countries that have ground-based vehicle special units.

  7. Will this new secret "fake world box" technology feature in release 1?

    Probabaly not, since we aren't including naval transports and moving structures in the first release. (We are counting the dreadnaught and Aircraft Carrier as moving structures).


    care to shed some light on how the mind controlling by the yuri clone is planned to be implemented?


    EDIT: I know it won't be added to the list, but since yuri is mentioned up there *points* I thought I'd ask :p

    Probably through a weapon that instantly spawns an Ai bot in place of where the player was standing. It's still all up in the air.


    OH yea. Will music tracks from YR be in any of ARs maps? Perhaps drok or brainfreeze etc?




    I hope so, because i would love to see Bully Kit be the theme for Bay of Pigs.


    Will the Hidden or unimplemented units, Hind, Howitzer, and Chronoprison, be implemented?


    And will there be country vs country battles such as Germany VS Russia?

    If we get holes in the balance, then these units will be implemented as full featuring units. Otherwise we may make them up as little extras along with President IFV's and secret service people.


    As for countries, Kakashi has it correctly. Check through some of the very early blogs for a screenshot of this in action. (Although countries are officially coming in to action in the first RC's patch.

    I can tell you that they stated in one of the older blogs that before a round begins a randomizer will choose one of the subcountries for each faction, unlocking the technologies of this subcountry for your team (if the map's tech level is sufficient to produce them).

  8. I've had such a busy week, that I haven't done anything mod related so all I really have is news of what other people have been doing as well as my own epic journey through the V Festival on sunday.


    <h3>Grizzly Tank Texture Update</h3>

    cfehunter has been laying down the base coat and bit of the detailing for the desert variant of the Allied Grizzly Tank. So far the results are looking hot.


    You may also notice that the Grizzly is using a differant desert camo to the of the Rhino, this is because we are doing faction specific camoflage for the coolness factor. Also, it's not as if the Allied and Soviet tanks were painted in the same country or even by the same company anyway, so it adds a bit of depth to the game.


    Check out the first few WIP shots below.






    <h3>Freezing Straits</h3>

    dtrngd has been working furiously on his newest map, Freezing Straits. He has been trying a new type of cliff, which is looking very nice indeed. Once we get ourselves sorted with buildings, infantry and weapons, we can start to get the maps up together and think about release dates :D


    By the time AR reaches you guys, we shouldn't have many (if any) APB terrain textures left in the maps, since dtrngd and TheBeerinator are working to improve the textures for the current maps. Next on the todo list is new snow textures.


    Here is an image of the new cliffs.




    <h3>Team Messages: V Festival Report Special</h3>

    I attended the V Festival at stafford on the sunday and I must say, it was pretty damn impressive.


    We waited in line for about 30-40 mins before they let us into the main park. We were interviewed by a TV crew which was pretty cool. My friends went to buy festival items before heading down to the mainstage, to which people had properly sprinted to get to (everyone from clowns to biohazard technicians). We got to the stage and split up.


    The Futureheads opened up the event and were fairly good, but seemsed fairly bitchy about the whole occasion, since the front man said something along the lines of "Thanks for a great time at V guys" before muttering "I was being sarcastic" unaware that people could hear him.


    I went to grab a couple of pints and came back to Alanis Morrisette who really played an awesome set. she had the crowd behind her loads, which rocked. I got dragged into the mud and ended up looking rather muddy.


    I was also on the two big screens at the front for a brief period. Which was totally awesome!


    Also, on top of that, these two photo's were put onto the Virgin Media website. (I'm the guy with the gloves in both pictures).


    Here and here.


    Then the Lostprophets came on, but I was kinda sad since the crowd didn't respond much. Must have been the fact that the Prophets were a late entry into the program, so their followers were few in numbers. But we still had a laugh and when they played "Last Train Home" the crowd erupted and we all bounced and moshed along in the mud. Awesome.


    The Scripts came on for couple of songs after. I kinda liked them, but some people weren't impressed at all.


    Afterwards, Maximo Park hit the stage and it all got a little cold. They played a great set and were enthusiastic about it all which was great. A friend of mine also met tv's Craig David at this point in time :)


    The Kooks followed them up and I just wondered off to find people whilst they played their set. I met up with these random girls who were from the same region of the UK as me! I chatted with them for a while and they gave me a poncho to keep me warm as well as biscuits! I then tried to head back to the campsite to use the shower, but they didn't buy my story of losing my camping wristband in the mud.


    I returned to the main stage and made my way through the crowd where around four big shirtless guys went "AAAHHHHHHHGGGHHHHH!" right in my face, so I returned the gesture. I went on to shout "GET TO DA CHOPPA!" which got some laughs, especially as I was caked in mud. They replied by randomly going "1, 2, 3, YOU ARE A CATFISH!", so I kind of edged away from them.


    I went further though the crowd to meet up with a friend of mine just before the the Stereophonics started. They played brilliantly as we jumped around in the squash near the front.


    After the Phonics had finished, the Muse guys came and setup followed up by the lights being cut and the satellites in the back moving. Smoke poured from the stage. It was just like something from Guitar Hero or Rock Band, truly epic. Then Muse appeared and played a great set, during which I fought my way to the front to meet up with a few of my other friends through the sqeeze. The mosh pit must have been further back since it was just a massive squash at the front.


    Most of the mud dried and peeled off me. I felt like a reptile of some sorts. By the end of the night I was looking like this.


    Great Festival. 10/10 would go again.


    I can't report on what everyone else has been up to, since I haven't been around much this week to ask xD


    <h3>OWA's Random Section</h3>


    A speech of epic proportions.

    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcGcwsiFFDk&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcGcwsiFFDk&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcGcwsiFFDk&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>


    <h3>Who has the keys?</h3>

    I don't know, but good luck to people entering the lighting round of our contest!


    Adios for this week!

  9. Welcome to the 94th edition of the AR blog. Damn, we've been doing these for nearly two years!


    Anyway, content is below!



    I had a go at an engineer model today. As you may know, we already have an allied engineer model, but no soviet engineer. This model may be used for the soviet engineer depending on what the team think is the best design direction. We may end up with two differant engineer models instead of simple re-skins, which would be fun.


    Anyway, check this engineer (based on ingame references) out below.




    <h3>Combat Knife</h3>

    TheBeerinator has been texturing Ivan's combat knife, which Ric had previously modelled. cfehunter got onto this one quickly and prepped it for texturing so that TheBeerinator could apply the magic onto it.


    Check out this stabber below!




    <h3>Freezing Straits</h3>

    dtrngd has beeen busy mapping up our newest map, Freezing Straits. as you saw last blog, the terrain was nearly finished. Now the anti-flat operations have begun and the map has had a base texture applied to it. Check it out!




    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I am getting my A level results tommorrow/today (depending on where you are in the world) I hope I get the results I need to go to university! Rest assured, there will be a lot of alcohol flowing if I get my grades :)


    I am also off to the V festival on saturday so, if any of you are going, pm me and we can meet up :)


    cfehunter brough his PC here on sunday and we played LAN Yuri's Revenge (once I could get it to install -Safemode ftw-)


    We are starting to get our building assets together so that we can begin having actual games of AR, instead of the random unit fights that occur right now. This will mark another major development milestone!


    <h3>OWA's Random Section</h3>

    A special shout out to my good friend Elaine who recommended these videos to me. These cats are so cute and funny :D


    <center>Two cats talk.

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


    And the translation.

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>


    <h3>This is the End</h3>

    Or is it...?

  10. Kakashi is correct. For example (refering to an earlier blog) the Airforce Command HQ will have two weakspots, a computer in the basement and lots of equipment in the tower. If the basement computer is destroyed, the building is disabled until an engineer repairs it. If the tower equipment is destroyed, the building is dead.

    This is wrong. The Harrier ammunition is the weakpoint in the basement.

  11. Hill > Flak (unless they're not, but I think i'm correcting in thinking a natural behemoth of stone and dirt can block a few balls of explosives)


    It will very much be a hide and seek unit, possibly a new opening for my many guises as that annoying twat who sneaks into your base and steals things :D

    The Flak Track is as fast as, if not faster than the Rocketeer, so it's a fairly deadly piece of kit.


    While on the subject (which I am) I'd like to ask a little about IFVs. For example, what are the full modesets these things will have? so far i think we all realise the:


    empty - Anti infantry missiles of doom

    Engi - repair crane thingy of doom

    GI - Machine gun of doom

    GGI - Anti tank missiles of doom

    SEAL (?) - Epic machine gun of doom

    Crazy Ivan - Giant knife Mini demotruck of doom


    but as for the other untold combinations...


    the rocketeer: Grenade launching chaingun of doom?

    conscript: same as GI, or will it have something different? (sprayshot lol?)

    Tesla trooper: a mini tesla tank, or a huge tesla trooper?

    Flak trooper: same again, flak track or large flack trooper?

    The Engineer's repair crane will also be able to repair buildings.

    Instead of the classic Demo bomb for Ivan, we could give him a bomb throwing IFV, making him especially deadly.


    In RA2, the rocketeer couldn't enter IFV's, but we'll see what we can do.

    The Conscript will probably ge this own flavour of machine gun, yeah.

    Whether we make new turret graphics for each infantry is a decision to be made in the future. The Tesla Trooper IFV will have a dome, hinting at the tesla tank from Red Alert.


    And the one we all want to know


    Techy: Giant blowtorch? pistol on wheels?

    The techy won't have any transformation form since he is effectively the weakest infantry unit in the game.


    ooh, forgot one: Will they have secondary fires of doom :p

    I love the work going into this, It really does look like the corny but oh so lovable world of RA2 put into an FPS, just keep us updated with the funny nuances that it deserves :)

    Secondary firing modes will feature on most of the weapons. The Seal's secondary fire will be pretty nice to use when we get it setup, since it's a semi auto shot that will be fired as fast as you can click.


    to get the ball rolling on that one like i already havn't said enough please say that you're keeping the idea of the tesla trooper's punch with teh electro glove? how cool would it be to see two or three of them mauling a MCT :)

    Yeah, that's staying. But you won;t see him hitting the MCT, because we don;t have MCT's in AR.

  12. Welcome to this week's blog! Look below for the usuals.


    Apocalypse Rising Alpha 6 (Patch 1)

    So yeah, a new alpha build was released to the testers recently and they have been having fun testing it out and bug hunting. The new flak track has been added into the fray and I must say, it has now become my new favourite unit. It moves at a lighting pace and is perhaps too effective at gunning down rocketeers. We may reduce it's effectiveness to balance it out since it is pretty overpowered as it stands, but we'll see once the new rocketeer scripts are in place. I should have a video out for you guys to watch later on.


    Here is the changelist for this latest build. (danpaul88 had a hotfix out within the hour).


    Alpha 6 changelog

      Game Changes
    • Fixed right click crash while deploying in IFV (Had no secondary ammo type defined on the Weapon_IFV_None preset)
    • Increased effectiveness of the LowCalibreBullet and HighCalibreBullet warheads against medium vehicle armour by 20% and against heavy vehicle armour by 40%
    • Increased velocity of Pillbox bullets from 220 to 340
    • Added hud icon for PPSH-41
    • Reduced pillbox health/armour from 250/200 to 150/100
    • Added new camera entry for Soviet Rhino Tank
    • New Dune Patrol terrain from dtrngd
    • Light Solved Iceland_AI
    • Grizzly damage increased from 65 to 80 at rookie level (Compared to Rhino (90) and Apoc(100))
    • Modified main battle tank veterancy reload times to 90% (veteran) and 75%(elite)
    • Added weapon upgrades for Tesla Trooper veteran and elite weapons
    • Added elite regeneration for Rhino and Grizzly tanks
    • Reduced weight of Rhino Tank from 4200 to 3400 to increase it's speed and handling
    • Set number of seats in IFV, Grizzly Tank and Mirage Tank to 1 (from 2)
    • Adjusted position of purchase terminals in PP basement so they don't block the ramp above them.
    • Decreased range of GI SMG to 80 (from 100), increased effective range to 30 (from 15), reduced spray angle to 0.9 (from 1.1)
    • Setup correct promotion effects for GI SMG
    • Decreased range of PPSh-41 to 90 (from 100), increased effective range to 30 (from 15), reduced spray angle to 1.4 (from 1.6)
    • Setup correct promotion effects for PPSh-41
    • Increased range of MP5 to 110 (from 100), increased effective range to 50 (from 15), reduced spray angle to 0.5 (from 1.0)
    • Setup correct promotion effects for MP5
    • Reduced camera shake intensity of IFV rockets from 0.1 to 0.050, shake radius from 16m (?!?) to 8m and duration from 2 seconds to 0.8 seconds
    • Adjusted position of PPSh-41 in Level Edit to be lower down and slightly further forwards to prevent it clipping all the time when your running
    • Toned down the firing animation for the PPSh-41 to make it less violent
    • Setup correct promotion effects for War Miner
    • Setup unit purchase, damaged and killed sounds for GI, SEAL, Conscript and Tesla Trooper
    • Added new Flak Track
    • Reduced Grizzly health/armour to 350/350 from 380/380
    • Reduced Apoc health to 620/620 from 750/750
    • Adjusted shell warhead damage against Heavy Vehicles from 0.5 to 0.55, medium and light vehicles remain at 0.6.
    • Made flak warhead more effective against medium (0.6 from 0.5) and heavy (0.350 from 0.250) vehicles.
    • Added gravity, spray and combined gravity and spray versions of the Grizzly and Rhino tanks, to test which combination, if any, works best.
    • Misc. other changes I forgot to add to the list when I did them, such as IFV physics changes

      Script Changes
    • Updated scripts.dll to use Set_Animation instead of Set_Animation_Frame for IFV deployment animation, which seems to actually work on the FDS.
    • Updated IFV scripts to remove deploy delay timer
    • Fixed some minor bugs in the Veterancy code that affected promotions to elite level on infantry
    • Updated veterancy data keyhook to check the keyhook is being used by a valid player ID
    • Updated veterancy data keyhook to use translated preset name instead of preset name
    • Added BlackIntel's bluehell fix to the AR scripts.dll. All credit for this goes to Stealtheye and the BlackIntel team. Additional thanks to Stealtheye for the permission to use this.
    • **FDS ONLY** Added BlackIntel's points fix to the AR FDS scripts.dll. All credit for this goes to Stealtheye and the BlackIntel team. Additional thanks to Stealtheye for the permission to use this.
    • Added script dp88_unitSounds

      Misc. Changes
    • Added EA / BHP intro movie
    • Renamed spawn character presets to CnC_Allied_SpawnChar and CnC_Soviet_SpawnChar and hex edited game.exe to use these as the team starting presets (For aesthetic purposes only)
    • Updated bandtest.dll and binkw32.dll with equivalent files from APB (includes fix for disabling hud text and for using the BHP bink video format properly)
    • Changed team icons to Allied and Soviet icons in hud_main.dds, hud_c&c_sovlogo.dds and hud_c&c_alllogo.dds
    • Stripped lots of redundant strings out of strings.tbd, cutting its size by over 1.5mb

    Alpha 6 Patch 1
      Game Changes
    • Changed IFV engine torque from 1150 to 6000 and adjusted gear ratios
    • Changed Rhino Tank engine torque from 8000 to 8500
    • Reduced Tesla Trooper health/armour from 180/120 to 140/100
    • Increased aero drag on flak track from 60 to 100, reduced turn torque scale from 0.6 to 0.5, increased mass from 2200 to 2600 and increased engine speed from 11000 to 13000 (to compensate for higher mass)
    • Adjusted pillbox health from 150 to 120. Armour remains at 100.

      Script Changes
    • Prevented ability to gain veterancy points by shooting yourself
    • Modified unitSounds script to not play damaged sounds if you damage yourself, or are damaged by something other than another unit, such as falling damage.

    Alpha 6 Images

    Here are some pretty pictures taken by our testers during the playtest of AR Alpha 6. We have the new Flak Track in action as well as a few other changes as stated above. Enjoy!










    MP5 has been completed!

    TheBeerinator has completed the MP5 texture. This will be rigged up as soon as the new hands are completed! This should mark a major milestone in AR's development!


    Check out the finished weapon below!




    Team Messages

    I'm not at home right now since I am at a friend's. But still the blog goes on because I am too dedicated. cfehunter is sitting to my left at this current time of writing, so yeah this is really a leaders blog!


    I also found out that I'm good at Rock Band (singing :p).


    dtrngd has been working on his map, Freezing Straits! Here is a WIP image!


    Chronojam and Venompawz both commented on the latest build of Apocalypse Rising with a high opinion of the overall direction of the mod. Thanks guys!


    OWA's Random Section



    Check out:

    Episode 1

    Episode 2



    Congratulations, you beat the lap record!

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