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Everything posted by Nodlied

  1. I don't blame you. You can't hunt scum effectively on an empty stomach after all!
  2. Playing town requires teamplay, and things like this allows us to synergize our efforts.
  3. It's likely to be the number of hostile actions or hostile players during the night. If anything, this could help us find out if a roleblocked player is scum nor not by looking at the numbers as well as the roleblocked player.
  4. To be fair, I'm currently most suspicious of Retaliation. He wasn't doing great at defense and voting for himself made me believe as if he'd thrown in the towel. But should his ability be true, he'd be a valuable asset.
  5. Retaliation, do you have anything to say for yourself?
  6. Well, considering the Virus hasn't done anything yet, I'm wondering if there's a way to cure me. In any case, Retaliation has made it rather clear that he's a librarian. Librarians can use their warp powers to possess people. So what are the chances that he possessed shade and tried to use shade as a night killer to cover his traces but either Shade or Retaliation got blocked by Sunflower? I know it may be a bit strange, but if anybody remembers the Super Hero mafia, you'd know that we've been in a similar situation before.
  7. For some reason I've been infected by some virus. PM says that it's harmless for now. Does anybody have anything to potentially cure this?
  8. In any case, ##Vote Chopbam There can only be one person who makes delicious food in this game!
  9. Nope. My flavour is the actual chef. Also, for people reading into avatars, they can both help and hurt town. It makes it easier to find out which actions belong to whom, but that also works for scum.
  10. At the same time, you'll also have the chance to nail scum on D1. And also what Orange posted.
  11. Thing is, voting patterns for D1 can still come in useful later in the game when you can compare that vote with later votes. But yes, no-lynch basically provides a free nightkill without giving us too much information.
  12. Both, I'll jump into a toilet and warp myself through the sewers, instantly turning me from Polish to Italian.
  13. Welp, ##Surrender (Considering I couldn't run away)
  14. ##Opponent: Voe ##Stance: Defensive ##Form: Makisha Repast ##FCA: Doesn't my previous one still apply since Voe did nothing?
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