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Everything posted by Nodlied

  1. Did the same, got an ''Oops!'' and an update to my PM as a reply. Tier2 skill is right there. I decided to sense the force (10 flower points) on Voe. Ended up with a ''Fear'' return. The action itself describes that some beings are still ''covered'' under light. Yes, I do know that this links me to Voe suddenly screaming in fear every time he sees his own shadow. But it's pretty much all I have. Speaking of Voe, I'll be more than willing to see if he'll be able to cure himself if he manages to win. ##Vote Champion Voe As for my absence, again, I'm doing my thing at my internship and will be doing so again tomorrow (which will be followed by an open-house event to lure in new victims pupils, so I'll be even later than usual tomorrow). Also, Jeod, don't quit on an assumption! Let's get to the bottom of this and win this game. That is, if you're not a shit that is.
  2. Yeah. I started with control, learned sense N0 and tried to go for Control-Sense tonight.
  3. By the way. I tried to learn a T2 skill during the night but I don't appear to have gotten it, even if the points were deducted. Anybody else have such an issue?
  4. Choppy confirmed for Zombie? ... Zombie Necromorphs confirmed! ( )
  5. Don't think he'll post anything on such a possibility. As it will either confirm or deny a possible game mechanic that's currently part of ingame discussion.
  6. So I just came back from a day of hard work, read the thread, and still dont'fully understand what is going on. Am I correct to say that we have a Jeod vs P47 Thunderbolt case going on?
  7. I'm proud of you. Hey! Pluk (Netherlands), Voe (Denmark/Iceland) and I (Belgiumj) were having a tough time as the Axis have blitzed the entire continental allies within two weeks time, meaning our entire armies went down the drain and that we're exiled to our colonies. The US refuses to join the war and the Soviet front isn't looking good. But we've managed to use our few divisions to take care of the smaller fronts and push the Japs back to the northern hemisphere as well as clear Africa and regain two footholds in Europe (One in the Netherlands, another in Italy). So give us a break. In any case, I do not fully know what to think of the current duel.
  8. I'm well aware. But I'm willing to help out nontheless. Especially since I'm still a bit confused about the game itself. But, as with all Verti games, I'll catch up in time.
  9. Unlikely, but the case. (Besides, I like meming in a great defense to counter Voe's agressiveness.)
  10. Correct. At least, for now. I'd like to keep a tactical reserve of force points in case we suddenly need it. So not spending all of it might help us in the future.
  11. Shush! She dismantled our alliance in '35! We had but no choice to hunker down and extend the great line of level 10 forts! Be happy we liberated them first before we start our great counterattack!
  12. Options are great. But eh... I'd rather invest my points and time into another strategy.
  13. Because I'm not interested in one of the skills.
  14. I can see your argument and I can't prove that you're wrong though. Although my previous argument should at least clear it up a bit. Speaking of which. Yeah, I went with using a single learning action because I thought that you couldn't go for a T2 skill until you completed two T1 skills. The action description for getting a T2 skill gramatically states that you cannot use that action until you have two T1 skills, meaning that you'd need to complete learning two T1 skills before you can ''unlock'', so to say, the action for learning T2 skills. However, it appears that I'm wrong and the description is just messed up.
  15. What do you mean it isn't as complicated as my tension meter? Also, I'll need to talk to you about drastically upping my graphics for the CVC for the sequel to the July Crisis. I think that I already explaned why I went with only one pick.
  16. Well, the thing appears to base itself on having enough forcepoints alone, not the other limitations as described in the PMs.
  17. Wasn't that meant for the combat phase? In any case the wording is clear.
  18. Well technically, the PM is sent at one point in time, so it happens at the same time. And the wording in the PM comes down to using the learn action for a T2 skill not being available unless you already have two T1 skills. This is also the reason why I simply went with a T1 skill instead of doing both.
  19. IIRC I can't see why you'd be able to learn a T2 skill as you need two T1 skills. Technically, you use your lean action twice at the same time, meaning you'll get your additional T1 skill at the same time as the T2 skill, which should be impossible since the descriptions states that you need two T1 skills before you can learn a T2 skill, meaning that going for a T2 skill should be impossible until N1. There is, of course, the possibility that the description is false and Verti allows such things or the possibility that somebody started with two T1 skills.
  20. Shut it you Ork. So ehm, did anything special happen to anybody this night?
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