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Everything posted by Nodlied

  1. Ehm... ##Opponent: TheIrishMan ##Stance: Defensive ##Form: Makisha Repast ##FCA: Shield Gauntlet Defense
  2. Opponent: Voe Stance: Defensive Form: Makisha Repast FCA: Shield Gauntlet Defense
  3. Ehm, well... I guess. Opponent: Irish Stance: Center of being Form: None FCA: None
  4. Opponent: Voe Stance: Offensive Form: None FCA: Force shot
  5. After resolving Irish's turn, ##Offensive Voe ##Force shot Voe
  6. He hosted games where he was an active part of the game; the ring in the lord of the rings (dugh) and the Marker(shard) in the deadspace games are two examples.
  7. (From the land of the dead) He can cure himself, you twat!
  8. I have none, which you probably knew long in advance.
  9. Hell if I knew. Not fully reading the roles fits my role flavour. Also, let it be known that the shitter that's about to take me down deserves nothing but the hardest ramming out there. Oh, and please find a way to cure Orange. Thanks.
  10. Ah, well then, change it into ##Sense Surroundings then. Also, I didn't counterattack? D:
  11. ##Center of being (duh) ##Reduce injury I think that's it?
  12. I'm starting to think that they're just after not having Orange fight, allowing them to corrupt the bugger. In any case, let's keep going. ##Offensive ##Reduce Injury ##Shii-Cho Ward
  13. Very well then, TALLY HO! ##Offensive Come and get me you filthy shit, kurwa! You like the colours of my lightsaber? How does it feel knowing your fate is in my hands.
  14. Considering that it appears to literally send the mind melter a copy of my result PM, I'd wager yes.
  15. Well, I keep pushing the Cop thing because I seem to be the only one to actually make some use out of that ability. And the reason I'm not willing to participate in a duel is because I want to keep using my sense to clear and check people. I don't want to fall victim to somebody that has been learning new things while I haven't. Why did I learn so few abilities? It's because I want to conserve my FP. I wanted to be able to check for alignments for as long as possible, hoping to have the game end by the time I run out. But here's the thing, you've outlined such a nice chart, but there is a problem with that. Remember the night I sensed you? The one you so happily described as learning both a dark tier one and tier two? Well guess what you wanker, I was mindmelted with both Choppy and Cat5 that night. They would have any action I would have done, and the only one I did, which conincides with what I've been telling you is that I've only been using sense force for quite a while now. Save your false accusations and go die in a fire you little shit.
  16. You forgot the potential branch where you are scum and try to get rid of the cop that has been slowly uncovering everyone's alignment, even if the older checks may be outdate. The very fact that you yourself have established why you cannot be wrong is reason enough for be to believe that you turned dark somewhere during the past two days and are just out to kill the cop. ##Vote Sith TheIrishman And since we need a champion as well, I'd rather go for the one that can get rid of his corruption if he wins. ##Vote Champion OrangeP47
  17. Which is possible. For all we know Irish went dark after I sensed him, hoping he could use that to throw me to the lions.
  18. Irish's claim is bogus. That's all I know.
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