Way to jump the ballgame by providing a viewpoint from within the box there Kerl. Considering the kind of game we have here I would under no circumstances be surprised if your plan will help you more than us. So yes, there is an argument against this, multiple even.
Who knows what the true intend might be? You might be genuine. But you may also be hostile, third party wise, your helping may lead to your own goal. What goal? No idea as of yet.
And what if you're scum? Wouldn't you be done for if you lied? Absolutely. But then again, there may be more to dying than just pure death.
All accusations? Yes. But I have no intention to mark you as clear, no matter the initial results. The ball is in your court. Prove me wrong.
Non-game related though: Hope you'll be well again soon!
In other news, Jeod, are you claiming that your death might bring shit(s and giggles) to the game? Or rather, are you saying that you dying won't mean the absolute end of you as a player?