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Posts posted by OWA

  1. Anyway, good blog as always, but about the video, you're quite a lucky guy because if that would've happened in my country, the teacher's council would've been called and severe disciplinary actions would've been taken.

    I'm not that lucky, since I haven't been attending that school for 2 years now. It was one of my friends that is two years younger than me that linked me to it. I had that teacher though and he was fairly awesome.


    OWA there are pretty many dudes out there still learning english (including me), don't show them wrong grammar..

    correct spell is




    tis a bad joke, half year ago I used the wrong spelling in a test (thanks to one of the blogs) on English lesson and I received a worse mark than expected, should NOT happen with anyone else..

    Spelling isn't grammar.


    Seplling is getting a word wrong, like you have explained.

    Grammar is getting a sentence structure wrong, for example "I are cool" is an example of bad grammar.


    But yeah, those words have always been the ones I tend to mis-spell. You don't need to be able to type english to be able to learn it :D


    My spelling is the least of your worries.


    Ah, awesome blog as usual. lol @ video


    Hmm, I've got some questions...


    Can tank shells/explosive weapons destroy Sandbags?

    Will GGI barricades remain there forever unless destroyed somehow?

    It'll be great if the Harrier/BE was added in RC1 too, but will they function like the Helos? It'll be strange though...if only we could do a barrel roll, lol.

    Will elite infantry/units continue healing, even after battle damage? It'll mean no refills but it's a bit...

    1. Yes

    2. They are linked to the infantry unit, so when the infantry unit dies, the barricade disappears.

    3. The Harrier will be in RC1 complete with VTOL harrier physics. We hope to make aerial acrobatics possible.

    4. Yeah, they already do that. The only feature of elite units that we aren't carrying over is increased speed.

  2. nice blog, and yeah AR is gonna be freaking awesome, trust me, and just list the 3 best icons


    and LOL@english teacher

    "no, no, no, don't put it on youtube"

    I wonder what he gonna say once he finds out...

    He already found out. Apparently he wasn't best pleased with the guy who took the video.


    Anyway nice blog. I don't get the "RUN AWAY" part though :<

    It's a Worms referance.

  3. Welcome to this week's blog. This week is a busy week! My first exam is on friday, so wish me luck!


    <h3>Alpha 5</h3>

    The testers have had their hands on AR Alpha 5 this week and they are really enjoying it.


    The main aim of this build is to get the speed and damage of the vehicles right.

    Currently the Grizzly Tank is faster than the IFV and the Flak Track, the Rhino Tank crawls at a snails pace and there are a few things wrong concerning how each vehicle feels weightwise. But don't worry, the final release is going to be done up really nicely for you to all enjoy. The testers are already saying that, once balanced, this game is going to be awesome fun. So I'd be happy to make a bet saying that the first release is going to be a cracker!


    Here are some nice pictures of some ingame action!










    We'll be having a staff conferance on saturday concerning the mod, so if you have any issues of concern that you want us to discuss during that, post those concerns up and you'll recieve some ansers next week.


    Here is a list of the topics we will be discussing (subject to change).



    -sounds when buying vehicles

    -IFV changes

    -Harrier, sup?

    -per infantry kill sounds

    -tank firing, animations, muzzle flashes

    -die and move sounds for rocketeer when flying/on ground

    -speed of basic infantry?

    -website info



    So yeah, let us know what you think!


    <h3>Icon Judging</h3>

    The judging has begun!


    We are using a points system to mark the icons, just like this...


    Vote for the threee you like the best, your first preference being worth 3 points, your second worth 2 points and your third worth 1 point.


    So heres an example:

    3 points #1G

    2 points #4B

    1 point #5A


    Good luck to everyone who entered, the results may be posted up in the next blog, but otherwise it shall be two weeks from now.


    By the way, do you guys want to see each entry's points displayed, or just the top 3?


    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I have my first exam on friday. It's computing so it's going to be tricky, but I'll plow through it :D I've been doing some voice overs for various infantry units which you may get to hear in APB or AR, so stay tuned for those.


    A shout goes out to my friends; Ross, Dave, Grogsy, Huw, Shannon, Netty, George, Kage, Charley, Berni, Aid, Gill and anyone who I've forgotten! You guys rock!


    A shout out also goes to cfehunter who has been working on various things for the mod and is going to have a go at the Grizzly Tank again next (since the first model went bad).


    <h3>OWA's Random Section</h3>

    My old english teacher sings opera style. How cool is that?


    <center><object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-491sUvbEQ&hl=en"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-491sUvbEQ&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-491sUvbEQ&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object></center>


    <h3>RUN AWAY</h3>


  4. Well, it's fairly warm here in britain at the moment which makes a nice change. But the weather isn't the thing on my mind currently.


    Here be the blog.


    <h3>Random Weather</h3>

    Thanks to danpaul88, we can now simulate random weather on a per-map basis! So in desert maps you can have sandstorms, in snow maps you can have blizzards with fog and in britain-based maps you can have lots and lots of rain (but not at the moment).


    Eventually we plan to add an element of time on some maps, so for example; a map could start off in the evening and during the course of the game it could turn into night. Pretty cool huh? But yeah, that's still all to be tested.


    Here is a video of the weather changing script.



    <h3>Recent Aquisition</h3>

    Soviet_Deso recently handed over some assets from the now defunct ROTD (Rise of the Drones) mod for C&C Generals Zero Hour.


    These assets include a few animal models and faction logos which are cool, as well as a certain lady of liberty. Take a look below. (The colours on the soviet logo are not accurate because the main logo needs texturing properly. I can get away with the allied one though :D )





    <h3>Allied Wall</h3>

    Well, cfehunter re-did the texture on the allied walls and I added some better sandbags to the mix to make this model a ton of a lot better than what it was. Walls are the only thing standing between your base and the hoard of Soviet units (apart from the base defences of course) so make sure they don't take too many hits.


    The Allied Battle Fortress is the only unit in the game which can run over these walls.


    Here's a pretty picture of the new walls below.





    The votes will be counted up soon.


    <h3>Team Notices</h3>

    I'm a little down in the dumps right now because of a few things but it's nothing to worry about. Exams are close. I do have a good feeling that I have a chance of scoring some good grades and getting through. My ultimate target is A for Theatre Studies, B for computing and B for Product Design. Lets' see how that goes eh. I went for a game of football with some mates today and got lightly sunburnt. What have they done with England this week? It's actually warm and sunny. Ah well, I can't complain.... Well I can actually, because I dislike the mayfair which is in town at the moment.


    cfehunter gave me his old 200GB HDD at the weekend, so I have begun to port things over as well as clone valuable things (i.e. AR work/assets) so that they will be backed up if one HDD fails. Cool huh?


    cfehunter has also finished GTAIV. Nice one!


    dtrngd is working on Dune Patrol, but he has been taking photographs of a cool park which he is going to attempt to turn into a map.


    danpaul88 has been fixing up the level edit build and acquiring some proper bases for the veterancy values for each weapon.


    Ha Cha Cha!


    <h3>OWA's Random Section</h3>

    People were complaining last week because of the lack of funnys in the blog, so I have dreamt up this new section that I can put whatever I want into.


    So this week, lets look at MS Paint artwork!



    Come back next week for a new random topic!



    The Microsoft "tada" sound is great

    ly loathed by all, isn't it?


  5. After seeing the pillbox/Rhino vid. I love the way the rhino looks, and the pillbox is awesome. However I have one small complaint. In RA2, the Rhino has this huge ass turret, while this one looks like it was scaled down a little. I don't know if this is really how it was in RA2, the turret just looks a little small for such a big tank.

    Our Rhino is based from the installer concept art and ingame cameo, not the ingame voxel. (In the installer, Westwood have screwed up by listing the Rhino as an allied vehicle >_>)

  6. Welcome to the latest AR blog. I've been off ill today, so no college for me :D


    Ah well. With coursework finally done and exams looming things are getting tense. But the blog will always prevail!


    <h3>Ingame Stuff</h3>

    danpaul88 and dtrngd have both been playing around with a few things ingame. These things include the setup of pillboxes, various map objects, a spectator character especially for taking screenshots. TheBeerinator has also been adapting the Flak Track texture for maximum leetness.


    Here are some images!







    danpaul88 has also prepared this nice video of the pillbox (obviously incomplete) for your viewing pleasure.



    <h3>Yuri MK1</h3>

    Yes, it's Yuri! This is the first attempt at duplicating Udo Kier's somewhat tyrannical mug into beautiful 3d. The results are incomplete, but as a first attempt I think it can be considered a success.


    Notable changes to be made include the goatee, 'stache and iconic "Y" symbol that is usually present in the middle of Yuri's bald forehead. The lack of facial hair is due to the shadow not rendering in properly from the source image. Fear not! This shall be added at a later date.


    Yuri shall not be included in the first release of AR, but it is something I thought would be nice and nostalgic to all of you RA2 fanatics out there!


    Images below!







    The icon competition has officially ended.


    Thanks for everyone who entered the competition! I believe it was a great success! The team and I were really impressed by some of the entries as some forum members came out of their shells and really showed us what they could do!


    Results will come soon.


    <h3>Team Notices</h3>

    I've finished my coursework, but exams are incoming. Wish me luck! I grabbed some photographs from my girlfriend yesterday, in the selection was an image of me in some civilian body armour. The story behind this one is that my girlfriend's dad works for a contracting company that manages the facilities of one of the british army bases out in Iraq. So I got to try on his armour and helmet. Pretty cool stuff.


    cfehunter got GTA IV like a lot of people did. We shan't be seeing him for a while :) (j/k xD)

    He also has a hard drive going spare that he has offered to me, since he now has a terrabyte drive. I could use some more space, since I'm down to 2gb/200gb :)


    dtrngd has gone on a trip with his school. He'll be back on sunday. Have fun mate!


    BogdanV and Eggman891 have been tinkering with the fake worldboxes. More news on this when we get some more definite, positive results. :)


    The website should be uploaded within the hour. Coming online soon!



    The community support section and the project of the week section have been killed off due to lack of interest.


    Thus ends the blog.


    Shoo! :)

  7. Hell you havnt even seen anything in the cartoony lighting that saberhawk made for us before he left.

    Yeah, the project was scrapped because it looked wierd ingame.


    for a pic to be included in APB or AR, you wnat it in a mail or PM on forums or what? also what size should it preferably be in? (my camra takes at a res of 1560x1920, and is just above 1 meg)

    PM please.

  8. Welcome to this week's blog. Nothing much has been done this week since it's getting into exam time. My coursework ends on friday, so I can chill out on the weekend and play Mario Kart Wii :)


    <h3>Flak Track</h3>

    TheBeerinator has been working on the Flak Track texture. You would have seen the description and video with the functions in a previous blog, so I won't repeat myself. I want to stay fresh here :D


    Here we go. Four nice camos and a cool rear view of the forest variant.




    <h3>Incredibly Cool Stuff</h3>

    I got a program that can make 3d models using jpeg images, cool huh? Well, I put in an image of Kari Wuhrer to create a realistic Tanya head and it came out pretty well. (This was just a test. I'll find a better picture for when I come to make Tanya for real). See for yourself.




    I also remade the Guardian GI's head to look more like the beefy steamrolling badass that he is.




    This will be great for making 3d versions of the characters from RA2 (providing that the images are good enough). Yuri is going to be fun to make when I get around to it.


    If you want to actualy be featured in AR or APB, send me a picture of you looking straight at the camera with a blank look on your face. A.K.A: a mugshot. (You cannot be wearing glasses and you must tie back long hair if you have it. This will yield the best results).


    Post them to the usual inbox; mine!



    We aim to have the website up soon! Yes! Finally!


    The database has been setup courtesy of Blazer and Tankmaster has sent me the website ready to upload. (Big thanks to you both!)


    All that needs doing is a little configuration, then Coolrock can go ahead and buy the domain that we plan to use.


    I'll spend a day sticking some cool content up on the site as a present for you guys; since you have waited so patiently.


    The time is upon us! Let the Apocalypse Rise!



    The AR icon competition ends in 7 days! If you have an entry that you are going to submit, don't leave it til the last minute to enter!


    All of the details can be found over at the thread here.


    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I've been finishing my coursework off. Hand-in date is on monday but I'm going to get it completed for friday so I get the weekend to sleep and play Mario Kart Wii (which I'm getting tomorrow). I'm also getting a wireless router for my PC so that I can get my Wii online. I'll put up my friend code when I get it. My console name is "Shoop" at the moment. I need to think of a better name :)


    I found this picture of me and Pete from back in the Blazemods days before college. We were young and free back then, where did it all go wrong? :)


    TheBeerinator has a lot of real life stuff to attend to, so he'll be taking a break. I'll be summoning the foxmeister (or Merovingian as you know him) to do some building interiors for us. He may be ready to come back from his short break now.


    danpaul88 and BogdanV are bashing their e-noggins together to try and figure out shootable projectiles. It is possible, but not without sacrifice.


    <h3>And I did it myyyyy waaaaaaay!</h3>

    I'm cutting the community support and project of the week sections for this blog, since I'm just too damn tired to finish this blog. They shall return next week unless you guys actually want them axed anyway.


    It's 3 am and I need sleep...

  9. If you ask me the whole mod needs to be modified. True, a few GIs could just take out a whole base in one minute and V3s get promoted too easily. And what is going to be the difference between an engineer and a technician, can V3s be shot before they hit the ground?

    Engineers can repair bridges, repair structures faster and capture tech buildings.



    V3s can be shot down... Didn't you read the dev blogs?

    It hasn't been tested yet.

  10. Based on the vid, the rockets even in clusters don't do as much damage as I expected. Several hits on the War Factory and its barely scathed. Hey, I'm not destructively criticizing the IFV, I know you guys have done hard work on this, and I appreciate it. Tose 10 seconds make me itch :D

    You do know that nothing is final right? The IFV hasn't been balanced into the game properly yet.

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