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Everything posted by Nodlied

  1. I'd like to hide my night target and night action for now. However, let it be said that I probably shouldn't visit you at any point in time. Precisely. That alone might be the balancing aspect that makes us more vulnerable that what we believe at this point in time. However, if it isn't true, then the stakes of Shade vs You, Verti vs me, and Orange vs Sunflower, will become very real. That said, @Shade, how about you answer the question I've asked? I'm getting impatient.
  2. Alright then, time for round two! Music A no brainer, but still worth a mention. Good music has been part of Command and Conquer since the beginning. Most games have awesome tracks that pretty much everyone still remembers. However, some games have some forgettable soundtracks. The worst offender was Command and Conquer 3. That said, Cnc3 is only a minority and pretty much every other game has had a great soundtrack. Unit movement and reaction speed One of the bigger annoyances with the Generals 2/Cnc2013 beta was the fact that the game used a Starcraft like movement system. Units would turn around instantly and had a robotic like nature when it came to movement. Starcraft units can do 180 degree turns the moment you give an order in the opposite direction. Command and Conquer wasn't ever like this. In Cnc, units had a traverse time and acceleration. Turreted units also had a turret traverse. This movement and reaction speed provided additional dept to the game without making it mandatory to know. High skilled players could use the slower reaction time and movement to their advantage to gain the first shot advantage to win a battle, or, in some cases, even use a quick unit like a Scorpion tank to run rings around an Overlord tank. This in turn means that bigger units with their slower movement, their slower acceleration and their slower turret traverse come with disadvantages. If you use a starcraft like system, these disadvantages wouldn't exist. Easy to learn, somewhat difficult to master One of Cnc's best qualities stem from this point. Everybody could jump in, fight against an easy AI and build up their bases after which they could steamroll the AI. Most things in Command and Conquer teach you as to what they do without telling you. You know that infantry with rockets are good against tanks and that cannons can wreck vehicles and buildings. The game's interface is also intuitive. This is good game design. Most players, especially today's generation, don't like being told how things work. Cnc allowed you to learn by playing. And once you got better, the quickmatch system allowed you to try multiplayer against a similiar skilled oponent as well. And when you hit the high skilled matches, the players will have learned all the tiny quirks that the earlier players had no idea even existed such as the movement and reaction speed tactics discovered earlier, or the fact that you can use a prop to block a shot form the enemy, etc. Graphical choices I haven't got a clue whether or not the remaster will be done in 2d or 3d, but I do have an opinion on the matter. If 2d, then the game should obviously use higher res versions of the graphics of the game that it was based on (or at least similar enough). If 3d, then well, that's an entirely different story. In 3d there are two real sollid choices. The first is to base the 3d models on the ingame sprites of the old game. If we take Red Alert, for example, the gunboat would be a silly and tiny ship with a deck gun the size of a machine gun whilst the heavy tank would be really similiar to the medium tank, be it with an antena and an additional gun barrel. The second option with 3d is to model the units and buildings after what the original devs intended them to be. Some are already visibile in the old game such as: the advanced powerplant, the chronotank, and the ore truck. However, some are not. The heavy tank is supposed to represent a dual-barreled T-80 while the medium tank was supposed to represent an Abrams despite the similarities of the sprites. As you can see, there are many choices to consider, but what is most important is that the players can recognise the older game in the remastered one. And, well, the Command and Conquer games always displayed the units as if they could work in the universe. Grey Goo suffered from un-intuitive and boring unit design. That hasn't ever been the case with Cnc. Camera angle One of the things that is more popular in newer RTS games is to put the camera in a Starcraft like position, that is, an almost complete top-down view. Command and Conquer, even during its 2d days had a more slanted angle that didn't allow you to look around each building while, at the same time, it allowed you to look a bit into the distance on the top of your screen. It was more of a cone than a square that's what made the Cnc camera so great. The Starcraft approach makes the game seem like it's a toy. After all, most children play with their toys from Starcraft-like top-down position. Cnc's camera always made the game feel more real and alive. Closing thoughts (for now) In the end I'm quite exited about a Command and Conquer remaster and while I was sceptical at first, the guarantee that there will be no micro-transactions has made that worry void. There hasn't been a good classic-style RTS in a long time and the fact that the game is a remaster only shows that we're going back to what made these games great. That said, if the game does offer a classic mode together with a remastered mode, then I can only be exited. The classic mode is tried and tested while the remastered mode allows for experimentation for (potential) future titles. If the game comes with good online matchmaking and good streaming/commentating integration then I suppose that the game will become better known outside of the older community, which will allow for more people to flock to the game. Once again, best of luck with the development of the game!
  3. It's not Orange vs me. In fact, if he's town, then I'll be quite happy to be locked up every night. That or it is true that town can counter other town members. I know that I can counter Verti (if he isn't lying about his flavour this time). That said, if it's not the case, the we should take another deep look at Verti, Shade and iLTS. And now I'm coming back to Shade, answer my question. Why oh why didn't you vote on iLTS yesterday the moment that you figured out that you're his counter? Being afraid that you'll be targeted by Snipe instead of him targeting Verti is not a valid answer.
  4. That is indeed a possibility (then again, so is me being a mafia member, but eh). No, the real thing is that I love the fact that I'm unkillable in there.
  5. Actually, does jailing prevent you from being nightkilled?
  6. Does it mention if the hidden effect is a positive one (for us) or a negative one?
  7. Best job I ever had. (Well, not a job yet, but eh, close enough.)
  8. Actually, scratch the sleeping through the night part. My night PM specifically states that I don't know what happened during the night. Interesting.
  9. You'd think that I'd be old enough to be able to decide for myself by now.
  10. Alright, so who the fuck made me sleep through the night and wake at dawn?
  11. I'm fine with any option. I'll see what I can do to gather everyone.
  12. I consider it very interesting that we ended up with a no-lynch today. However, Verti's lynchproof shenanigans do make a lot of sense at this point in time. Time to put a bigger focus on iLTS and Shade tomorrow. (That is, unless we decide to pressure some absent people or if better stuff arises from the night.)
  13. I don't necessarily want you to vote on him. However, your hesitance of voting for somebody that you counter - aka, you're not on the same team - doesn't make any sense. I'm in favour of an iLTS lynch for reasons already given, but you act really suspicious on all of this. Then again, that tends to happen every game, no matter if you're scum, town, third party or Otto von Habsburg.
  14. In any case, are we all still on for Saturday? I mean, I'm in favour of continueing the current game, but I believe that it is best to discuss everything on TS before we start playing again.
  15. Unless you have your own objective, you shouldn't be that afraid, at all.
  16. ¬_¬ My question was why the living shit you didn't insta-vote iLTS when you assume that your role is the counter to his. Counter's are highly unlikely to be on the same team without a good reason.
  17. Also, @Shade939, you haven't answered my questions yet. ##Vote Shade
  18. And here I was thinking that I'd be nice to you and wish you a happy birthday. Guess that that's not happening anymore.
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