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Posts posted by Raptor29aa

  1. That wolverine first person pilot view is awesome! I can now look my opponents straight in the eyes as I fire at them. ? . Maybe the tick tank will get a cool turret camera option for when it deploys. 

    Lastly: I remember a while ago timeaura was working on a core defender. Maybe that old project was given new life and revived.

  2. @Pushwall I will mention Ridgewar no more. Simply because it was not designed for Yaks. A map like Alpine lake would've been a better idea. 

    As far as helicopters are concerned, landing and turning off to a side pad(s) would work. (I think all production buildings have that capability.)

  3. I remember that. There's no way I would want anything indestructible on a map.

    I was just trying to suggest some sort of variety. Something odd to break up the chaos. Be it a destructible turret or pumps Or even meteors raining down from the sky or a lava flow would be an interesting change like dust storms on pipeline. 

    (By the way I do enjoy the random cyborg commando on FOI.)

  4. Wow, I had no idea the AI scripts were that extensive for called in bots. I thought it was a way point based preplaned thing (as in destroy objective ABC and if encounter enemy then logic).

    But I was wrong it's more an independent set of rules based on situation not map destination. As in bot encounters or is ordered to situation 1,2,3 then act ABC unless 456 happens then refer to XYZ and once XYZ clears return to 1,2,3.

    The first requires map cues while the second does not... nice

  5. 7 hours ago, Pushwall said:

    That's also a possibility. But where would it go that has almost the same travel time and accessibility for both teams though, given the way the terminal is positioned. It can't go anywhere in the centre because of the collapsible platform that blocks access to the lower centre, and it would make no sense for it to be on the man made platforms.

    Maybe replace the underground silos?oyu have a good point.

  6. @ Raap you bring up a good point. It's almost as if the turret would have to start destroyed and be repaired. (Although on domination maps someone would have to become a techie which wouldn't work. 

    It could on fissure, lol.

    Also what do you think about an oil pump  on fissure?

    Also I never liked the idea of a killable driver (hence why the forklift on riverraid is so sweet) (and yes forklift on infantry only map would be funny, but not worth the time it takes to implement it)

    @ pushwall maybe expanding fissure so narrow long hallways have more space to dodge flamer or shotgun slugs. And it would more than 8 seconds to walk to the other team's base which would be useful. And who knows maybe a neutral structure. 

  7. @ Raap you bring up a good point. It's almost as if the turret would have to start destroyed and be repaired. (Although on domination maps someone would have to become a techie which wouldn't work. 

    It could on fissure, lol.

    Also what do you think about an oil pump  on fissure?

    Also I never liked the idea of a killable driver (hence why the forklift on riverraid is so sweet) (and yes forklift on infantry only map would be funny, but not worth the time it takes to implement it)

    @ pushwall maybe expanding fissure so narrow long hallways have more space to dodge flamer or shotgun slugs. And it would more than 8 seconds to walk to the other team's base which would be useful. And who knows maybe a neutral structure. 

  8. I have Ideas to improve either to fissure, forest of illusion, or rock trap.

    Idea #1 how about player controlled cannons? They would have limited health and might be something for those who are not good at infantry combat to do. 

    (Remember cannon or turret; not pill, not flame, not m60, nor machine gun.)

    Idea #2 (fissure only) capturable oil pump? It allows some who don't like infantry combat to instead go for a moneymaker.

    what do you guys think?

  9. I do enjoy Siege, and I typically leave the server because of how draining the map before it is. Whenever I play Siege I enjoy the simplicity. As in there are 5 ways to attack the opposition and most people just try the first three. 

    @Erickgch I feel you are confused because there is no: early game rush to an easy win/first 3 min infantry back door which other maps have. (Hense the title Siege)

    @Raap you are not out of touch just pushing people's imaginatory limit. Hostile water you attempted to create a capturable middle ground. With Siege as stated above no early rush point and trying out a teleportation underground/ secret lab (which was awesome). You shake up the average player because you give them the unexpected and in so challenge them. I see out smarting my opponent on Siege as an Art. 

    Edit: I take it back one can early rush the pillbox or FT for an early win.


  10. Riot shielding  sounds awesome! It brings me back to the days of counter strike. (will he still have his emp mines?)

    The mutant wrench is cool, will it have limited or unlimited ammo?

    Nod also getting a repair pad ? Not sure how I feel about that. I mean the repair vehicle, mutant wrench, and a repair pad seems a little much. Considering GDI will have no mobile repair option. 


  11.  Why not both? Maybe subtract damage from V2 while at same time giving projectile minor burn damage. When I say minor I mean 3 damage over 3 seconds or Something like that. So medic still has use but V2 can still kill infantry. 

    As for artillery it doesn't need any changes since soviets have no medic and both teams will have something asymmetrical.

  12. Excellent work. And who knows maybe it could supply AA trucks or something. Or have a refill terminal -A tech center has endless potential for Easter eggs (like an invisible supply truck or Sam truck)

    As for the hospital I always felt it was a little too massive. It was awesome though. It was used to be in a map, but I forget which and it slowly regenerated the health of anyone who walked inside.

  13. Best defense is a good offense. While defensive structures are handy for defense nothing says destroy the enemy more than using a concrete bunker near an opponent's base to attack their base.

    -the need for more defensive structures or stronger ones near a base or even in the field can always backfire. For example Castles were more than defensive structures.

  14. There is no way to punish a ragequit.

    What you can do is make incentives to stay... aka provide hope.

    Secondly you can add deterrents to killwhoring.

    For starters basic infantry are more able to kill tanks in this version compared to others (I think). And I am mostly sure shotguns still do armor damage.

    Mammoth splash through walls is not as bad as previously. Soviet Starsha's still have a powerful secondary purposefully designed to kill indoor tanyas. Captains can still destroy Flame towers/ Pill boxes. Phase tanks have a radar signature so they can no longer troll run over soviets. Even Building Roofs are accessible for defensive purposes! Some maps even have bunkers or tunnels to hide in. In KOTG I've used the tunnels as to not be killwhored.

    So yes each map has some sort of hope system put into it.

    But now the larger question what is to deter the provocateurs? I'll admit crushing your opponent, and getting the highest K/D is awesome... Although, A Path Beyond was built on the objective of killing the base not players. So I assume that I should keep my attention on the objective.

  15. As a Newbie I must say terrain creation is not that hard (and there are a billion of tutorials for it). I finished a basic terrain model in one month... hour every weekend.

    I hit a wall getting it into Commando Level Editor (I didn't know about max ploy count, one important detail left out of most tutorials) LE is a whole different kind of animal.

    I hit a second wall getting it into renegade/playable... (testing what I created gave me fuel and energy to create more... it was awesome to walk in a world just created and see what needs to be re-sculpted.)

    Then my old computer showed its 12 year old age... rest in pieces.

    I could rebuild the map from the height map I created. But things have gotten busy. So I might pick it up later.

    I hope my exp. could give you guys some valuable feedback


    I do have some old assets on an old CD... most of which you guys probably have... although one thing which might be of interest is a file labelled modular project

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