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Posts posted by OWA

  1. very nice, but what happened to the War Factory and tesla trooper, i though they already had textures.

    That was a video that I made using RA2: Vengeance, one of AR's donators.


    We didn;t put the textures on the tesla trooper as we'd just have to remove them all again afterwards when the new model came in. The War Factory is a completely differant model to the on that was shown in the Vengeance video.

  2. Welcome to the blog, no doubt you've been waiting for this, so check out the polygons on these hot objects.


    <h3>Flak Track Ingame</h3>

    danpaul88 has been grappling with the Flak Track to get it rigged up and ingame. He has re-unwrapped the tracks after adding polygons to them, allowing them to bend over slopes. There are still a few issues to be worked out with the physics but after, we should have another completed vehicle!


    Here are some WIP shots. Lots of westwood logos!


    Too big! It's like a Battle Flaktress!



    Flat tyres and bumps in the road!



    Rigged using 3d Studio Max 8! No texture on the tracks, but fixed in the next image down!




    Here are the four flavours ingame and visually complete!




    <h3>Ivan's Weapons</h3>

    Ric has been applying the final touches to two of Ivan's new weapons (as well as a third bonus, which you'll have to wait for).


    These two weapons are the MP-412 REX Revolver, which will be Ivan's sidearm as well as a nifty combat knife (for stabbing people in the face with).


    Check them both out below.


    Here's the revolver. It's not a single action army, even though russkie torture expert Revolver Ocelot uses one. It has six bullets (enough to kill anything that moves

    :D) per revolver clip.



    Combat Knife! *stabs* Great for opening cans of baked beans!



    TruYuri has some great plans for the animation of these new weapons!


    <h3>Allied Camo Patterns</h3>

    We want to make the allied camo patterns differant to the Soviet ones, so we are taking suggestions for patterns and colours. There will be the Urban, Woodland, Desert and Snow camoflages appearing for the allies, but we are still debating on the patterns and such.


    Here are a few suggestions from me.


    To respect RA2, I figured that our Allied Desert camoflage should be a plain tan colour or, if that was too bland, a Renegade 2 inspired pattern (images of each camoflage are viewable below. RA2 followed by Renegade 2 below that).




    I was thinking of perhaps a tiger stripe camoflage for the woodland version. As seen in this picture applied to an M1A1 Abrams.


    For the Urban camoflage I looked towards how the actual ingame voxel was painted out in the blue/grey scheme (as seen in this render of the Grizzly Tank from awesome, but now dead, Generals conversion "RA2: Road to Moscow")


    I haven't looked into snow camoflage.


    Any suggestions are welcome!


    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I went to see the Dark Knight on Monday (which rocked) and I also passed my driving theory test! I'm at home alone all next week since I'm not going on holiday away this year. But it was my decision. Peace and quiet ftw.


    cfehunter has unwrapped Ric's knife.


    TheBeerinator is now onto texturing it and has also done a bit more work on the MP5!


    danpaul88 has been working on the new alpha for the testers which should be released to them sometime next month.


    dtrngd is back and has now resumed mapmaking!


    <h3>OWA's Random Section</h3>

    Just so that you guys know that we are who we say we are. Here is a picture of your favourite two Bluehell Productions Lead Producers.





    Because cheese.

  3. Our teabags have little strings on them, so you don't risk breaking the tea bag with your spoon, cluttering the mug with tea leaves. But whatever works, eh?

    Also: OWA. :D

    Aye. We have strings on some of our teabags, but they are mostly used in commercial areas rather than in the home.


    PG Tips Pyramid Bags make a great cup of tea!


    Quit dat fappin' mah boi!

  4. Mate, treat yourself to one of these for uni or whatever.


    What the picture doesn't say is that it literally takes under 5 seconds to make a cup of tea.


    Tetleys; good man.

    That looks like a doomsdaydevice for tea barons such as myself. And yes, Tetleys is awesome.


    CouldnÄt you give it "two" weapons, one that fires seven rounds and then reloads and another that fires one round and then reloads? You'd just have to adjust the reloadtimes and the burst lenghts so that it appears like fired from the same weapon.

    What would this accomplish?


    TEA ROCKS!!!!!


    the tea bags i use have these cords and labels that help you remove the tea bags from the cup... i also make tea without tea bags, we have some tea herbs planted and buy some of them at the market.

    I don't have a filtered teapot, so I have never used the tea leaf method in my own home, howevert I may experiment at uni :D


    omg i have the same tea spoonS! loving the work keep it up guys! my ra2 maps are coming laters!

    Whoah, it's a small world!


    Cool animation on the pillbox, but I see you no longer want to use the sandbags we gave you :p

    Those are you're sandbags (thanks again), they are just untextured.


    Awesome MP5 - can't wait to see it ingame killing things


    Awesome Pillbox - can't wait to see it ingame killing things


    Awesome...no, wait, no. 4.5 mins for a cuppa? wtf are you playing at...a cuppa should take 3 mins, max. otherwise you'll get back to your PC and find your previously clear headshot bought a tank and ran you over...


    btw, any work done on the sentry gun etc yet? I want to belive a demo of this will be ready soon, but so far it seems like allies will have all teh toys... :p


    Well I didn't think it was a bad time seeing as I had the camera in my left hand. I wasn't really doing a speed run :)


    The Sentry gun is viewable in some of the older blogs, I was thinking about doing a little work on it before it went into unwrapping though.

  5. Welcome to this week's blog. As usual, the information you are seeking is just down of this standard protocol message. Please refer below for substantial content.


    <h3>Allied Pillbox Autogun</h3>

    If you look back to earlier bloags, you would notice that our pillbox had no actual weapons. But now, thanks to Poggel, we have a set of dual 50cal autoguns in place. Poggel also went so far as to create a nice animation to show it off in 3d Studio Max. Take a look below!


    <center><object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="

    </param> <embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> </embed> </object></center>


    <h3>MP5 Updates</h3>

    TheBeerinator has been texturising the MP5 some more and it's looking good. More detailing is still to be added. But the final result should be great :)


    We have a couple of things planned for the MP5's firing modes, but I'll save that information for when I have a more definite answer.




    An even bigger render can be found here.


    <h3>Damaged Buildings</h3>

    BogdanV has beeen working on some more damaged buildings for maps. This one seems to have been bombed out by a kirov or something similar. Take a look below for pictures!





    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I went to a sleepover on sunday and "sabotaged" my friend's computer to say hi to Eggman :) I am apparently not that bad at Rock Band as a vocalist. 100% on Hysteria by Muse on Medium! Rock on!


    cfehunter bought Rock Band, which we played at the aforementioned party. He is coming over tomorrow with a couple of other friends for the day :)


    Lord_Kane is handling the new posting here well. Expect a new podcast when he gets his PC back up into operation (or perhaps soomer :D)


    Chevy is leaving for one week on Sunday.


    rm5248's Stargate based rts mod, Final Front: Iris Offensive has switched engines! They have changed from Empire at War's Alamo engine to Red Alert 3's version of the SAGE, when it is released. This is due to community interest issues. Check out the mod here!


    <h3>Key Gameplay Feature: Tea Making</h3>

    <center>This indespensible ingame skill will make sure that the british sniper will stay on top of his game at all times. Tea is this guy's pentazemin.

    <object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="

    </param> <embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> </embed> </object></center>


    Observe closely. For this is not Shit Tea.


    <h3>Turn the game console off right now</h3>

    Fission Mailed



    TheBeerinator has looked at a few tutorials and has now begun to texture the MP5. So far I am really pleased with the outcome! I bet you guys can't wait to see this one finished either.


    Here's a WIP



    This will be passed onto TruYuri, when it has been completed artwise, for hot riggings as soon as we have hands to grab the guns with. (Yes, Apocalypse Rising will feature brand new gun hands!)


    <h3>Production: Making a Character</h3>

    Now some of you may think "how the hell does OWA manage to pump out those infantry models so quickly?" (referring to a few months back of course :D). Well I'll show you my methods for creating a character.


    Firstly, I modelled a basic body, starting at the arm and extruding the polygons out and round to form the body. This is the basic body with which I build all of my infantry models using since it keeps a nice constistant model style. I used various pictures of the basic human anatomy form, textured onto planes, to greatly help with creating realistic humanoid frames.


    Here is the finished basic body



    Now for creating a custom character. Basically all of my work is done with the extrude tool. I simply extrude the blocks from the basic human model to create the shape I want, editing the position of various vertices, edges and polygons as I go. Here is an example of what I could create in a couple of minutes (starting with the human base frame).




    This is basically how I create all of my characters (minus the heads, which I create in a differant program to then export in and weld to the body. Frankenstein style).


    <h3>Eastern European Derelict Building</h3>

    BogdanV has been busy working on an re-vamping an old map project of his as well taking photographs of coomunist era buildings from Eastern Europe. He has modelled one of these structures from the referances that he has gathered. It is a model of a civilian building from the communist era.






    <h3>Team Notices</h3>

    I've been working all day today on sealing up the inside of a grain storage shed, so I'm pretty tired right now.


    cfehunter got Devil May Cry 4 for his PC. He claims that it uses all four of his cpu cores to run :)


    dtrngd has gone on holiday.


    Congratulations to Reborn (the person) for getting married! oxi was there as the event unfolded!


    Still waiting to get hold of Blazer to resolve the website issues....


    <h3>OWA's Random Section</h3>

    The long awaited FF7 Radioplay, Barret's Date, has been released!



    Here is the source video for your viewing pleasure...

    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>


    Head here to download the file manually and check out other details about this production!


    <h3>Score! You win!</h3>

    Find out what you have won next week!

  7. The FN Minimi was the origenal Weapon.The US army selected it, and used it

    So the FN Minimi Para is NOT a variant of the M249, the Minimi is the origenal weapon, made by FN Herstal in Belgium.So is the Para version.The US army developed their own Para version of it.


    Im very crude on this :):) But keep the FN Minimi name


    W00t at the Techie's pistols

    AR domain, i might aswel add it to my favorites

    A revolver?A new item on a W3D game


    Blog time is always a fantastic time :D

    Thanks theta123, I wasn't too sure, since both wepons were on the same page as each other. We'll make sure to name it "FN Minimi Para".


    The revolver is going to be special.


    Blarg is epic.


    ummmmm will we be able to go inside the refinery?


    ...because i didn't see a door............. :)

    The interior isn't modelled yet.

  8. Thanks guys! ^_^


    Double barreled silenced pistol for the techy. ^_^

    Quad barreled. That means four barrels.


    Nice blog those weapon gonna be nice, specially that pistol and that door animation looks soooo awesoome


    also wouldn't that be on his left leg? :p

    Thanks, also it depends how you look at it and what perspective you look at it from. To me it's his leg on the right, but to him it would be his left leg.


    Wait a second. Is the minimi the GI's primary? It ain't no SMG.

    Read again. The HK MP-5K is the GI's primary.

  9. Welcome to this week's blog.


    This is the starter sir/madam. If you don't want the starter, please move down to the main course.


    <h3>New Weapons</h3>

    I have just set Ric on modelling the rest of the weapons we need for the first release.


    <h5>The GI's Weapons</h5>

    Now for the GI's primary burst fire weapon, I took a look at this concept.



    Looking at that concept art I think the GI should have an HK MP5k. But then we'd have another MP-5 in the game, which is the only negative side I can think of.


    We voted for this as well as the Ruger MP9 and some form of Uzi, but the MP5-K came out on top and is thus, what the GI will primarily wield.


    In the rules.ini I found that the GI's secondary weapon is labeled as "Para", which is short for FN Minimi Para which is, in turn, a short barrelled variant of the M249 SAW. Problem Solved.


    <h4>Ivan's Weapons</h4>

    Now since Ivan doesn't have a conventional weapon, it'd be smart to give him a pistol, but not just any pistol.


    In the piece of concept art below, you can clearly see that Ivan has a Revolver in the holster on his right leg.




    So, I dug up this fearsome looking beast to give to Ivan. It's an MP-412 REX Revolver, manufactured in Russia.


    I was detirmined to get a Revolver into the game somehow, and here it is :)


    Ivan will also be getting a combat machete, much like this, but it depends on what Ric has in store for us. As well as a cigarette lighter to go with his boomsticks. Much like this beautiful drawing by TruYuri.


    <h4>Soviet Technician/Engineer's Pistol</h4>

    I honestly didn't want to give the Soviet technician a Makarov, simply because APB's Soviet Technician has the same weapon. So I did some searching and then drunkill linked me to these bizzare looking weapons.


    The S4M and the MSP silent pistols.


    So basically:

    Made up gun based off of the MSP/S4M. Have it the same reloading style, but make it a quad barreled gun perhaps. Something crazy. So the same as the MSP but 4 bullets per clip instead of 2. Make the gun kinda squared with the 4 barrels at the front.


    I like the design because it's something crazy, fun and would make for a really awesome looking weapon/reload animation.


    This crazy quad barrelled weapon will surely bring a smile to your faces when you see it.


    <h3>Allied Refinery</h3>

    I was working on this model a while back, but I guess I didn't show it off. This is a combo mambo of both Ric and Dark/Svensmokavich's refinery models which I had around. We have not sorted out how the Chrono Miners will avoid each other when one warps and another is unloading. It is still to be discussed for when we get all this stuff setup and ingame.


    Anyway, here is the exterior to this valuable allied structure.





    We had a conference to sort out what was happening over the summer. We have set some primary tasks and goals to get us somewhere comfortable by the end of the summer.


    Presented by the Hyper Hungarian that is dtrngd!

    Here's what was going on:

    One Winged Angel is about getting all of the infantry bodies ready for unwrapping, making new heads, fixing models, helping create DSAPOs for building interiors and finishing off the tesla reactor internals this summer.

    He also wants to make a new trailer once we have the Grizzly and IFV in properly, and maybe doing some sound engineering.


    cfehunter is planning to texture 1/2 of what chevy unwraps and make beer do the rest ^^


    Zion Fox used metaphors and allegories instead of clear sentences so I'm not sure what he's up to.


    danpaul88 hopped in too late unfortunately, I'll call OWA from AR High Command to contact him soon.


    Ric will be contacted as well.


    Nameme - *chirping*


    Chevy787 is going to finish unwrapping the last part of the Soviet Walls and the Grizzly. Then later the Harrier, after that probably the Nighthawk or some weapons but we'll see. But also he needs to finish all his schooling assignmets (if thats possible :D )


    rm5248 is still away, but he'll probably finish off the new first person hands. Well at least we hope so.


    Poggel will probably receive instructions from the AR High Command.


    TheBeerinator - grats, you overslept this one again xD


    Coolrock, keep up the good work :) Moddb is a good place to catch more people's attention :)


    Lord Kane, please don't kill me :)


    I plan to finish Freezing Straits, then do Blood Feud (check in RA2, it's a 1v1 map) and another night time MISSION map is in plan. Also I'd like to unwrap the bodies of the infantry.


    Now lets hope many of these will come true!



    <h3>Going Up?</h3>

    Zion has been working on the Air Force Command HQ interior and has completed the door to the main elevator. This is inspired by Metal Gear Solid 4 with that awesome RA2 flair.


    Check out the video by clicking the link below.



    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I've begun to learn how to drive! My first lesson was on Monday and the instructor has said that I just have to remember to look in the mirrors and to steer with the correct hand movements, as well as concentrate on the manouver's etc. I've been driving my own car around with someone for a while, so I have the general feel of things, it's just improving on my knowledge. My theory test has been booked for the end of this month, so wish me luck! I went bowling yesterday which was fun, tomorrow I'm going to start a band of sorts. I'm trying to stop summer form becoming boring, so I'm filling my days up!


    cfehunter is a legend.


    Chevy787 is going on vacation to Hershey Park, he'll be back in 3 days.


    danpaul88 has bought us our domain at http://www.apocrising.com

    Expect the site to eventually start up when I can sort out some database issues.


    Tankmaster has been coding up various applications (not AR related but still cool all the same).


    <h3>OWA's Random Section</h3>

    This is so funny. Thanks to Zion for linking me to it.


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>


    Check out the sequals here:



    Also, caribou.


    <h3>Answer Machine</h3>


  10. Yay, no elevators! :)

    Elevators=fail Stairs=win

    I have a policy for building interiors that says that there must be at least two paths to the weakpoint and only one of those paths is allowed to be an elevator.



    Shout-outs to IRL friends? Good lord, OWA, when did you become such a woman?

    I'm too much of a pushover :D

  11. Welcome to the blog. Read below for edumacation or whatever those funny cats call it these days.


    <h3>Flak Trooper</h3>

    The past few days, I have started work on the Flak Trooper. Apart from a few things to fix up on the mesh, his body is pretty much complete and ready for heads. Do I have any volunteers? :frankenstein:


    Flak Trooper

    Cost: 300

    Primary Weapon: Portable Flak Cannon

    Description: Effective against both ground and air units, the Flak Trooper boasts a flak cannon that can fire explosive rounds of standard flak to attack air and ground targets. The primary fire is an arced shot that has a lot of splash damage that is best suited against ground units. The secondary fire is a high velocity straight shot that is only effective against aircraft and rocketeers with their jetpacks enabled. Flak troopers fit a good anti-air role, since they are not very effective against vehicles and buildings.




    <h3>Tesla Reactor Interior</h3>

    I've also been working on the interior for the tesla reactor recently. The basic shapes are about done, so the areas just need populating with objects and other bits and pieces. The two structural weakpoints will be the main generator and the control room (where the spy will eventually be able to switch the power off via a console or something). Check out the current progress!




    <h3>Grizzly Tank</h3>

    Basically, I have outfitted the grizzly tank with the new wheels and made a few little edits here and there. Take a look :)




    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    Summer is actually boring :) I need to get myself something to do :\ I do have a new mouse with orange lights which is awesome.


    cfehunter was at my house last week when we had a shindig. He's pretty good with Smash Bros and defeated me a few times. I defeated him on LAN Dawn of War though. The mouse is fine :)


    danpaul88 got back from the wedding safely, hope you had a good time mate!


    Chevy787 has been unwrapping on demand and TheBeerinator has begun to texture the Seal's MP5 so it should be ready for rigging soon.


    rm5248 should be back soon to fix up the first person arms :)


    <h3>Ben's Random Section</h3>

    I did have something here before, but I've taken it down because it would probably offend a lot of people here. So instead you can have a link to the awesome series, the most awesome flash movies ever conceived.



    <h3>Shout Outs!</h3>

    Hullabaloo! Shoutouts, whoo!


    This week's shout out goes to all my real life mates!!!


    So a big "heya!" goes to Ross, Dave, Pete, Grogsy, Shannon, Annette, Kage, George, Berni, and anyone I missed! :D


    You're all awesome!


    <h3>So long, farewell, Auf wiedersehen, adieu</h3>

    Adieu, adieu, to yieu and yieu and yieu.

  12. The map is kickass. But, what buildings do you plan to place?

    The map will have infantry, vehicles and eventually naval units at a medium tech level.


    We'll probably have a power plant and refinery in for good measure. On the island (acessable by bridges) will be a capturable tech outpost.

  13. Oh yea OWA, how was pendulum?

    We didn't got to see them in the ends because the queue was too long and when we got there we found out that it was only a DJ set.


    I would quite happily kill Frank and deprive the world of his genius for ownership of that guitar.


    Also, Slipknot reference, yes.

    Aido wins a cookie :3


    Flak Track is amazing, but one question- will there be a real Soviet scheme? Be it from the cameos, or the ingames? None of those really resemble their real RA2 skins.

    It's hard to distinguish the paint job from the voxels.

  14. Welcome to this week's blog. What are you reading this for? There are much cooler things below this sentence, so go check them out. :)


    <h3>Flak Track</h3>

    TheBeerinator has been putting the finishing touches to the Flak Track before we send it into rigging. All I can say is that it is looking really rather awesome. I shan't go into detail about it, since I would simply be repeating what I wrote last blog. Heh. Anyway, here's some images.






    <h3>New Shoes</h3>

    I looked at the Rhino Tank wheels in horror when I first saw them, because they are blocky and not too nice. But never fear, OWA is here! I have modelled up some new wheels that will look real nice on any tracked vehicles we have, so feast your eyes on these!



    Click picture to enlarge


    Here is an image of the old wheel model, in action, to compare.



    Note: This will not slow development.


    <h3>Map: Freezing Straits</h3>

    dtrngd has been rapidly working on this new map which, as the name suggests, is based on some cold straits of land which the Allies and Soviets are contesting over.


    Once we get naval combat into the game, this map will be expanded with extra island with tech oil derricks on them, creating new gameplay opportunities. This is what I was talking about in the podcast a couple of weeks back. Here is the first WIP image that has been approved to show to you guys :)




    <h3>New Staffer: Lord_Kane</h3>

    You may have seen Lord_Kane promoted to an op in the IRC channel, this can only mean one thing...


    Evil really did get an upgrade.



    But in all seriousness, with the abscence of Ryo Hazuki, we were once again in need of a PR guy. Since I did the podcast with Lord_Kane a couple of weeks back, as well as knowing him well enough to trust him with forum access, I offered him a position as PR guy, which he accepted.


    So Make sure to keep your eyes on the front page and on moddb for evidence of his posting, as well as hearing him in upcoming podcasts too!


    Welcome to the team Lord_Kane.


    Ninjaedit by TruYuri: World is coming to an end due to the above announcement. Let's give One Winged Angel a round of applause for this!


    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I went for pizza today with some friends, including cfehunter. It was scrummeh! I'm also having a shindig over at my place tommorrow. The general idea of a shindig is that 5 of us (known to ourselves as the shindig 5) get together at somebody's house, bringing games, food, whatever. Tis rather fun.


    cfehunter is going to get owned at Super Smash Brothers tommorrow (j/k).


    danpaul88 is off to a wedding, have fun man!


    dtrngd has been mapping, as seen above.


    Chevy got back from the beach, but he saw no pirates.


    <h3>Shout Outs!</h3>

    A new section that randomly crops up every time I want to make a shout out to someone.


    This week's shout out goes to the PMT girls over at http://muse.mu !!!


    So a big "heya!" goes to nettynunu, maria_way, lost153 and especially Pinky753!


    You people rock!


    Sorry if I missed anyone :D


    <h3>OWA's Random Section</h3>

    The coolest thing that I have seen this week has to be this:


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>


    <h3>Life (Hidden Referance)</h3>

    Mate. Feed. Blog. Repeat.

  15. but is the vehicle itself gonna be invisible so that if you have inf inside only that is invisible it will be invisible? (now I don't know if any inf is gonna be invisible but if some do (sniper could be one but I don't know))

    Depends whether they were in RA2.


    rofl at your boris avatar OWA


    i miss MGS i preferred sniper wolf to mantis

    'i wasnt waiting to kill someone, i was waiting for someone to kill me... a man like you'

    Vulcan Raven is my favourite character.


    Raven: "Blood from the east flows within your veins. Ah, so you too were raised on the barren plains of mongolia. Japanese and Inuit are cousins to one another. We share many ancestors, you and I."


    Snake: "I don't have any crows in my family tree."


    Classic stuff.

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