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Everything posted by Nodlied

  1. It's almost as if you're a confirmed hostile that we need to rid ourselves off. I don't suck. I'm merely suggesting the right thing to do here.
  2. In any case, despite the favour Irish did to us, I'd say that we kill him anyway.
  3. I'd rather have you not die and have Irish fail to complete his objective.
  4. You're an arse. A tribble won't stop the tapes. And, honestly, if we can find out as to how to kill Irish, we might be able to stop Fraydo from dying.
  5. Explain to me as to why it is pointless? You've admitted to being a third party. Beyond the fact that third parties are inherently evil, we need to kill third parties if we want to end the game. Neutrals, such as Shade, are not required to be eliminated and are usually not hostile towards anyone. That said, considering your claim of pure invincibility and the way that your supposed victory condition works, I have a hard time believing that we can't defeat you. In fact, you being completely invulnerable would mean that your objective can be met quite easily. Take into consideration that the tapes can also kill and we have a good reason to go and figure out as to how we can put you two feet under.
  6. So that leaves Fraydo. Unless Irish is lying after his revelation and gave another one to Orange, in which case ##Vote Irish. Third times the charm!
  7. Couldn't pass items while I was still in the painting. It got stolen though.
  8. Why should I? If something happens to his passive, I'd be good to find out asap so that we can discuss it.
  9. T'wasn't me! (Mine got stolen for whatever reason ¬_¬)
  10. Who had the video tapes again? Fraydo and??? Also, for goodness sake, ##Vote Fraydo.
  11. Good thing we caught you now. So, how about we donate those filthy tapes to the vault eh?
  12. As I said, throw enough shit at the wall and some of it will, eventually, stick. ##Vote TheIrishMan ##Nominate Shade
  13. If that's the case, then he's probably best off lynched, especially if the source of the tapes can do that.
  14. So: 1. The tapes are saves for those targeted by the tape holders 2. He's the owner of the tapes which save him from the holders (+ do something else?) 3. People that die to tape holders are converted into a cult (possible balance mechanic) What else?
  15. ..... Throw enough shit at the wall and some of it will stick.
  16. Guess nobody got the memo to shut up until GMs resolve the action?
  17. Not to mention, if I take a good look at my own abilities, there are certainly ways to nullify them.
  18. Thing is though, I haven't received any notification about an attack on me. So I'm not sold on that point of view.
  19. May I guide your attention to the thief in our midst?
  20. And I plan on having dinner. Also hopefully in the next 20-30 minutes. ¬_¬
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