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  1. So, the last few days i've been trying to be more active in-game and in the W3D community (Discord, Forum) and, (maybe i'm wrong, please tell me if i am) i've noticed that, even though we have this many people interested in these games, and we have so many discussing about them, the actual playerbase is quite small. Usually, when i go and play some, i open the launcher and i see this The mods, that i'm the most interested in, and love, have 0 players, almost constantly. Maybe i'm just checking at the wrong time, and there is a playerbase to these games and i just don't notice it, hopefully. If someone can tell me why, please do, i'm really desperate to play them with the community. and i would love to hear opinions and explanations. (Also, excuse me for the formatting, etc. of my post, i'm a first timer forum user. :D )
  2. Last version installed, and worked fine, but this update cant connect to the W3D Backend API when starting up, thus causing malfunction, also, i'm sure this isn't the right place to ask, but why can't Tiberian Technologies Update itself? Kind Regards.: Lamasvale
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