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Everything posted by TeamWolf

  1. Hello and happy new year to everyone in this year new blog of 2010! Time for some content. Atreides Construction Yard LR01 has been very with modelling up the Atreides construction yard interior and it is really shaping up well. Here is the basement which is a welding room where most of the materials for buildings and and vehciles. Here it is! As you can see, that room is almost done! New Year Video Some testers got together for a nice testing game and filmed it. Now it's on an old map which is going to be redone heavily but it shows off our latest internal build of the game, so enjoy! Domains As you will of noticed, the site as been down for a few days, it's because of our domain name not working and after a few tries to fix it we just decided to get some new ones! So here are the new links! www.battlefordune.eu www.warofassassins.com www.warofassassins.co.uk Hope these work out better! Team Notices I've been having a nice and relaxing new years day, playing some games I got from Christmas and working on the mod. cnc95fan has been off rowing and was kinda dead after. LR01 has been working on the Atreides CY. gtp0rong has been learning some modelling and texturing skills by recreating some castles from Nintendo 64 games! 2010 is here! We hope that everyone had a great year in 2009 and that 2010 will be even greater!
  2. Gotta love that chronoshift. W0000t! Bio on frontpage! Create blog as always.
  3. Merry Christmas everyone and welcome to this festive blog! We've been busy once again so we hope you enjoy! Harkonnen Infantry For about a year now we have only had Atriedes and Ordos with infantry, but now we finally have the Harkonnen Infantry model done! Kiory from the Renegade X 40k team has kindly modelled this guy up for us so a major thanks goes out to him for his major help towards to the mod! Here he is! Now all we need to do is texture and rig this guy! Binocular Scopes gtp0rong has finished editing and fixing up the other two House's scopes. Now the Harkonnen and Ordos have their own specialy themed binocular scopes! Check them out! These should really help give the Scout that feeling of scouting! Harkonnen Refinery LR01 has been very busy working on the Harkonnen refinery's interior and I think he has done an amazing job on it, all that needs doing now is animating it and texturing! Team Notices I have been having a great Christmas with my family, lots of presant opening, dinner eating and games played! cnc95fan has been having a great Christmas too and is back working on the mod in a more hands on way. LR01 is working his arse off even on Christmas day while still enjoying his time with his family. Everyone else is celebrating Christmas and having a great time! Merry Christmas all!!! I hope you enjoyed this Christmas day blog!
  4. Hello and welcome to yet another War of Assassins blog, looks like I just made it! Binoculars Last week we saw the buffed up Atreides Sniper scope, we this week gtp0rong has been busy making the new Binocular scope! Check out this Scout scope! Aprit Chard I've been trying to work on Aprid Chard when I can. It's almost ready to go ingame, all it needs is some infantry cover, dunes and some extra detail! Quick WIP shot. Question & Answering Now, we at Battle for Dune have been going for over 2 years and haven't really given this much thought. So we are now going to compile a Q&A topic but we thought that it would be best to hear what you guys have to ask, the fans. So ask as many questions as you like and we will try to answer all of them to the best that we can! Team Notices I am getting ready to go and buy the last of my Christmas gifts. cnc95fan is off school and enjoying some free time. LR01 is also off and is now able to fully work again! gtp0rong is around somewhere working. Well... Errr... Yeah...
  5. Hello, sorry about no blogs for about 3 weeks, we have been very busy with real life stuff and so on but we some new stuff to show you at last so enjoy! Harkonnen Refinery As we draw closer and closer to getting all of our buildings finished up and 100% modelled, LR01 has been busy working on the Harkonnen refinery Interior. Here are some WIP shots. Expect to see more on the refinery soon. Sniper Scope gtp0rong is back and has begun work once again, he has gone back over his old stuff and started to buff them up. Here is our better looking Atreides Sniper scope! Sneeky Scouts! It's been about a year since we last showed off a video so I think now would be great a time to do so! Some of the testers were having some games on the newly remade infantry only map, Sand Trap. Here is what they got up to while testing! Hey, check out this video. I thought you might like to watch it. Sand Trap - Sneeky Scouts Team Notices I have been busy with work and stuff but more free time so I should be able to make some progress on Aprit Chard! LR01 has been doing what work he can around his school work but has 2 week holiday coming up. cnc95fan has been around.. Somewhere.. gtp0rong is back and busy working on scopes. Alex has finished his exams for the moment and working on terrain textures. "YES, YES I BEAT HI..." "... And then there was beer!"
  6. That Grizzly tank model is just coming along so nicely, the texture is just awesome. The Tokarev is amazing, can't wait to see it ingame!
  7. Hey and welcome to a late War of Assassins blog, sorry for a late but we hope you enjoy it! Pistols LR01 has been busy modeling the Atreides pistol, each House has it's own pistol to keep a unique feel. Mapping I have been busy working on the remake of Aprit Chard due to remaking all of my old maps and trying to add more to them! Take a look at these WIPs. Vehicles LR01 hasn't been happy with the Minotaurus model for sometime after remaking the Mongoose and we agreed that it was just not making the mark. So he has started remake it with a lot of detail added in! Check out the new model. Team Notices I have been very busy with work due to two people on holiday and the release of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2! LR01 has been busy with the new Mino model and some weapons with the build on top of that. Seadust is working on the Harkonnen Windtrap texture. cnc95fan is around here somewhere.. Recruitment Battle for Dune is looking for Texture Artists, Infantry Modelers and Unwrappers! So if you like what you see and want to help out, then please pm me on moddb or on our forums here, register and show us some of your recent work.
  8. Hey and welcome to blog 94, sorry for no blogs for the past two weeks and this blog won't be much like the others with pictures and stuff. Due to the fact that we are at the stage were almost all of the models are done and are just awaiting some internals, detail updates or maybe redos due to old versions just not looking as good as they could. We pretty much done have anything to show right now, this doesn't mean that we aren't working though. LR01 has been busy with getting a new build out and unwrapping models for our new texture artists. He has also been doing work on the Atreides building interiors while also doing some weapon modelling. Jens has been very busy with RL and hasn't had the time to do any coding but has told me that he should have free time this week and hopefully weeks to come so expect to see some nice script features in the near future! Seadust has been working on the Harkonnen building textures for the Construction Yard and Windtrap, these are the most complete Harkonnen buildings at the moment (the others need touching up and some parts fixing). Prototstar is making some nice terrain textures from what I hear and getting ready to texture the Harvester when LR01 has finished unwrapping it. And as for me? I have been slowing making progress on the map, Aprit Chard. I have been distracted by the new Call of Duty but now back on track and ready to work again. Sorry about no pictures and other stuff, but as you can see we are all pretty much working and just getting things finished up and adding them ingame the testing to make sure they work. So we're not dying or dead and expect to see a proper blog friday!
  9. Hello and welcome to this Friday's blog, we haven't got much to show you more talk and annouce really, but we hope you enjoy it none-the-less! Aprid Chard It's been awhile since we featured this map and well, it's time for a remake. Much like Sand Trap, we felt that it could do with a remake due to how outdated and just poorly modelled it looks. So here is a small WIP of the new version. Facebook That's right, Battle for Dune has joined the masses at Facebook. We have started a Battle for Dune group where you can catch all the recent updates and much more! The link is here, make sure you pop by and become a member! Internal Builds There hasn't been much word or shots of our current build because we have pretty much shown you everything but don't worry, a new build is on it's way. This new build should contain new models and the naps maps, so make sure you look out for upcoming pictures and videos! Team Notices I have had another week off from work and pretty much spent it catching up with friends and map making. cnc95fan is back to rowing and I hear kicking other rowing teams butts! LR01 has been busy unwrapping models for our texture artists. Jerad is busy with getting the Sandworm to work. Seadust is going through all the E:BFD textures and seeing what he can use! Sir, we have no ships in secter 3,7... ... IT'S A TRAP!
  10. I do love that Grizzly and the MP5 is just awesome. Ivan's pistol will be epicly fun to use lol. Nice one guys.
  11. Hey and welcome to a short mini prefriday blog in place of a very late last Friday blog! Sand Trap The map is finally finished, after a lot of messing around with textures and other details (the texture I am still not 100% sure on) it has been done. All it needs it a few hedgehogs and we are good to go! Here are a few shots. As you can see, it is pretty much there. Texture Artist From our recent advertising for texture artists that we have needed for ages and really badly, two have answered our calls. Welcome Protostar and Seadust, two very skilled member who will be helping us getting that release out as fast as possible! End of Miniblog Well that's pretty much it for this blog, hope you enjoyed it, stay tuned for tomorrow's main blog!
  12. Hello and welcome to this week's Battle for Dune blog. This week we have some major stuff to show and tell you! Sand Trap Sand Trap's terrain is pretty much finished (apart from the stuff beyond the blockers), the textures aren't 100% final but are more there to give you an idea of the end product! Take a look. Atreides Outpost LR01 has been very busy on the Atreides Outpost interior, it is coming along very nicely and I can't wait to see it fully finished! The War of Assassins The name of a mod says a lot about it, what type of game it is, where it is set and what it is about. For sometime now just "Battle for Dune" felt like it had something missing, like it was just E:BFD but without the E:. So after much time and thought about weather we wanted this or not and how things would go after. No one can see the future and so we have chosen to alter the mod's name. So our new name will be, Battle for Dune: War of Assassins. We felt that this name is good and still very inkeeping with what we are doing and what we want to get across. For those of you who don't know, the War of Assassins is the war fought for control of Arrakis and Spice flow by the Guild. Team Notices I have been work on Sand Trap mostly and just gone back to work after a week off. cnc95fan has found us a new texture artist, his name is Seadust! LR01 is busy with school and working on the Atreides Outpost. gtp0rong is busy working on some 2d stuff for us, but more about that later! Attention everyone, this is your Captain speaking. We have some good and bad news for you... ... The good news is that we are landing right away, the bad news is that it will be a crash landing.
  13. That revolver is just awesome, very nice work there. The building just look epic all together and I love how you are making them all true to the RA2 size as much as possible! Great blog guys, keep it up!
  14. Hello and welcome to another Battle for Dune blog, sorry there was no blog last week.. Things have been abit busy lately. Outpost In the last blog I said that work had begun on the Atreides Outpost interior, well LR01 has taken it over and has made some nice progess, check it out. Sand Trap I have been busy working on BFD_Sand_Trap and trying new things with textures and caves, here take a look. Team Notices Well it's my Birthday today (October 10th) and I intend to do lots of gaming and lots of drinking with friends! cnc95fan is around.. Somewhere. LR01 is busy with the Atreides Outpost. gtp0rong is doing some logo work. Peerwat is going over all our current sounds and fixing them up. So... ... There's nothing to say...
  15. That new Tech OD looks awesome, very nice work. The new miner looks even more epic with it's back dumping ore!!! And that Refinery just keeps on getting better and better. Great one guys, keep it up!
  16. Did you not read the other blog? Lol
  17. That's right, keep on doing the 2d stuff, good gtp0rong.
  18. Hello and welcome to another not so late(ish) blog. Sorry for no blog last week, I was just too busy. Outpost Work has finally been started on the Atreides Outpost interior, after work on the House Ix War Factory was put on hold for higher listed models. Here is a WIP. Sand Trap I have been very busy working on Sand Trap, as shown in past blogs the new version has tunnels and caves. Here are a few shots of the main cave, the textures are just to show the cave better and there is a small terrain issue but it has been fixed. Team Notices I have been enjoying my weekend and have found out I have even more time off this week! LR01 has been busy with his studies but is still around and working on the build. cnc95fan is here and there, busy with school and so on. gtp0rong has two weeks holiday, so some more 2d stuff will most likely get done. But Lt, you are going to go out there in a Leo?.. ... My Leo is plenty fast enough.
  19. That installer is going to be awesome, the Refinery just looks so much more awesome and now with a front door!!!! The Barracks is looking a lot better now there proper Repair Nodes and Purchase Terminals are in. And ouch, I hope your foot gets better soon mate. Awesome blog guys!
  20. Ah the repair node for the Allies is textured, looks awesome. That tech airfield just looks amazing, real nice work there and the Refinery looks a lot more like the ingame one. Great work guys!
  21. Hello and welcome to yet another late blog, sorry but I have been very busy and seem to be the only person able to model due to studies. So welcome to a TeamWolf blog! Sand_Trap I have finally started to work on BFD_Sand_Trap once again, this time I have started to work on it's new caves. Sorry about the texturing, it was rushed and I couldn't find the textures I truely wanted to use so they are only temp! Not a single drop of rain on Arrakis... Only few of us know of all the locations of these moisture collectors.. House Ix I have been making the final touches to the exterior of the War Factory and now ready to start it's interior! Team Notices I have been busy with work and and Battle for Dune stuff, not to mention Steel Guardians. cnc95fan is back to school. LR01 is also back to school and is very busy. gtp0rong is around here... Somewhere. We must retreat, they have a board with a nail in it... ... One day they will make a board with a nail in it SO big that it will destroy their world.. AHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
  22. I love those Tech buildings, they look epic! And that Prisom tower looks a lot better than the old ones (were they vengance?) And I think we all want a pair of those shoes lol, Awesome blog, keep it up!
  23. Hello and welcome to yet another fun filled Battle for Dune blog, now lets get on with it shall we? House Ix I have been fixing up the mesh and adding some small details to the War Factory before I start on the interior. It's not much different but take a look! Weapons LR01 has once again been busy with weapon modelling, this time he has modelled up the Ordos Mortar. I love it and think he has done a great job. Here it is. Team Notice I have come down with some nasty cold and managed to give it to half my work... Oops! cnc95fan is getting ready school. LR01 is back at school and hasn't got much time for modding again. "So what level are you?" "Level? Errr, Dust2... I guess"... ..."Level 2... LOL!!"
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