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Everything posted by Nodlied

  1. Going to resolve the night.
  2. Well then, I'll move the hammer forward by one hour. Day start will be in six hours. Deadline for night actions will be in five hours.
  3. The day has come to an end and it is time to tally up the votes. Looks like .... we have a tie??? It's on between OrangeP47 and Verti60. You guys decide to draw straws and it looks like Verti60 is the loser. Right, onwards with the investigation! Verti60 is known as Dragutin Hristov and is a Serbian national. He currently has no items. But what about his status? Well it looks like he's innocent. He'll be released immediately! Additionally, you nominated Category 5 to gain access to the vault tonight! Sleep well everyone. Oh, and don't forget to send in your night actions at least one hour before day time! I'll be updating your night profiles now. So give me a moment. ~24 hours remain until the end of the night! Announcement: I'll be teaching again tomorrow. This means that I'll have to get up at 6:30 (in about 6 hours). So to prevent me from being absolutely exhausted every morning, I'd like to ask what you guys would be in favour of. I currently have two options. Number 1 is to simply let Voe handle the night and day posts. Number 2 is to move the day/night phases by one hour, so in about 23 hours from now. This would also move the deadline for night actions to around 22 hours from now. So let me know what you think and want to vote for. I won't count any posts that are dedicated to this subject as nightposts. So please come to an agreement. Thanks!
  4. Counted Counted Hammerzeit!
  5. About one and a half hours. By the way, there will be an announcement to go with the nightpost today.
  6. Now back to the game you guys.
  7. >Holy Terra >Chaos_Knight Pick one.
  8. Counted Assuming you meant to unvote the investigation? In that case, counted! Counted
  9. Counted Counted Counted Counted Counted Counted Counted Counted Counted ------------ Well, that were a lot of votes.
  10. @???? Meh, counted and counted Counted Counted Counted Counted Counted
  11. Thought it'd be useful to clear it up anyway. v:
  12. Yes. However, a suspicious or hostile investigation result will prevent the nominated player from accessing the vault. Same with lynched players for obvious reasons. EDIT: In which case the person with the second most votes will gain access.
  13. A sad morning it is indeed. Jeod, also known as Joe Bronson, an American, has been murdered tonight! After a medical investigation, we have discovered that he was Town aligned and had the objective to find all the evidence or to eliminate all warmonger players. A suspicious person, he could investigate targets at night to see what their actions were. His items, a Grenade and a Typewriter, have been transfered to the vault. In any case, with a potential murderer on the lose, we must move quicly to uncover the truth and find the killer! There is nothing new in the newspaper today. In rememberance of Jeod, we'll have a slightly sad theme today. ~48 hours until the end of the day!
  14. Deadline is over. Resolving night actions.
  15. All night profiles have been sent.
  16. Whoops, I linked to the wrong cvc. I've updated the day result post with the correct one.
  17. The day has come to an end and it is time to tally up the votes. Looks like Chaos_Knight is going to be investigated. His real name is Gavrilo Nanusevski and he is a Serbian national. He currently has no items. But what about his status. Is he a spy? Well, he's certainly Suspicious. You gather around and decide that it is best to lock him up during the night. He won't be able to perform any actions tonight! Additionally, you've nominated Category 5 to gain access to the vault tonight! Good news, we have found new evidence! ''Lead on the culprits'' ''During the interrogation of the assassin Gavrilo Princip, we have discovered that a rogue Serbian faction within the military was behind what we think is known as the ''Black Hand''. To uncover the scale of the organisation, we should see to it that the investigation is completed.'' It has been transferred to the vault to await your further judgement! Sleep well everyone. Oh, and don't forget to send in your night actions at least one hour before daytime! ~24 hours remain until the end of the night!
  18. Alright, hammer time people! Let's resolve this day!
  19. Counted Counted Chaos_Knight is one vote away from being hammered! Day ends in two hours.
  20. ¬_¬ The cvc is literally above your post.
  21. Counted and counted
  22. Counted Counted Counted Day will end in around 22 hours and 30 minutes.
  23. I told you bloody people to halt. But instead you all kept talking. Pfft. Excuse me for the delay. Anyway Jeod suddenly pulls out a grenade. You see him looking at Chaos_Knight. He pulls the pin but donks the throw. The grenade flies through the window and lands in the Danube. Luckily, no-one was hurt! (Insert TTE.mp3)
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