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Everything posted by Nodlied

  1. Welp. I'm having horrible issues. (And only with Google for some bizarre reason. =/ )
  2. Just a small thing here, Chaos_Knight, are you having trouble with Google docs? (Or google in general?) Same for Verti btw.
  3. Well then Jeod, you obviously have an end game in mind, that's for sure. Now, let's see if we can get these shits to work. So, three little options combined with theories here: We vote Mojoman to find out what the glacier flaying fuck is actually going on and if he's lying about the gimmick or not. We vote for Cat5 as he's a culprit by lore and could have the debtnote from the Chris investigation, killing Voe while playing ''we hate one another'' with Jeod. Should he have the notebook and be the one that killed Voe, we'll arrest the buggar and achieve at least one objective. Also, he keeps talking about wanting to stay in prison, is he still there? I don't know if that's how the mechanics work. =/ This is assuming Jeod himself can't kill and is pulling the attention towards himself. We vote Jeod. I opened a booklet, which should mean that I'm able to see the Wanker-in-Chief himself. And considering that the D1 investigation told us that we couldn't investigate him and should try again later, then maybe this is the indication we need. All options have the potential to backfire or lead us to where we want to go. Also, ##Propose Trust Orange 16 It's current year you bastard!
  4. Should that be the truth then we have more than enough other friendlies out there that will be able to throw you back into the spotlight.
  5. Can we have Fraydo dump some of his proposal to put Jeod back in the suspicion sphere?
  6. Well, it made the ballot rather big and hard to fold back into its original shape.
  7. By the way, this is what our voting ballot looked like today. One could vote for 28(!) parties.
  8. Explain yourself. Actually, Choppy has a good point. It wouldn't surprise me that he has been affected by a gimmick. Still, explain thineself! Actually, it's ellection day, so I'm pretty AFK. The results are good so far.
  9. Sure we can! We'll just stop listening to the fieldwanker.
  10. I'm pretty damn sure that you're the only wanktank out here and that you are the only source of the debtnotes. Also, considering I have this little book now, I should be able to see you and, thus, investigate your ass. Banishing you back into the warp will require some additional thinking though. Well, if we go by lore, taking another look at Cat5 could help. Otherwise, putting Jeod's head on a stick should be one of our priorities. As for the ''anybody can become the murderer thing'', the OP states that. The players have the choice to become one, the information you get after opening the debtnote also shows that. So it could be anybody with a notebook.
  11. No. Must be nice to know you're the only wanker out there, isn't it? (Besides, meta knowledge only reïnforces the probability that you're alone!)
  12. I wasn't AFK during the nightphase. I did open the notebook (how else did I post the rules? :v) Also, PetChris sent me the meeting invitation before I was able to do so myself. Well, I'm pretty sure I'm not the killer, lest opening the note allows a sinister party to ''use'' me to kill somebody without me knowing it. In any case, I'm pretty damn sure Jeod is the one who killed Voe, as it wouldn't suprise me that he was the one who took the confiscated book from the confiscated items. That's what I think as well. As for who the killer is, I'm just too bloody sure that it's Jeod. His night and day posts do as good of a job at hiding it as a boxtank trying to camouflage up in the open field. As for more insight, I've received more actions at the day start. I can now pass the note on during the night to a player of my choice (same as before) I can ''fortfeit'' the debtnote, which will return it to the previous owner. Should they be dead or not exist, it'll go back to the shimitinkywinky. It also specifies that if I haven't used the notebook to kill somebody, I will not be blamed for any kills made via this notebook. This does seem to specify that there are multiple debtnote docs as well. And I can request sensor eyes, but the shinysnicker would have to agree on that. I will have to choose between these three options else the booklet will ''be taken'' (by the shimiwinywoe I guess). In case the owner kills somebody, he/she/it/attackhelicopter will be able to ''send a tape'' for the day post, which will allow the player to post a message within a 999 character limit. And yes, in case we decide on investigating somebody else than me, I am planning on passing the booklet to somebody else.
  13. Done so. I've gotten access to the debtnote. It contains two images displaying: 1. how to use it, 2. ownership and 3. shimitomato vision. Hold on while I try to decypher the aweful font. I've written this down in my own words, as I'm obviously not allowed to copy-pasta the entire thing. 1. How to use the bugger Writing down the real name of the potential target while knowing their face will cause said person to die. These can be uncovered by investigation or via night action. Misspelled names don't count and if a name has been misspelled three times, said person will be invulnrable to the debtnote. Misspell the name three times intentionally and you will die yourself. Writing a name in two debtnotes during the same night will cancel out the kill HOWEVER, writing a name in two debt notes in different debtnotes will still count, the death that was written down earlier will be the one that fires. Cause of death can be written down within 999 characters. If no cause of death is specified, target will die of a heart attack within 24 hours. After the cause of death has been written down, one has to, within 999 characters, write down the details of the deah. Cause and detail of death have to be realistic both in reality and within the game. The limitations on this are unknown to the shinypokémon. The owner can find based on available meetings, items and actions. If the owner delays the death by at least one day, one can force a gimmick on a target or force him to transfer items and/or suspicion and proposal points. One can change the conditions and details of death as many times as one wants before the actual death, but one cannot change the target. You can exchange 100 trust for 100 suspicion for an additional target during a night and can do this as many times as the trust level allows it. If the booklet has been used before, the user can force a day kill in public. The debtnote cannot be used if the user is arrested or blocked. 2. Ownership The owner is the person who first opens the debtnote until said player passes it on, doesn't use it or dies. The original owner is none other than the shimigamma. The shinyshithead can talk to the current owner at any time should it wish to do so. (Explains why Jeod was eager to have Rommel open this thing). Current owner or player that used it before can see the shimmikaze. The booklet will return to the owner if the booklet is passed three times without anybody using it. Should a debtnote not be used or passed on, it will go back to the previous owner and then the one before that. If all the owners have died or have not used the thing it will go see the shitwiper. The debtnote will return to the debts of hell if it is returned to the shiniminimoe three times. One cannot destroy the debtnote while using weapons or using any kind of actions. (Does that mean that there is a way?) Passing the debtnote back to the shimishammburger will be go back to it without it counting as a penalty (What?). This will also block the shimibradwürst from giving booklet back to this person in a direct manner. (Do we call bullshit on Jeod's RNG shenanigans?) In case a player passes it on, it will cause memory loss as to the entire thing, but if one opens it again, the memories will return. However, after this point, memory loss won't happen again. Debtnotes that have been confiscated can't go back to the previous owner in a default manner, but any person that have access to the debnote can take it without issue. The Schizogami knows if its notebook is confiscated or passed to other players, but it won't know the who the ''current'' owner is until it visits him or her. 3. Binocular Telescope The current owner can buy Shinimacaroni optics in exchange for half of the owner's proposal and trust points, which will then go to the ShitheadDaemon. X-ray vision will allow the owner to see names while meeting a person or find out about the real name of a player should the investigation result not yield proper results. Additionally, using a special night action will allow the player to see the name of anyone he/she wishes, but each go costs half of the player's trust and proposal points. The spy satellite will be terminated should the player no longer be the owner of the debtnote. That's all the info I got out of this. Keep an eye on me during D6 just in case. Now let me close the debtnote doc and never return. Oh, and there were no names written in it yet. So there shouldn't be any deaths coming up.
  14. So you've made a writing mistake? Mind discounting my nightpost count in that case? ¬_¬
  15. Well, that debunks my earlier theory. Very likely in that case.
  16. I've already debunked the first theory, but ok. And should I somehow find another spaghetti'o, I'll let people know.
  17. Guess I could join up with you? Or does anybody have other ideas?
  18. One can do both at the same time. Hell, I could investigate KY, contact Choppy and pass the notebook to Chris during the same night.
  19. Yet considering your track record, you cannot be trusted. So we can't take these points for granted and we should assume that you have more sinister reasons.
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