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Everything posted by Nodlied

  1. Keep in mind that a nomination will never trigger a hammer, as it's completely separate from lynching/investigating and serves a completely different function.
  2. You are able to hammer somebody. But it will still require a majority of the players to happen, aka standard rules. But having the majority of the votes on one player spread between investigation and lynching will not cause a hammer. Next cvc in about an hour.
  3. Your investigation vote is still on though. Also, your nomination vote has been counted! Counted Counted Counted Only ~10:30 hours until hammer.
  4. ~24 hours remaining until hammer.
  5. Counted Counted Counted
  6. Just a little side note here. I won't be posting a new CVC for each and every vote. (I'm lazy. ) I'll do it whenever I think it is necessary or if it alters anything in any meaningful way.
  7. Welcome to Belgrade! As you may know, the Austro-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand has been assassinated by Gavrilo Princip. Tension has been rising ever since and we don't know where this crisis will lead or if the Great Powers will be able to solve it peacefully. That's why we've decided to take matters into our own hands. We've established a police taskforce to investigate the murder. Unexpectedly, the Austro-Hungarian government has send their own men to strengthen the taskforce. Hopefully we will be able to uncover the truth and prevent the crisis from escalating. Find all evidence leading to the perpetrators and see if you can connect the dots and disregard all fake evidence. Some civilians have shown interest in helping you, see to it that they are reliable. You can investigate them if you feel the need to do so. Be sure that none of them die though, as the morgue staff is quite busy after the events of last night where a young Pole died in a plunger accident and an American kicked the bucket after some freak merry-go-round accident. Remember, today you can only ##Investigate and ##Nominate. Town will win by uncovering all true evidence and putting it in the ''truth'' box in the vault document or by eliminating all non-town from the game. The Warmongers will win by raising world tension to 100% or by outnumbering or being equal in number to all alive players. Mod note: As with most games based on a historical event or some sort of game or television series, I'm not completely following the actual event. This to prevent you guys form using Wikipedia to turbo through the game and win. Best of luck in this game with the a-historical setting enabled! The theme of today. The day ends in ~48 hours!
  8. Roles will be going out now. Once you receive your role, could you please reply to the PM with your google Email or whatever account you use so that we can add you to and remove you from the item and evidence doc when we need to? Game will start at the standard time tomorrow. (25 hours and ~10 minutes from this post.)
  9. Right. Didn't want to simply put you on the list in case I was wrong. Role PMs are going out tonight. Verti will also have a role unless somebody shows up and replaces him.
  10. Need at least one more player before the game can start, so I'm extending the sign-ups by one day.
  11. Roles will be decided by rolling the dice.
  12. Not really, the release date has been known for a while now. In case you guys missed it, it's the 31st of December 2016.
  13. We need at least one more player before the game can start, two preferably.
  14. It used to happen a lot during the first half a year of Mafia over at BHP. Although I don't believe it ever happened here at W3DHub. But eh, it's the good old meme rule of ''if Voe survives N1, then Voe = Scum''. Ah nice, both countries are beautiful. Be sure not to get confused by the Swiss speaking Baguette, Bradwurst and Pizza. They don't have their own language. Have fun! I will not deny taking a bit of inspiration from other games. Also, I'll keep it in mind in case I need one more player should I end up with an unbalanced line-up.
  15. Do you mean warmongers and town or just going from ''Innocent'' all the way to ''Hostile''? The latter only changes by pretty much your own actions while the former doesn't happen, as the role alignments are set in stone. (So no ''I'm town and I'm winning, but now I'm suddenly scum at 80% tension'',) Ah, that's too bad then. Have fun though! Where are you going?
  16. Welcome to Belgrade my friends! Franz Ferdinand, the archduke of Austro-Hungary has been assassinated by Gavrilo Princip and trouble has begun! This is no standard mafia game, oh no, an event like this sparks all kinds of international attention and could ignite the powderkeg of Europe! Who knows what nightmares might be unleashed if that happens? And thus I host my first mafia game since the 2012 Battle of the Atlantic game. This time, I have Voe acting as a co-host in case I'm not able to be around for a night or whenever we feel like we need to post a cvc. Don't worry, I've prepared careful instructions for him so I do not expect anything to go wrong. Talking about things going wrong, what about the murder? Well, here's what you should know. Known Objectives Warmonger aligned players will win by either raising the world tension to 100% or by simply being equal in number to all other remaining players. Town and the town aligned Taskforce will win by either removing all bad guys by imprisonment or by killing them by any means necessary. Additionally, uncovering all the truth will insantly drop the world tension to -1%, ending the game in a town victory. World Tension The world tension meter shows how close the world is to being plunged into war. Every event and every action can potentially have some sort of effect on the world tension meter for the better or worse. Coming closer to the truth will lower world tension while hostile and subversive actions will raise it quite substantially. Raising the world tension isn't all bad though, as heightened tensions may unlock additional actions. The Vault and Evidence Locker During the day, a player can be voted on to visit the vault with ##VoteNominate <Player Name>. The vault holds confiscated and deposited items, one of which can be taken if the chosen players wishes to. Additionally, the vault hosts the evidence locker which holds all the evidence and players that have access to the vault can put the evidence in two different kinds of boxes. The first being the standard evidence locker and the second one being the table on which the evidence is presented as truth. Depending on how much evidence is uncovered and how much evidence is placed in the correct box, the evidence meter will go up or down. Guess Voe is getting lynched again! Investigations and Lynching In addition to nominating a player to enter the vault, players can vote on other players to be investigated or lynched. The first is to ##VoteInvestigate <Player name> somebody and the second is to ##VoteLynch <Player name>. You can either vote to investigate or to vote to lynch, not both. Investigations are always possible while lynching is possible from 60% world tension onwards. Investigating will uncover a player's name, nationality, current status as either innocent, suspicious or hostile, and other relevant and irrelevant information. Innocent players will be freed immediately but will leave behind any evidence they might unknowingly carry. Suspicious players will spend one night being blocked from any actions and will have all of their items and evidence confiscated. Hostile players will spend the rest of his days in prison, being blocked from any actions, losing all items and evidence. Essentially, the players is eliminated. Lynching will kill the player and transfer his body to the morgue for investigation. The player's items will be transferred to the vault and evidence to the evidence locker. However, the identity of the player will be revealed after the following night phase but will also uncover his alignment. Additional rules and notes Beyond all the game specific rules, standard mafia rules will apply. So only two posts at night, hammers can happen and Fraydo will be RNGesusd should a tie arise (/joke). You know the drill! Please note that the game set-up is experimental and I cannot guarantee flawless balance. But I do hope that you will all have as much fun playing the game as I had creating it! Sign-up's will end on the 31st of July. The game is optimised for 10 players, but more are possible. Sign-ups: 01. Jeod 02. Mojoman 03. Fraydo 04. OrangeP47 05. TheIrishman 06. Cat5 07. Chaos_Knight 08. Killing_You 09. Retaliation 10. Verti60 Day and Night phases Day 1 Night 1 Day 2 Night 2 Day 3 Night 3 Day 4 Night 4 Day 5 Night 5 Day 6 Night 6 Day 7 Night 7 Day 8 Post game results
  17. You know, from an outsider perspective, it was a really entertaining game to watch. Anyway, expect my sign-up thread somewhere tomorrow.
  18. This answer couldn't have been more perfect. The reasons, the video, everything comes together.
  19. Just want to get in there to chat to the people and give them some company whenever I'm around.
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