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Everything posted by Nodlied

  1. Oh shut your underused food entrance. If you actually read my post you'd see that I even suggested that you commies weren't the real target. Ojbective is the warmongers, not you guys. Also, what are the chances we have a crazy Soviet submarine captain that wants to torpedo the US navy over this crisis? (Read up on it, he existed.) Oh, and perhaps I should have announced this a bit earlier, but I might be more absent than usual this week as I'm babysitting the cats at my father's place.
  2. So I see that the dam Ruskies are setting up camp in a top secret naval base in Cuba while our true objective is to eliminate the warmongers who haven't been presented as pure commie bastards? It is but most interesting. Speaking of commies... ##Vote Voe.
  3. NL doesn't have.
  4. into a depression.
  5. shat the bed
  6. Please keep in mind that the EVA database is notoriously unreliable.
  7. The isometric images remind me of OpenTTD. And that's a good thing.
  8. some canned bread
  9. was the need
  10. self propelled artillery.
  11. died. The end.
  12. To be fair, I was really busy during the past two weeks. And ''protecting'' Voe was a joke just too good to resist. Remember that the RNG also killed two townies and forced a second lynch on Orange. You effectively got 3 phases out of the RNG. In the end though, the RNG passive was way overpowered and screwed with both mafia and town. Other than that, fun has been had.
  13. That's your third post. Also, don't bother. At the moment it is much easier to just surrender than to wait out your eventual demise. Also, besides my night actions, my passive also allows me to screw over KY. Want to keep this game easy and just turbo for KY?
  14. Trying to pull a me here eh? We're not evil this game. We may be horrors and villains, well... most of us are, I'm pretty much neutral when you think about it, but we're still town. You, the so called hero, are part of the scum team, aka bad. Trying to kill people for no real reason in a realm void of anything else, in the grasp of a god. Your intend is to harm people, ours is to but survive another day. Despite who we are, it is not us who are committing the crimes here. Tell me, who is trying to upset the peace, who is the real evil here?
  15. Well, to be fair. A cop result pretty much nails everyone and we didn't even consider the possibility of some silly passive that pretty much made any result void.
  16. Also, Alstar. I guess I'd need to apologise to you. Didn't know there was a thing that made cop results actually completely unreliable.
  17. Öhohohohohoho. Nice one there. ##Unvote ##Vote No-lynch Thing is, I don't believe your claim of a passive lynch immunity. And besides, we're scum? Well, yeah, once we're out in the world. But as of now, we're just minding our own business in our own realm. You're the invader now. Who is the scum here? Besides, Cat5 put a lot of work into this. You really want to bargain? As for night kills, I have a few good hugs that can potentially shield someone from your filthy hands. Bring it you wanker!
  18. During the past 21 hours I've been either asleep, going to internship, teaching, working and having a long long team meeting. So I haven't been thinking much about the game during this day. Shazam! You've been given your time. Anyway, I'm waiting for Irish's post on KY.
  19. We can totally meme that picture to death.
  20. Well then, with that cleared out of the way, shall we proceed? ##Vote Alstar Accept your faith. Don't be afraid lad, I'll walk you to the afterlife. You're free to ask any questions as I guide you to your new home.
  21. Well slap me on the kneecap and call me a fucking skeleton, that's actually amazing. I got gassed as a skeleton. Hey Alstar, go have a laugh at Kamuixmod. Yes, I did hug Voe twice in a row, but alas... Cheeky breeky. So, what are the true chances of being chaosed around by Kamuix and how is the ''buss'' reported to the affected targets? That's what is most important. If we can nail that then we can determine whether or not Fraydo hit the mark on Alstar, which I believe he has if you guys can answer the following question: Did you get notified as to who you targeted instead of your original target? I went for Voe twice with a loving hug and protected him. This night I wanted to go out and go Horthy on Alstar, but Kamuix's chaos apparantly diverted Cat5's gas onto me, so Kamuix may have inadvertendly caused his own demise. So yeah, I haven't been affected by Kamuix's chaotic passive.
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