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Everything posted by Nodlied

  1. It's 22:32, not much to do around here. Well, there is, but I won't go out when on a holiday with the family. Oh, and I ran out of grey paint, which is quite important for my grey-camouflaged Guardsmen and front-line ICBM launcher. So I'm just here checking the game. (+ I check dev stuff daily.)
  2. You guys have no idea how much I would have liked to join this classic game. Old school scumhunting is best scum hunting. But eh, still on a holiday. Go forth people! Also, Verti, gib acces to the dead doc pls.
  3. As per original ''reserve the spot'', I won't be able to run my game until the 21st of July at the earliest.
  4. Want to join in, but I'm going on a one-week holiday next Friday.
  5. Hover over the word APB and you'll know. (Other than that, look around the site, it's hard to miss.)
  6. The mechanics are worked out. Just need to finish the roles and see to it that it is balanced. But considering that I'm the final test week of this year, that might take a bit of time. (Plus I might see if I need a co-mod to ensure constant GM'ing should my holidays become busier than planned. But eh, more on that once I get around finishing the game.)
  7. I understand how the RNG made you feel this way. I merely wanted to know if there were actual people trying to enforce a scum lose on you. No need to be so hostile about it. =/
  8. Hurray, we win! I don't know how, but I guess everything worked out? Also, Jeod, did people seriously try to make this a ''Jeod loses'' game? =/
  9. Well, it's bed time. Going to take a guess and vote ##Vote Chaos_Knight for the reason that Voe's time machine is hinted at being town's only way out and me not meeting CK during the night. Chances are high that I'm wrong and there are some cheeky mechanics behind this, but then again, I pretty much haven't got a clue as to how this game works. Then again, a Voe + CK vote on me as it stands now will end up in my death anyway. So whatever happens, let's hope for the best.
  10. What part of no deadposting did you fail to understand? Also, I can also lock threads.
  11. Here's the thing, I don't want to win if it means me ending up as organisation. I started as town, and I have no intention of renouncing the town objective due to some stupid RNG putting me on the other side. I hate having my objectives changed. So no, I don't want to run the risk of winning as organisation. I either win as town, or lose as town.
  12. Can't we ask Voe to use a time machine to redirect the D1 vote onto me so that you guys end up with somebody more useful for this phase?
  13. I mean, If we eliminate any R3 chance, doesn't that mean that we'll eliminate the R3 role entirely?
  14. Actually. The day post indicates that we must find out who is part of the organisation and act properly. You've provided info on how both Voe and I flipping scum could cause a paradox (how would that work?) or cause instant toast. However if Voe still has access to the time machine, that could be the thing that ''we'' need to use to stop the insta fry that Cat5 was talking about with his ''act properly''. If Voe is scum, we won't have access to the time machine for good guy deeds and we're toast anyway. Thus I believe (if I got it all right) that Voe is town. I know I am town, but what does that make you? Is it you?
  15. Hmm, I see. But that does mean I'll flip town today. So it's either Voe or you.
  16. Well, isn't Voe the only one with time machine access? If that were to be the case, wouldn't we already be doomed?
  17. Hell if I know. I merely explained what I did. So now it's up to who speaks the truth. How do I know that you visited Voe as well? (Or can rounders not meet up with people?) Or, in case Voe is scum, do we even have access to a time machine to fix this all?
  18. Also, for some clarification, I've been town for pretty much the entire game. I was still town on D6. But I was rounder 3 on N6. Used all of my UPAs on RNG town and now I'm town again. Does this automatically mean that one of you wankers is now rounder 3?
  19. I was kinda busy with stuff. (I had a report to write and I was doing some work over at internship today.) In any case, I was rounder three during the night. I spend all the upas I had on town RNG which has worked (will flip town if I'm lynched). AC chance is 50%. Also, I investigated Voe tonight who turned up as organisation.
  20. People know I don't tend to give a shit about that. I've proven many times before that I'll just carry on doing the thing I started with. (As does Cat5 himself.)
  21. I hate changing objectives and I prefer being town. During the time I was dead, I've used some of my actions to raise the chances that I'm town. So no, I won't be scum.
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