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Posts posted by Raptor29aa

  1. Single player LAN it takes time 10 seconds before it is playable. Durning single player play it's fine. multiplayer works just fine. I haven't had any performance issues.

    But seriously I haven't gotten to play it against anyone.

    The cannons are awesome (most people don't know you can use there other cannnon to fire at the enemy cannon across the castle killing it quickly -lol)

  2. Before any blanket changes are made.

    Let's consider the ideal conditions for the current phase model:

    Needs run away space

    Or something hide behind

    Needs isolated target

    Issues that make the current phase not worth the price:

    Thick trees

    Rough terrain (nowhere to run away or hide)

    Multiple tanks/ or ride alongs (shock trooper/volkov passenger)

    -things that are still balanced-

    DPS is excellent

    Vehicle reverse speed - satisfactory

    Time to repair with mechanic - satisfactory


    Previous version of the phase had a sniper/spy as mandatory for radar invisibility.

    Current version of the phase has three most used unit combos- phase Tanya, engineer(mine detection), or the most popular phase mechanic.

    The reason radar invisibility is desired, is to not have to run away so far, or need a large stalking distance. (Which could give the sniper another role; and yes I know the phase is not an IFV)

    I think the script should be altered to include the sniper as necessary to radar inivisiblity. Thus not making the engineer/Tanya role too powerful. It would also keep the current mechanic + phase combo from being OP.

    Also it would add diversity to the tank+Driver combo. Besides most phases I see are mechanic phase combos.

  3. That is definitely understandable. I stopped working on my project because I became unemployed. (Shocking to most of my friends and family) but I had to explain that government jobs are budgetary jobs. As in if you have no seniority and there's money issues you are the first to go.

    -good news is that I am now employed and I'll pick up the project.

    But yea I totally understand what you mean.

  4. I still think that the Allied defenses fold a little too easily. I think replacing the Allied War Factory Pillbox with a Turret would do nicely.

    There's a problem turrets are crappy against shocks and most bunny hopping infantry. (Not to mention have issues with curved hills and blind spots)

    But I get your point, when a single mammoth can plow through two pillboxes.

    Maybe Camo Pillbox? LoL

  5. The chinook idea -yes!

    The medic idea... no -my concern is faster reload makes multiple medics unstoppable indoors.

    The APC ideas

    - increase damage... No

    - splash damage... Yes

    - armor increase... Yes


    Reasoning: I believe the function of the APC is to carry infantry and defend them. It must have armor enough to take a beating. Resupplying is a plus. As far as weapons go... I am unsure. I feel being more anti-infantry than anti-tank would be beneficial to the survival of the passengers (APCs have med tanks to escort them). As far as building damage goes... It should be as effective as a ranger (because the passengers should be doing the damage).

  6. The shotgun single slug was to help the allies when they lose the barracks and the soviets decide to mammoth steamroll. Officers are laughable against a mammoth and its reneragtion rate. While a gang of shotgunners using slugs stands some chance against a single mammoth.

    I don't think the vehicle damage should change.

    But I do agree they kill FTs / silos quickly. (Hmmm...)

    I firmly believe the secondaries are strictly for end game

    (The Soviet shotgunner secondary is for when they lose the barracks and get flooded with Tanya.

    Anyways I do have an idea the damage could be decreased 10% and the magazine could get 2 extra rounds, not sure if that would do much other than change the DPS.

  7. -Not to forget the awesome sprint key function (so you don't have to waste 20min of walking in maps). But don't worry you can't shoot while sprinting. -Also crouching makes you radar invisible! (ninja).

    All I can say is that Delta delivers the goods

  8. Success, Thank you.

    Translation: I took the Terrain in 3ds max, edited the poly by multiple detachments, made sure the count was low, w3d configured each one, and Bam it worked!!!

    I am going to Celebrate!!!



    ...After celebrating (Lifts up glass), I realized my terrain is like a butterfly. Beautiful from a long distance, but ugly in the face when up close. I have cliffs to redo.


    Next step/challenge... uhh... learn about level edit, lol.


    SideNote: this weekend will make my co-workers in insane (my bosses least favorite work... Overtime). I won't be updating anytime this and possibly next weekend.

  9. The shot gunner should be adjusted based on alligence NOt Overall.

    Allied shottie secondary was meant to kill Tanks, not buildings (or snipe, lol). (8 in 1 hitting MCT across the room, lol) EDIT: and flame soldiers/ shock troopers since they where almost unstoppable.

    EDIT #2 Single slug secondary kills flame towers quickly, if you have adequate cover.

    Soviet shottie secondary was meant to kill Tanyas, not clear out allied buildings (which used the flame soldier's job, lol).

    The primary fire of both infantry are fine as is. (As in need to stand close to MCT to get all 8 to hit)

    Possible Solution:

    Allied shotgunner: make secondary less building effective? So allied shottie has to be near the MCT.

    Soviet shotgunner: no idea (it's an anti Tanya secondary it has to be infantry effective)

    Primary fire... No idea maybe less building damage

  10. As to not flood the page with photos I'm putting them all in Links

    Step 1: Preparation/ clean up

    So to make the transition easy I deleted the red and blue War Factory approx boxes. So there is only one mesh (and its a plane... just to keep it simple).

    Then I go over to tools and select w3d Pic


    Step 2: Selection of Collision Properties (I selected everything). Physical, Projectile, Vehicle, Vis, Camera. Pic


    Step 3: Went to Export and Selected W3D (and named it of course) Pic


    Step 4: Selected Renegade Terrain and Vertex Smoothe Pic


    Step 5: Looked at readout... (have no idea what I'm looking at) Pic


    Step 6: Fired up level Editor (and created new mod folder... clean slate this time) And clicked Terrain Tab Pic


    Step 7: Created new Temp Terrain, named it, and selected the w3d model (ps I moved it into one of the level editor folders) Pic


    Step 8: Hit Ok, then selected the temp terrain and hit the magical make button Pic


    Result: It crashed Pic


    I am not sure what I am doing incorrectly, any input is welcome

  11. RAvillage5_1.jpg


    Ok, so all 4 sides are done. mountains on 3 sides and ocean on the fourth.

    I also increased the size by (140%) The blue and red squares represent war factories

    Although I have not been able to successfully import it into level edit. (and thus my newbishness shows)

    So to back up my work I made a quick height map

    -Next: I'll be viewing more videos to see how to get the terrain from 3ds max 8 to level edit (I can't wait to walk around it)

  12. ... It might also list where the players are from as well?

    The the flag next to the person's name I think is good enough.

    The location/Time zone might have to do why I find people on at odd times.

    (I am trying to figure out why curtain days have earliar times for large games and some days it happens later. And how to predict behavior to some of the larger games).

    - anyone else think this would be a useful feature?

  13. Let me start off by saying... Awesome Job!

    I am not sure where to post a suggestion for the stats/ranking page. (So if this needs to be moved...I understand)


    So my suggestion would be to have a menu under the server info tab Labelled Player count stats.

    The page would consist of a menu with different days and hours and it would list player counts.

    The reason being Every now and then I hear someone ask when is the most popular time to log on. (Log on possibly twice a week so I couldn't answer that) But I was thinking this page could; statistically speaking.

  14. My worries are those of Raptor29aa basically. Additionally, I also believe if you want to buff the mad, buff its mobility first.

    Yea, after driving one around on different levels and terrain... There are some hills/slopes it almost gets stuck on, yet mammoths and ore trucks can climb with ease.

  15. Why not just make the MAD tank slightly faster? It's has the power to damage a whole base.

    If MADs win allies could lose most their base.

    I don't think a demo can knock out multiple structures.

    Also there's response time of the allies.


    I had a successful MAD rush because we we were far away from the main allied rush.

    Sure we lost FTs and a CY. But the allied rush couldn't retreat fast enough and they lost barracks and WF.


    The MAD is not a rush vehicle (neither are demos). They are best a sneak attack vehicle.

    Basic Blitzkrieg distract and push. I've used a MAD as a distraction for a rush and also a rush as a diversion for MADs.


    The idea is that all the allied focus is on killing the mads, often that escorts are ignored. Allies lose a lot of meds and phases just to kill a mad. Either way if MADs are killed or survive the escort force is often ignored.


    Also consider this if mads are escorted by mammoths wouldn't leaving the mammoths alive after a successful MAD attack be game breaking?


    Bottom line

    If you want the MAD to be more tactical

    Just boost its speed and allow it some hill climbing so it can be versatile.

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