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Everything posted by Nodlied

  1. Time is running out Mojo. If you want to survive you better honour the request to open up and provide accurate arguments.
  2. I may have been wrong on the navy part. But my request for full disclosure still stands.
  3. Right here. That post was a response to Retaliation's post.
  4. Well, when we read through the lines we see something interesting. Here Mojoman accuses Retaliation of being ''wrong on his read'' which could be a possibility. However the following quote makes me believe that Retal isn't wrong. Here he accuses Retaliation for being ''not town''. He also admits that he didn't like people having the correct information about him. This argument for false claiming to be the Canadian navy doesn't make a lot of sense considering we've been pretty ''innocent until proven guilty'' about nationalities so far. Why hide it? And more importantly, why act a bit like a defeated player when we slam his lies?
  5. I don't have any examples. But it is more common for scum players to defend themselves by providing arguments in the second and third conditionals (if I were scum, then this would have happened, etc) while town players tend to be more straight forward in their arguments, posting in the zero and first conditionals and coming up with what they've done and what they didn't. Providing arguments arguing if you were scum you would have done that provides basically no info, thus the argument is considered void. As for me being scum. I didn't do much during the days due to my absence, not much I could do about that. And yeah, there's not much to support my ability, but if you look around my few posts you'd spot that this claim didn't come out of nowhere. Whether I'm scum or town can't really be proven lest I nail scum or are killed.
  6. That defence doesn't include anything regarding Retal's scum read on you.
  7. Well, to be fair, Retaliation beat it to me. Also, you do realise that a role blocker can as often be a scum role as a town role right? And don't you dare drop debt charges that could force a certain submarine to fire the nuclear torpedos. Beyond the fact that ''if I were scum, I'd do this'' is usually used by scum themselves as arguments, what I find more interesting is why you think that I am one of the most likely suspects. In any case, Mojoman, what is you defense? Could you provide a detailed explanation as to what you did during this game so far, what you can do, how it affected people, etc? That might be your only way out of this mess.
  8. Indeed. Although I'd like to hear from him. The day is still young. Chances are high that he's one of our warmongerers though.
  9. And I got a Cuban read on him. Ding ding. What I'm more interested about is why you have been lying about being a Makes a lot of sense to be honest. Also nice to see you beating it to me.
  10. Oh, and KY, mind posting another chart for the night phase?
  11. So I was right about you being an alignment cop, eh Retaliation? I think I'll believe that for now.
  12. Welp 5 minutes and I havent got enough time to make a choice.
  13. But what does the KGB do if I may ask? You're not a watcher. Are you an alignment cop? (Don't answer if you feel that the answer will only endanger town.) Well, the Soviets obviously can't afford such luxeries as canes though. Anyway lads, I'm a bit overwhelmed by the previous few pages. We have three ?confirmed? Soviets fighting it out between themselves and we've seen KY bang his shoe. KY, how much authority do you have in the Soviet Union? Beyond that, could anybody provide a summary? Oh, and I should be available more again, as I've once again reached the safety of my actual home. (Even though I'll be gone for a few hours before the hammer due to being forced into a birthday party.)
  14. So which is it? Do you claim Russian or Soviet? There's a difference between them you know. Like the historical character, Voe got sniped early. And like the good old historical tradition, Voe got lynched on D1. It just had to happen. (And to be fair, lynching Voe on D1 is a win in my book no matter what game it is. :v) In any case, I too am interested in all nationalities in the game. If we can pull them all down then we'd be able to calculate the potential enemies in the game. And we better be quick about it as we're at 40% of hot stuff below our feet.
  15. To be really fair, this doesn't come as a surprise... Kinda sucks that the one that stopped the US military from going to war is dead... So what are the chances that a rogue general can now do some dangerous stuff?
  16. If the Canadian navy is indeed around doing what they did historically then I'm pretty much certain ol'crazed Torpedo man is around as well. Better prepare those Torpedo beats in case he strikes!
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