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Everything posted by VERTi60

  1. I'd like to do this when we are closer to a release. I think the art needs finishing before we do anything like that though. well to be fair its playable now just allies will get lost in their buildings with no textures Wrong, there are no more white buildings left except for the allied service depot. That's great, looking forward not to get lost in allied pp.
  2. I would like to see more secondary weapons unlocked just like the cyborg with his canon arm. Anyway, nice to see Wally keeps with the blargs. Let's see for how long though
  3. I guess it should be enough if the dead PP shuts down the advanced defenses, doubles or triples to production time and limits the radar to friendly targets only (shutting radar completely would make radar worthless). That's pretty much enough. No need to make any more unless there is a extra feature in new reborn which can be affected by PP we don't know about yet...
  4. Is the nod commando going to get a C4 just like the gdi one?
  5. After playing Deus Ex:HR I like the idea bout hacking, the hacking sounds like a good addition to game play nowadays. I was expecting though that the engineer can shut down/reconfigure some enemy defenses or capture the building for a while (changing the purchase terminals etc). Buildings shouldn't die completely by hacking though.
  6. Finally the reborn project is actually moving on... Hoping to get my hands on the test build soonish.
  7. Good news for the mapping thing. I might give it a go too.
  8. What I do miss in APB is actually the "red alert". So I look forward to have something like that in AR in buildings when intruders come or power goes down. GJ on purchase terminals.
  9. I would like to apply to help you guys out but since I'm starting production to make my own game (still pending however) and since I'm already doing PR job for another two games I'm not sure how much spare time I could offer. If the required time could be specified more I could tell but I'm not sure yet.
  10. How much will cost a phone call from that phone box? Also there's some reall mess in soviet barracks now sticks, barrels, hedgehogs even.. needs some more ammo crates/weapons stocks but I guess it was mentioned and it will be in next blargs. Keep it up.
  11. When's the first pillow war at allied barracks?
  12. You didn't mentioned what actually happened after the battledome visit , but I'm sure you guys had enough fun as it is. Seeming that there are many floors in soviet barracks, will it have some general hall/elevator/additional stairs? It looks like a maze to me with wierd passage ways. But after textured it might look more clear. Also the statue could include some ladder inside it and make the top parts as a good sniping/observing point. Just throwing some ideas.
  13. I just hope you'll pay as much attention to the armory and weaponry in the barracks as you do with cafeteria and kitchen stuff. The video is lol, nice find.
  14. I like the idea of damaging vehicles with drill. It could be slowly damaging enemy vehicles. Imagine ten technies trying to own a grizly tank.
  15. In each new blog the same vehicles are looking more and more better. Are you guys ever satisfied with them? Any news on kirov model or any updates on v3/apocalipse tank ?
  16. LOL @ "I see deeply into your soul... You like Nintendo games!" Hopefully there won't be any major glitches when allowing harrier to land here and there and not elsewhere. Tbh I would reccomend to land only at HQ + faster the repairs (or pay for faster repairs even). Would it be possible to land on neutral service depots or tech buildings? Or any other building that has an air pad?
  17. That also means you cannot use v3s for clearing out buildings from enemy infantry, because you'll damage your own base...
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