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Everything posted by Nodlied

  1. Damnit Einstein, you got to it first! But yes, we're still undergoing reform. Keep an eye on the ''how-to-apply'' thread.
  2. Well, seems like a lot has happened while I was away doing important IRL stuff. I still haven't got a clue as to what I'm doing, but it's going to be good either way!
  3. He can always quote stuff straight from the doc. (It happened before!)
  4. What if I told you that my avatar is the actual mirror image. (Because my OCD tells me that my avatar characters need to look inwards towards the posts.)
  5. ... Shit, you've figured me out. Well then, no reason to hide my true identity then...
  6. Seems that that avatar of yours really fits your bureaucratic personality.
  7. Aww, can't be a stormtrooper who misses every shot! Sign me up anyway. I'll think of a role tomorrow.
  8. Jerad literally just said that it wouldn't be released for another 6 hours. (around 5 now)
  9. I joined the bloody filthnote mafia, so chances are yes, although I'd probably ask for a specific flavour or try to belittle the setting as much as possible.
  10. I think you know by now that I join pretty much any setting.
  11. There is still a lot of stuff to be done. Not all infantry are ready and the maps need an update badly. Beyond that, balancing issues need to be tested and resolved and a new game mechanic needs to be finalised, tested, and polished.
  12. I'm always hesitant to use such an action, and that's probably good. Me going all ''Tally Ho, I'm sending your Cuban arse off to Gitmo'' on Mojoman would have probably resulted in a scum victory at the end of the day.
  13. Oh stop. We lost this game as a group effort. You didn't simply hand scum the game. If anything, we all made mistakes. Jeod for not pushing the insane part hard enough, Mojoman for putting up a defense as strong as a wet paper bag, Retal for simply voting for himself, me for not following my instincts and arresting Irish on the previous day, etc. If anything, you played well. GG people. ACTUAL EDIT BECAUSE I CAN: Didn't help that I wasn't around during day start. (Tough luck!)
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