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Everything posted by Nodlied

  1. That's an issue, yes, unless you lied about being attacked N1. It's just a theory, but you're also a thief, so who knows what else you've lied about.
  2. Yes. Specifically, it's a painting of an angel. (Which I am trapped in.) But you lads already knew that... I got one. Also, passing one to me won't do squat. As I'm still trapped in the painting. Of course he isnt! He's a good friend. Obviously he's jus-... You arsehole! I don't know why my painting is one of an angel, as I don't see Boos being related to angels in any way shape or form. Perhaps you gain something from owning it? >Spice mentioned >Swell with Dutch pride I voted for iLiketoSnipe, thank you very much! Well, I am invincible while in the painting, so it could be a thing. However, I haven't received any notification regarding being attacked or not, so I don't consider it likely. Then again, attacking an item could end in a ''Fail'' instead of a ''Failed kill''. Wooo! Good to know that you have a better eye than Jeod. In any case, I've been wondering. What if scum is the one to send out all of those video tapes, it being their way to kill players in a delayed manner? It would give more people the room to stay alive for a while to keep the game going while also allowing for a devastating strike to occur later on in case town isn't able to lynch scum in time.
  3. Such hostility from you, Irish! And more importantly, are you already setting up some insurance with that ''if he's town, you can blame me''? I honestly wouldn't know, I mean, as long as I'm in the painting, I pretty much can't die and I wonder if your beam can penetrate my multiple thin layers of paint. That said, if your beam truly is unstoppable, it might just work. But I'd really prefer if you didn't try. Save your shot for when you really need it. Are you accusing my rightful owner of being a third party? You could also just donate it to me, for I wonder if such a videotape witch can even function within the still life that is my painting. I have nothing to do with the video tapes. In fact, I can't even do anything at night as long as I'm still stuck within my painting. (Beyond laughing at my owners, that is, but that's just a passive. )
  4. I'd like to see you try Mr. Reed.
  5. I'll end up in the vault anyway.
  6. I'm worth just one measily coin?! Just ONE? Also, changing your ''item cop'' to ''item borrower'' sounds suspiciously like an actual thief. Thanks lad, it's safe with me.
  7. >Gifting the Sultan >Not gifting the King I feel betrayed.
  8. Are you saying that the cake functions more akin to magnetic mines?
  9. Well, maybe the second night then, as my passive is laughing at my owner. v:
  10. I wonder if I can get cake in case I get donated to you.
  11. Ah, in that case, iLTS stole me during the night. Was wondering whether or not you donated me to somebody else. The question is though, iLTS, you filthy Syndicalist art thief, WHY DID YOU STEAL ME? Also, let's try ##Vote Fraydo
  12. Of course I do. The real question is, do you?
  13. In other news, I appear to no longer be part of Shade's inventory. Did you no longer like me? ¶_¶ I thought that we made a good team. You made me very sad indeed!
  14. If it wasn't, you could always pass it to me.
  15. Alright, how many of us have the ability to be lynchproof? Because even I didn't see this one coming.
  16. If you paid attention, you would have seen that I've specifically stated that I can't possess things. Of course I'm not going to tell you how to kill me. That would be counter productive you piece of Syndicalist shit. If anything, Shade knows how I can become vulnerable. Precisely! Now, I do wonder, am I allowed to stay for a while or are you going to donate me to the vault?
  17. Here's the thing you radical failure, I don't get my lynchproof from an item, I am the senate item!
  18. What if he doesn't want to be forced to tell everything to the neighbourhood? Ever thought about that?
  19. @Category 5 Hurricane King Edward, I might need some support against these filthy Syndicalists, now there's two of them!
  20. Piss off you syndie piece of shit.
  21. What are you, a Communist? Because there are no Communist allowed in the great wild west.
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