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Everything posted by Nodlied

  1. Then again, as long as I'm still alive... I don't take turncoating lightly KY. It's worse to turn scum willingly than it is to be born scum. You had the chance to do good, to help all that is right. You could have been the hero of the game, but instead you decided to become the most despicable player, one that chose the easy way out, one that chose to become a pawn for evil for his own personal gain. This is how one is tempted, how one becomes corrupted, how one will be open for a deal with not only the forces of disorder, but with the devil himself. In fact, while I do believe that the bad players out there happily made use of you, I suspect that they too, in their most honest ideals, consider you to be dishonourable. I will hunt you down with Cromwells even if it's the last thing I do. (Unless the dead ghost of the P47 Thunderbolt can still manipulate me and my gun to somehow shoot you in the face for a most ironic turn of events.)
  2. Also, if I may make a proposal, go after the KY and imprison the fuck. A traitor like that shouldn't be allowed to win, ever.
  3. We had such a great plan, but nope. Guess my paranoia led to this shit.
  4. Gun can only be used to arrest people who visit me at night. (One time use ability) So to bad you can't use it to shoot people.
  5. Well, then I'm not handing it over to ya. Perpare to listen to the music of tripping to your death over nothing more than a simple banana peel while being crushed by a random bulldozer that fell from an airship just before you could download new batteries on your watch to see if it was christmas or not.
  6. Personal objectives are meh. They are to be discarded. The real win is in refusing to side with evil, refusing to become nothing more than a pawn, the real win is to be free while being a productive part of society.
  7. Well, I do have a proposition if that's the case. And it is but a simple one. Abandon the ''let's be pawns of Jeod and win that way'' part and join the good guys part. Then I'll give it to you. It doesn't have to be done the hard way.
  8. Well, I still have that supposed fake note. Should it indeed be fake, then I'll either slap you wankers to death or kill you by the force of a brazillion papercuts.
  9. Dead men don't vote. Also, if that was the case, then you guys basically controlled the vote from the start of the day, making it impossible for town to achieve the objective.
  10. Actually, you don't know my name, nor do you know my face.
  11. Yet you sided with Town earlier. This turncoat business is not really the most honourable way to end a game and you know it. In fact, I'm quite certain that you are ashamed of your actions. Too bad it has all been for nothing though.
  12. Perhaps you should look up the year 1788 and Austria. Then you will find out exactly how that one feels. Also, a bit of a low blow of you to go full Italy.
  13. Well you see lads. You're forgetting one thing. I might still have a little note here. See you in hell ya wankers. ##Propose Suspicion Orange EVERYTHING INCLUDING THE KITCHEN SINK
  14. The cavalry has arrived! We decided that it was a good idea to shoot Cat5 to deny Jeod both a kill and the proposal points.
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