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Everything posted by TeamWolf

  1. Hello and welcome to a very much needed, blog 111. As you may have noticed, we've been very quiet over the past month, this is mainly due to exams and the fact that we've been more working on game balancing and our latest internal build! But now for what we have been up to in more detail. [h]Forums[/h] If you are one of our forum visitors you may of noticed that we have upgraded to IPB 3. This was due to the fact that IPB has stopped all support for IPB2 now and therefore we saw it as something we must do to make sure our forums are safe and secure. If you are not a member of our forums and wish to see what we've been up to then please visit www.battlefordune.eu. [h]Alpha 5[/h] As I said in the intro, we have been very busy with our latest build, Alpha 5. This build is our best so far with all infantry models in, updated rigs, weapons and more! We've been focusing a lot on our infantry balancing lately due to that side of the game being the most complete (including mapwise). More on the build and maps to come at a later date (sooner rather than later). [h]Atriedes Rifle[/h] Due to our current Atreides rifle being a very low poly textured model from the old team back in 2003, we've decided to finally make a new one! Eeevil has been busy designing and modelling this weapon, we are going through many ideas with how this should look and what fits with the House in general. At the moment we have the basic ideas down but the size and details of the weapon are still very much WIP. As you can see, it currently looks a little too big and bulky, not something a soldier wants to be carrying around in the deep desert. [h]Atreides Pistol[/h] The Atreides pistol (as seen in the 1980's cult film) has been something we haven't been sure on for awhile now. The design and main shape of the pistol are alright but apart from that is looks really bad and just lacking in every way. Our first attempt at remaking it kind of failed so Fz007 has been busy redesigning it and remodelling the gun. Thinking more about how pistol actually look and work has given us a lot more ideas on how it should be, just see for yourselves! As you can see, we've even made sure the iron sight is easy to look down through. [h]Harkonnen Jackhammer[/h] Eeevil has once again been busy working on weapons, this time he is texturing the Harkonnen shotgun, the Jackhammer. As you can see the texture is a early WIP but the just of it is there. More to come of this next update but for now, have some images! [h]Atreides Doors[/h] If you have been following the game, watching the videos, looking at the building images, you would of seen that we really are lacking any sort of doors. Well we are finally designing and putting them ingame. Due to a lot of infantry rape from vehicles in open buildings in testing games and something we have been meaning to put in, here is the Atreides building doors by LR01. LR01 also wanted to say a few words on the matter. "We've used dummy doors for the Atreides for awhile (and any other house, so they will be made to) and now we have decided to make one. Both the model and texture are made by myself, this is the first texture I have made. It's a WIP, so the final will be better but I need to learn to texture so I thought this would be something nice to start with." [h]Team Notices[/h] I have been busy with work and trying to get back into education! LR01 has been busy with exams and the build. cnc95fan has been doing exams as well. gtp0rong has finally finished his exams and is back working! Fz007 has been working on touching up the Atreides pistol and some stuff for Tiberium Redux! [h]Tester Recruitment[/h] Final Warriors Productions are looking for new testers! We are looking for testers to help look for bugs and other bad things in Battle for Dune and SCUD Storm. You must post the following information in this format or pm me here: Name: Age: Testing Experiance: Contact Information: Other Info: All applications will be looked over and interviewed, so make sure you have all your information correct! [h]Not dead, and never will be![/h] That's it for this over due blog, more next time!
  2. That video is freaking awesome! The Conscript is now perfect and the IFV is looking a lot better textured! Spy plane and Terro Drone rooms are epic!
  3. You have no idea how temped I am.
  4. Hey and sorry for the late blog, we've been really busy with real life stuff but we finally have an update ready and here it is!<br/><br/> [h]Atreides Windtrap[/h]<br/><br/> LR01 has been busy working on the Windtrap's interiors and I think it's coming along fairly nicely, take a look at how it's looking so far!<br/><br/> <div align='center'><i>Upstairs</i></div><br/> <div align='center'><img src="http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q208/FWWolf/BFD/ScreenShot15.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" /><br/><br/><img src="http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q208/FWWolf/BFD/ScreenShot22.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" /><br/><br/> ]<img src="http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q208/FWWolf/BFD/ScreenShot25.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" /></div><br/><br/> <div align='center'><i>Basement</i></div><br/> <div align='center'><img src="http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q208/FWWolf/BFD/ScreenShot24.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" /><br/><br/> <img src="http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q208/FWWolf/BFD/ScreenShot23.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" /></div><br/><br/> <div class="maintitlecollapse" width="100%"> Ordos Chemical Trooper</div><br/><br/> For awhile now we've been using the Ordos AA Trooper for all of our infantry units, we've now finally rigged up our Chemical Trooper and he's ingame!<br/><br/> The Chemical Trooper carries a short-range poison gas projector. The projector fires a charge out to saturate an area, damaging any unit caught within its blast, though infantry will be far more affected.<br/><br/> Here are a few shots.<br/><br/> <div align='center'><img src="http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q208/FWWolf/BFD/Image2.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" /><br/><br/><img src="http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q208/FWWolf/BFD/Image3.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" /></div><br/><br/> <div class="maintitlecollapse" width="100%"> Ordos AA Trooper</div><br/><br/> We finally have the Ordos AA launcher's 3rd person model rigged and ingame, here it is slightly too big on the AA Trooper's back!<br/><br/> A lightly armored fast moving infantryman, the AA Trooper carries a small but sophisticated missile launcher, which enables it to track vehicles and aircraft out to a long range with ease. It does not deliver a very large warhead, so overall firepower is less than that of the Harkonnen Trooper.<br/><br/> <div align='center'><img src="http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q208/FWWolf/BFD/Image5.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" /></div><br/><br/> <div class="maintitlecollapse" width="100%"> Team Notices</div><br/><br/> I've been busy with work and and other real life stuff.<br/><br/> LR01 is now on his holidays and is ready to get some modding done!<br/><br/> Fz007 has gone to vocational school untill July.<br/><br/> Eeevil has started work on the Jackhammer texture.<br/><br/> <div class="maintitlecollapse" width="100%"> Beyond The Path!</div><br/><br/> A few Red Alert: A Path Beyond fans have got together and made an awesome machinima of it! It's called Beyond The Path and their first episode has already been released, titled The Woods Yesterday.<br/><br/> <div align='center'><div align="center">Hey, check out this video. I thought you might like to watch it.<br/><br/> <span style="font-size: 18px; color: red; font-weight: bold;">The Woods Yesterday</span><br/><br/> <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object><br/><br/> </div></div>
  5. Ahahahaha, awesome blog Chevy, that had me in tears!
  6. Hey there and welcome to blog 109! We've been working very hard over the last two weeks and this is what we have to show for it! Atreides Repair Tool For awhile now we have been talking about how Engineers would work, in terms of repairing, capturing and other things. Well we knew we'd use his case for one of these things and with some brainstorming with Eeevil we've come up with something we are all happy with. The Atreides case concept art. And here are a few WIP renders of it! Now while you are hooked upto the building repairing it you won't be able to move or your movement will be very limiting (undecided) otherwise the connection will be lost and you will stop repairing the structure. Harkonnen Light Infantry Now we showed off the Harkonnen Light Infantry ingame in the last blog but he was untextured. Thanks to Kiory who modelled him in the first place, he's gone back over the model, cleaned up the mesh and textured this badass! So here is the Harkonnen Light Infantry and I think that Kiory has done an amazing job as always on his guy! A picture speaks a thousand words, so what does a video do? Hey, check out this video. I thought you might like to watch it. Harkonnen Light Infantry With this guy now textured, we finally have all of our first release infantry finished which is a major milestone for us at Battle for Dune! Normal Maps Now LR01 has prepared something for this blog about normal map textures, so here he is! LR01: At some point, we already used normal mapping but we focused more on other stuff so left it out, now we took a look at them and decided to use it. With the "newest updates" on the engine it is possible to use it, of course it just a option. Now, how this it looks then? On the left the normal map is applied. Besides normal mapping we also going to use some other effects, like bloom. Just a bit of it though : Of course, we are working on this so don't worry if it doesn't looks good. Team Notices My left wrist is a lot better but still not 100% there yet, also I return to work from a 2 week holiday tomorrow! LR01 has been busy rigging up the finished Harkonnen Infantry. cnc95fan is back and able to work. Fz007 is working on the Atreides Pistol. Eeevil is busy with the Atreides repair case! Safety Dance anyone? An awesome song with an epic video, who doesn't like this? Hey, check out this video. I thought you might like to watch it. SAFETY DANCE!
  7. Welcome to blog 108, sorr it's a week late but I had some video editing problems. As you may of also guessed we are now doing blogs every two weeks due to everyone having lesss time atm to work. JackHammer Shotgun Fz007 has finished the first person model and it looks awesome. Right side Left side Now off to Eeevil for texturing! Harkonnen Infantry Seeing as we have been using the Renegade Nod soldier as a placeholder for the Harkonnen infantry, LR01 rigged up the model we have and put it ingame. Looks better than a renegade nod soldier there imo! Minotauraus Animation Due to LR01 remaking the Mino, he has recently also remade the walking animation for it as well. With a combo of how it walked in the E:BFD cut scenes and how it would fit ingame, here is the fuinshed result! Hey, check out this video. I thought you might like to watch it. Mino Walk Animation Map Blockers Map blockers are something we've been thinking about a lot at BFD and we have come up with a new of doing them. Instead of having the old invisible walls for map boarders we now have signs telling you where the map boarder is, then two damage zones. The first damage zone is a weak one for more of a warning then the second is a much stronger one that will kill you very quickly, here is a video showing how it works. Hey, check out this video. I thought you might like to watch it. Map Damage Zones Team Notices I had to have some minor surgery on my left wrist on Thursday due to built up fluid, we I won't be able to use that hand for a few days. cnc95fan should be back in action this Monday! LR01 is busy working on the remaining building interiors. Fz007 is working on the Atreides Pistol. Eeevil is working on something secert for the next blog! Is this real life? Don't you just love odd drugged up kids? Hey, check out this video. I thought you might like to watch it. David After Dentist
  8. So yeah as you can most likely tell, we have shifted our blogs to every two weeks now due to everyone's lives being so busy at the moment and we just can't keep up with a weekly blog. And even though we have the content, it's not 100% ready atm so come back tomorrow afternoon and this will be all updated and the blog will be real good! Sorry for the delay!
  9. Rocketeer's launcher looks amazing, awesome work. Same goes for he nighthawk, can't wait to see it textured!
  10. Hey there, sorry for this majorly late blog. We've been very busy with real life stuff and haven't had much time to work on the mod, but we've finally freed up some time and so here you go! Atreides Windtrap LR01 has been busy working on the Atreides Windtrap interiors, we're trying something new with the Windtraps due to how each House turns the wind/air into energy their own way. Here are a few WIP shots of the basement. Jackhammer Fz007 has been really busy with RL stuff but has managed to get some work done on the Jackhammer. He has designed a flip out grip for reloading! Wallpaper Fz007 has also been making some wallpapers, here is one of the Minotaraus. Here it is! Team Notices I've been busy with work and working on some Scud Storm stuff. cnc95fan is busy with rowing and school work. LR01 is busy with uni work but still finds time to work on the mod! Fz007 is also busy with life. Alex has finished his uni work and is free for awhile so that means more textures! SCUD Storm release! SCUD Storm has finally released their new BETA and patch 1! Go grab it over at this topic!
  11. I think the War miner looks awesome as it is and the GGI IFV does look cool!
  12. Hey, blog 106 is here sorry for the delay, but it's only a day so lets crack on! Atreides War Factory LR01 has been hard at work yet again modelling the top floor of the Atreides War Factory, here are some WIP shots! Those mino legs even need programming! Aprit Chard I've been working on the Atreides side of the map boarders, take a look! Jackhammer Fz007 has been working on the first person version of the Harkonnen Engineer's Jackhammer, I think it's coming along nicely! Team Notices I've been doing double shifts at work to make up for missing staff, fun! cnc95fan is busy with Scud Storm. LR01 has been busy with a number of things on Battle for Dune. Fz007 is busy with the Jackhammer! CnCFPS needs you! CnCFPS are still recruiting so make sure you go over to their site and see if you got what it takes! Link!!!
  13. Hey there, sorry for the late blog once again, things are going slow on my end! But don't worry, the rest of the work is hard at work and here is what they have done! Jackhammer I'd like to welcome a new modeller onto the team, Fz007. He will be helping us out by modelling our weapons, here is his first model for us! This 3rd person version of the Jackhammer will be used for our Harkonnen Engineer, but more on that another time! As you can see it is a edited version, something more fitting with the Harkonnen! Atreides War Factory LR01 has been hard at work still on the Atreides War Factory basement, here is a small video showing off a WIP of the construction that will play whenever you buy an Atreides vehicle (the vehicle being contructed will change depending on what you buy). Hey, check out this video. I thought you might like to watch it. Atreides War Factory Basement Construction And here is a WIP shot of the 1st floor, nothing much but a taster of what's to come. Aprit Chard I have been working on natural boarder designs and finally happy with what I have so I have started to map them out, I hope you feel the same! Sorry for not texturing the mesh, should have some better renders next blog. CnC FPS is Recruiting! This should explain it all. http://zack.genesisblog.net/Gallery/privat...ecruitment5.png Made by Genesis2001/Zack. Team Notices I've been put onto double shifts at work again, damn people on holiday! cnc95fan has had lots of rowing again and has little free time. LR01 has been busy with buildings. Fz007 is checking out the internal build and working on the Jackhammer's 1st person model! New Gundam, Unicorn!!! A link sent to me by Gork, it's in 3 parts and 50 mins in total, but it's looking very good so far so check it out! http://vodpod.com/watch/3098909-gundam-unicorn-episode-1
  14. The deployed GI is just awesome, great work dp!
  15. The Prism Tower does look awesome and you got to love the techie IFV!
  16. Hey, sorry this is a week late, I did indeed for this to be a mini midweed blog but well, now it's a mini pre blog 105! So please excuse the lack of content! Civilian Buildings I've been working on the civ buildings for map props some more and here is the latest WIP of my current model. As you can see, I have a small interior planned! Atreides War Factory LR01 has been hard at work on the Atreides War Factory interior and is coming along well! Now most of what you see here is subject to change due to some new ideas and redesign but the main shape is there! Team Notices I have been busy with work and recently got myself another copy of StarCraft, comon Terran! cnc95fan is busy setting up some levels in LE. LR01 has passed his driving test, wooooo!!! Peer is busy with those EVA sounds. Ok, it's time to play some games... "YEA, PC? Console?" "No PCs or Consoles, sorry guys" "So, RTS, FPS?" "Nope, none of them" "No, MMO, noo..."
  17. A great way to solve these kind of things! (No, I do mean that.)
  18. Hey, sorry about no blog last week, we had a lot of real life stuff happen and so we were too busy but here we are with blog 103! Atreides War Factory LR01 has started work on the Atreides war factory interior. In this WIP shot you can see the start of a vehicle construction room, putting together a Mongoose! More to come on this next week! Civilain Buildings I've been trying my hand at modelling again, this time it's more civilian ruined buildings. It's fairly basic but serves it's purpose as a map prop and infantry cover. Team Notices I've been busy with work and playing a new Source Warhammer 40k mod. cnc95fan is around here somewhere.. LR01 has finished his exams and is back modding! Peerawat9 is working on some new EVA sounds for us! Something that made me laugh.. David, after drugs. Hey, check out this video. I thought you might like to watch it. David After Drugs
  19. Hey guys, sorry about the blog being so late but here it is and we've got some new content alright! Civillian House Ruins I've been working on Aprit Chard but now I've got to the stage where I need civillian house ruins for the map but I remember that we really don't have any. So I thought I would take this chance to have another go at building modelling. Now these shots are WIP and just need some details added then unwrapped and textured! Atreides Construction Yard LR01 has been very busy with the top floor of the construction yard has done an awesome job as usual, the top floor will be a building monitoring room where Atreides troops will make sure everything is going as planned, so there aren't two Barracks facing each other so troops can only go from one to the other! Team Notices I've been busy trying to get all my SG members on the new APB oxistats clan system. cnc95fan has had a long weekend of rowing. LR01 has been busy with the Harkonnen Refinery and Atreides Construction Yard. Cloud is back as a mapper and is busy working on a new map! Pure Pwnage! On a slightly random note, if you happen to live in Canada you can check out their blogshots here. Due to 4 of their episodes being shown on Showcase!
  20. At last both sides have their main defences! The sandbags really do look so much better and I've the interview and it's pretty cool. Also Moddb voting is now over!
  21. Hello and welcome to room 101.. I mean blog 101! We've been busy once again and here is what we got to show for it! Harkonnen Refinery Awhile ago we showed you some renders of the Harkonnen Refinery, well LR01 has started texturing & animating it, not only do we have picture we also have a video! Hey, check out this video. I thought you might like to watch it. Harkonnen Refinery Basement Don't worry, it's still a WIP, the animation isn't going to be going that crazy fast. Aprit Chard I've been porting over my Renx maps into 3ds Max and so that means the latest buildings. I've petty much finished doing the infantry rocks, just got the main details to add now! As you can see, the buildings are pretty big and the map is large as well, but this will most likely be the biggest Battle for Dune map. Team Notices I've had a week off work and so I've been mapping and just chilling out. cnc95fan has been busy with the objects. LR01 is working on the Harkonnen Refinery and the Atreides Construction Yard. Star Wars: Battle for Endor A great little free game released ages ago that takes place at the battle of Endor from Return of the Jedi. You are an X-Wing and you have to fight your way through waves of TIEs and Star Destroyers! It's not the best looking thing but it is really great to play, so be sure to go over to their moddb here and check it out!
  22. The walls and Comscript are coming along great! Well done to dtrngd!! And make sure everyone votes for the mod and thanks for all the votes so far guys!!!!!
  23. Hello, today we reach 100 Battle for Dune blogs! It's only taken us over 2 years but here's to 100 more blogs to come! Atreides Construction Yard LR01 has been very busy working on the Atreides construction yard basement, he has started to texture it as well. Not only do we have some images of it, we've even got a nice video to show it off too! It's coming along great as you can tell. Hey, check out this video. I thought you might like to watch it. Battle for Dune - Atreides Construction Yard As you can most likely tell, it's a welding room. Aprit Chard I've been going over the remake of Aprit Chard. It's coming along nicely, take a look for yourselves! (Don't mind the textures, they are just there so you aren't looking at a blank mesh) Team Notices I've finally got some time off work, time to get some real progress done! cnc95fan has been working on the level edit. LR01 is busy with the Atreides CY. Alex has been ill lately but still making textures! Star Wars a rip-off of Dune? This video shows why you might just think that. Hey, check out this video. I thought you might like to watch it. Is Star Wars a rip-off from Dune?
  24. Like the old C&C Reborn 2003's pistol?
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