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Everything posted by Nodlied

  1. Is that so? In any case, he's still a heretic. (Should have signed up as the Emperor's Holy Inquisition!)
  2. Because I'm not a heretic you piece of filth. Also, because I don't bring bad luck.
  3. InB4 he's also a jester and thus automatically wins.
  4. You know me too well. How high were the chances of that happening? Our nightkill as scum had a higher percentage of failing than you dying early on. And the risk nobody would use it? Eh, we have enough players out here who'd use it without hesitation, no matter if they're scum or town. Shade (As RNG killer) and Jeod (As the hardcore scumhunter) come to mind as some of them. Didn't know about the notebook failing to pass killing you though. That may have been a necessary balancing factor. Well, that's mostly because that game revolved around the Debtnote. Due to that, it's not too hard to imagine that you'd have a more difficult time in this game.
  5. I still consider you to be my main enemy this game, no matter if you ended up on my team or not.
  6. I'd like to have another go at CYOR IV and, if possible, afterwards have a good old APB game again.
  7. Too bad literally everything ended up failing or not happening. I see a lot of potential with my role and the other roles in there (and how they affect me), but it just wasn't going to happen this game I guess. Too bad. But eh, shit happens. Meh, you didn't have a choice, so all is fine. What I am hurt about is that you betrayed me for that filthy piece of fruit that I tried to lynch (for, imo, good reasons at the time) . Oh well, guess I should retire and just sit in my mansion now, enjoying all sorts of art. You know very well that I wouldn't even consider working with you. Especially if I knew that you were going to be such an arsehole towards everyone. And, to be fair, you had by far the easiest objective with pretty damn strong protection.
  8. Damnit, posted before I wanted to. Add: ''And I hoped to never see such mechanics again. Oh well, let's wait until the game end to see what everything was about and how it worked, if its even a thing.''
  9. Right people, here you have it. Now let's continue the game and have fun shall we?
  10. In any case, I will ask everyone to stop posting (those that still can) until the action has been resolved or denied or whatever; until whenever Irish re-opens the thread. Especially since I don't want things to escalate.
  11. Alright, as the ''observer'' in here. I'm going to give Verti the somewhat go-ahead with the temporary lock until Irish solves the day action Sunflower posted earlier.
  12. I'm not going to comment on this being correct or incorrect. But man, that's a beautiful thing to read.
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