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Everything posted by Nodlied

  1. I can pretty much say no to both and a gigantic definitive no to the second question in particular.
  2. Well, I guess that I'll need to sit this one out then. Have a 3 day excursion coming up next week and I have a really important assessment on the 28th that I need to prepare for. Sorry. D:
  3. When is the game going to start? Because I might need to sit this one out.
  4. Alright. It's simple. At least from my time playing the game (including LAN), the Gap Generator's spinning magnet is not actually spinning. The gap effect is spinning, but not the building.
  5. Alright, so as requisted, we tested the ''vehicles don't stop smoking/burning after being repaired'' bug. So... Vehicles will always stop burning after being repaired. No matter what repaired it. Vehicles will always stop smoking after being repaired by a mechanic. Vehicles will stop smoking shortly after being repaired by self-repair. (Mammoth Tank.) Vehicles will not stop smoking until after a random moment (unknown what causes it) after the vehicle is repaired by a service depot. UPDATE: Additional report: The smoking stops after the vehicle gets hit by a weapon. (Be it an enemy rifle, a friendly cannon or a mechinic's wrench.) This explains the differences between repairs.
  6. Thanks for the comments everyone! I'll take all feedback into account for a potential next game. Glad to hear everyone liked it. I have some ideas for a next game, including improvements, but I haven't got a clue as to when I can possibly host one. (Perhaps next summer?)
  7. Yes. But I felt that it was a nice name for the pre-war status quo.
  8. As Chaos_Knight died, the remaining taskforce members managed to calm down and agreed to resume their work. They found a load of information in Chaos_Knight's room as well as the one belonging to OrangeP47. This, combined with the already known evidence and that that the continued investigation, managed to uncover the necessary information for the taskforce to connect the dots and come to the right conclusion. It appears that some individuals on both the Serbian as well as the Austro-Hungarian side were working to start a war. From secret organisations to powerful members of the respective nations. From aided smuggling to the eventual assassination. Without the meddling of hostile individuals and the disappearance of a rather charismatic man, the final verdict became clear. 1. Several high-ranked Austro-Hungarians instructed their most loyal servants to increase the world tension, to allow for an assassination to happen, and to arrange for temporary alliances with the enemy to achieve the goal. 2. An organisation known as the Black Hand wished to spark a Serbian uprising in the Empire by sparking to war. 3. The Austro-Hungarian government did not know about the treasoness members in their society, nor did the Serbians. The proof presented to the Great Powers hit the headlines all across the world. Slowly the different parties began to de-escalate. The German Empire no longer felt that it had the backing to justify supporting the Austrians. The Austro-Hungarians were no longer possitive about crushing the Serbians and were embarrassed. The Russians now believed that mobilizing their army would lead to war nontheless and canceled the call before it reached the high command. The French, while happy to ''win'' the crisis, were also a bit down about the fact that they wouldn't get a shot at liberating their occupied provinces. The Serbians, while embarrassed by the evidence of terrorist groups working on its territory, felt relieved. And the British? Well, let's just say that they were quite pleased with the result. The Concert of Europe would stand. And thus all seemed well. The system of the industrial age managed to keep the world from being plunged into war. A most splendid ending is it not? Well, the system worked, but as time went on and with past crises, the system became increasingly unstable. With the growing alliances, the armsraces and the constant maneuvering on the diplomatic front, the system will have to collapse at one point in the future. What will be the final thing to trigger this great European war? Nobody knows, but until then, the Great Powers will have to keep up with modern developments, and what if one falls under its own weight? Links to the necessary documents: The link to the one and all main doc. The link to the folder of excel files Player roles Mojoman as the taskforce leader Mojoman was a taskforce member whose primary power came from contacting other people. This would have allowed for sneaky strategies and keep the most important information away from the scum team. Mojoman wasn't that active in the docs nor were some of his partners, but he most certainly tried to get stuff done. One of the most interesting docs was the final one with Cat5 where they plotted the demise of Verti60. Even with these good plays, he still made some questionable posts that made could have steered town away from victory. Besides that, I haven't got a clue why Mojoman claimed his objective was to catch the assassin, as his objective did not even mention such a thing. Also, his revolver would have been of more use to scum than to town. Verti60 as the skilled veteran The backup role. Interesting enough, I didn't give this role to him on purpose. As Verti was the ''add me if you need another semi-inactive player'' guy, he ended up being the final one on the list. As I assigned roles by RNG generator, Verti would be left with the ''leftover'' role, which happened to be the backup. So no, the meta argument ''Verti can't be scum because the GM wouldn't hand him to the scum team'' was not valid. Verti started as an, as expected, inactive player who initially complained about his boring role. After he backed up Jeod, he became the #1 item hoarder. Too bad he never got his hand on Irishman's suitcase and Retaliation's cane. In the end though, Verti became gunslinger gone insane and caused a big headache for Voe who had to fill in for me. Did Verti make the winning shot? Yes. Was he right about Fraydo being scum? Nah, not really. Chaos_Knight as the black hand agent One of the two warmongerers, he had a hard time. He played well during the early game. Together with Orange, they plotted a lot of things in advance. It's just sad for him that OrangeP47 made a huge mistake. He tried to sit out the remainder of the game with some success until his luck ran out when he became the only possible target for the Khorne aligned Verti60. The reason why many of you became hostile so quickly was partially due to Chaos_Knight's tracking ability, which provided a hidden +1 suspicion point to whoever he caught visiting someone during the night. Category5 as the young but well meaning soldier Cat5 started out as suspicious by virtue of being Austro-Hungarian. I mean, they'd be quite suspicious in Belgrade after the start of the crisis. I don't think I need to explain much on him. His spyglass would have been the key to winning a potential evidence victory and he unkowingly assisted in finding the evidence on himself, check the evidence tracker for more info on that. Besides that, he did his best to safeguard and report on the vault, a rather important part of the game. And, well, I think we all know how his posts and grand-wall-o'-texts have effected the game. Good play on his part as always. OrangeP47 as the von Hotzendorf loyalist As with Chaos_Knight, he was in for a hard time, and he went straight ahead to the planning phase. He did miss one point though. When scum got the ability to nightkill, he immediately jumped the gun and went ahead with the murder of Jeod. He kind of forgot that he was already on the investigation radar and it would have been easy to assume that killing somebody would turn you hostile. A mistake that would ultimately prove fatal, even if he managed to delay it by a day. If it wasn't for a scum slip and his mistake, scum could have been on its way to victory. Retaliation as captain ram 'n slam Horthy. Retaliation had what I consider to be an interesting role and he made some liberal use of it. While he was frustrated by his locked item during the game he managed to call out the correct people and discover the correct things a short while before Cat5 did, he fully came into his own after the first nightkill, which unlocked his admiral's cane. He managed to nail scum and locked a non-aligned party in its place, all while being productive and providing good information and town play. I also rather enjoyed his night antics. TheIrishman as doctor innocent TheIrishman has been rather quiet this game. And while he didn't manage to protect anyone during the night that mattered, he was still the first one to correctly state all non-town parties. His role was overpowered but he managed to hide his role very well and even got a boost to his wellbeing while Jeod was still in play. Killing_You as the passive assassin Killing_You had a somewhat hard objective. He had to kill all three Austro-Hungarians. His grenade was unreliable but could be used from the start of the game and, in true Red Alert fashion, had an unlimited stock of them. He decided to play it safe and dumped his grenade in the vault, hoping to lynch most of his enemies and did not steal anything until the final night. This passive play slowed the world tension increase considerably, which somewhat worked against him. Still, he did his best and nailed one of his enemies before he was slain himself by his own grenade. Interestingly enough, it was the only time the grenade actually killed somebody. Killing_You's role had an effect on when the game would have ended, as he was required to be alive until after his targets were dead and gone, meaning that the game would have gone on as long as he was alive and his objective wasn't met. Jeod the journalist Jeod was a powerful town aligned role. His investigations during the night provided a lot of information and was the best bet to uncover somebody's alignment short of the non-existing alignment cop or the death of a player. He played well during the early game until he got his hands on Killing_You's grenade. The first grenade attack pushed the world tension over the 25% limit. This meant that scum could start nightkilling. Who was their first victim? Indeed, Jeod. So I'd say that we could count Jeod as the Grenade's first true victim. Beyond that, the typewriter was indeed mostly a gimmick plaything. However, if necessary, it could have provided good information with the potential added benifit of anonymity. Have to hand it to Verti for creating the best news articles though. Fraydo as ??? Kane Fraydo had the second non-aligned role. And what kind of role. His mission was to ensure the survival of at least one black hand member at the end of the game. He failed with the deaths of Chaos_Knight and Killing_You. He played some good games during both the days and nights. His strategy to divert attention onto himself managed to bear fruit and his night shenanigans caused a lot of distressed townies. His investigation results were random and he knew it, even if he could have rolled a hostile result. The results themselves also caused a lot of confusion, furthering his goal. Most of it came to a stop when Retaliation stepped in and turned Fraydo's head into something that now resembles a golf ball. His antics managed to nail him as ''confirmed scum lynch now plox'' even though Fraydo's best ways to victory was to either go for the world tension or evidence endings of the game. He didn't mean any harm. Awards Holding all cards Verti60 Verti60 managed to hoard most items in the game. He only lacked a few but due to his grand collection, he could do a lot of things, even if the power started to corrupt him. Caning Kane throughout the game Retaliation After it was discovered that Fraydo was behind the sudden twist in Category5's nightactions, Retaliation wasted no time to put him down during the night, and again, and again. Retaliation eventually made a sport out of it becoming more proficient at it every night. I doubt that he knew that he kept managing to subdue a close second to god. Divine intervention TheIrishman, Chaos_Knight, Fraydo Several really unusual things happened. First of all, the doctor survived the game and managed to stay hidden from scum until almost the end of the game. Secondly, Chaos_Knight kind of won an RNG by Verti being investigated instead of OrangeP47. And then, for the final bizarre award: Fraydo managed to beat RNG not once, but twice. His investigation result could net him a hostile status if the RNGsus decided shit on Fraydo like he usually does. But this time, he survived both investigation attempts and netted himself an innocent result preventing Verti60 from shooting him. Peace, not war All town and taskforce players Congratulations, you've won the game and prevented the great European war. ... This time... Post game thoughts And thus we arrive at the very end of the game. Kind of sad really. So, what's up with my thoughts? I'm personally of the opinion that the experimental set-up was a success. Beyond the standard mafia win conditions and its mechanics (which were locked behind the tension limit) we also had the new tension and evidence mechanics that allowed for alternative victories. This allowed for a game where nobody had to die if the players wished it so. World tension went very well and if KY had at least tried to steal some things more often, the world tension would have put a lot more pressure on town, relieving scum. But what if scum decided to ''stay innocent''? Well, that's where lynching came into view. Many of you managed to at least figure out part of the world tension, which was enough by design of the game as you shouldn't have known or even tried to understand all modifiers fully, as that would have resulted in wasted time. What about the status system? Well, it was obvious that actual hostile actions equaled more suspicion points. But most of that system was hidden away and there were a few things that would have kept it from being figured out totally. The evidence mechanics, however, were meant to be understood rather easily. You were pretty much set on the amount of true and fake evidence rather quickly but became a bit stuck on how both types of evidence were found. There wasn't any fake evidence creator or planter but it was a bit more complicated than ''fake evidence = scum, real evidence = not scum'' as some pieces required two players of a certain type of group to be investigated. The spyglass had its own tracker to prevent a potential evidence steamrole by day 4. Were there some issues though? Most certainly. Town had really powerful roles and scum was thrown under the bus by KY's lack of nightactions. No blame on KY though, he had his strategy and went with it. Still, I think that it went well enough as a WT game end was still possible by the end of the game. So, what about Voe then? It was his first time as a co-mod or any kind of GM and I think he did well enough. He made a few small mistakes that I fixed when I saw them and they didn't affect the game too much. The gun was a bit different, as he felt that he needed to lower the unlock on the gun due to an earlier miscalculation and the actions already made because of that miscalculation. It was one of the things that effected the game but I don't believe that I could have done anything about it anymore once I arrived back in the game. Finally, I could have written down some clearer instructions. I'm not surprised that it caused some confusion every now and then. My ending verdict? I'd say the set-up is a success. I had a lot of fun and I saw a lot of interesting ideas floating around in the posts made by you guys. It wasn't perfectly balanced, but I believe that it has potential and I most certainly enjoyed it a lot. It was a lot of work (just check all the bloody docs) but I got used to it and found my way through. I hope you guys enjoyed it as well, despite some of the shortcomings (and I believe that you did, but I'll see your verdict later). Anyway, Thanks for playing!
  9. Welp, no video as Windows Movie Maker and Audacity keep refusing to work. Starting to write the game-end post now.
  10. Heh, possibilities, objectives and roles (I told you wankers not to spoil your roles, or at least the ones who know I'm talking about them.) will be known after I come up with the game end post with all links, a video, player thoughts, awards and post-game-experiment thoughts.
  11. ------------------------------------ Action time ------------------------------------ As a big hostile sounding debate between Verti and the rest of the team is going on, he suddenly pulls out a gun from behind his coat. As everybody gasps, with Fraydo and Retaliation just giving a condescending look as if Verti will once again fail to fire the gun, he aims at Chaos_Knight who has been suffering from the common cold. For the first time Verti actually manages to fire the gun and the painkillers go straight towards Chaos_Knight. As Chaos_Knight falls to the ground and everybody is ready to lynch Verti, the morgue staff hurries into the room. As Retaliation is preparing to machine gun Verti with his cane, the morgue staff announces their findings. Chaos_Knight, aka Gavrilo Nunusevski is dead. The poor Serb doesn't even have any items on him. And what is even worse, was only suspicious! But what is this? He had the actions that granted him the ability to track people during the night and could even nightkill! Chaos_Knight, the Warmongerer is dead! With that, all hostiles have been eliminated and the town objective has been met! ------------------------------------ Game end ------------------------------------ As the game has ended, you're all free to discuss it. However, it will take a while for me to get everything ready for the game end. Also, please refrain from posting your roles until I post them.
  12. Counted Counted Counted Make up your bloody mind. Hold on, I'll resolve this. Counted, including for the future. ----------------------------------------- Shooty gun resolving time, please stand by.
  13. So, I've spotted a little mistake in the day post. New evidence was most definately discovered. The evidence piece and the CVC will be updated below and the evidence will show up in the daypost. I will not update the previous CVC's so you'll have to assume that there will be an additional 10% on the evidence tracker. ''Lead on the assassins'' ''During the interrogation of the assassin Gavrilo Princip, we have discovered that the Black Hand managed to smuggle their weapons into Bosnia unnoticed, finding out how this was done will surely lead us to those responsible for the crisis!''
  14. Alright, included it in my CVC.
  15. Counted Counted Counted Counted Counted Counted No fake actions Counted So, I return after far too long. (Something about getting back home from my internship around 23:30 and then falling asleep, needing to jump out of bed again at 06:00. Please check if the CVC is correct. I will check today's events and if necessary comment on it after I get back from grabbing a drink.
  16. Oops. xD EDIT: Fixed it.
  17. The day has come to an end and it is time to tally up the votes. Looks like Killing You is going to be investigated. His real name is Vaso Cubrilovic and he is a Bosnian national. He currently has no items. But what about the man himself? Well, looks like he's Innocent and thus he is free to go. Additionally, you have nominated ... meh, you know who (Cat5) to gain access to the vault tonight. Good news, we have found new evidence! ''Instruction on the assassination of the Archduke'' ''As our youngest member, you are to take part in the assassination attempt on the Austro-Hungarian Archduke. We've received some help from the Austro-Hungarian border guards, allowing us to smuggle the weapons to Sarajevo. Wait until the motorcade comes past you and throw a grenade into the car. With the archduke dead, we can go ahead with our plans.'' Sleep well everyone. Oh, and don't forget to send in your night actions at least one hour before day time! ~24 hours remain until the end of the night! --------------------------- Small mod announcement here. I've been far busier today than anticipated. Speaking to the first half of the parents took longer than I thought and I only managed to get home around 15 minutes before hammer. Because I believe that the same will occur tommorrow I will throw Voe at the night results. So if the next day phase starts a bit later, don't be too harsh on him. Please wait with your night actions until I've updated your night profiles.
  18. Counted and will be shown in the end day cvc. Sorry about my absence today. Didn't think I'd be done with work as late as 21:30.
  19. That's a strange way to spell Teamfortress 2.
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