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Everything posted by Killing_You

  1. We were both doing our best to be cooperative and we ended up being the tie vote on D2. I'm still surprised Town managed to recover.
  2. So why on earth did you not kill Cat5 and coast on the one and only cop report in the game?
  3. You speak as if you weren't so close to winning the game...
  4. @ FRAYDO Dave's last name is never said in the series and I didn't submit one, so yes, you could've totally debt noted me. :P
  5. I was fully prepared to vote myself up, too, in sheer annoyance. Killing iLTF ironically surged my resolve.
  6. ...Oh. That's on me for believing a false roleclaim.
  7. Counterpoint: Both scum were able to avoid the lynch. If it weren't for the gummies, yesterday wouldn't have been LYLO, it'd have been just LO.
  8. And yes, for those of you that don't have me on social media or anything, this technically counts as a face reveal :D
  9. It's an item, so there was always the possibility that I could've passed it to the wrong person, or it could be stolen. 'Tis why I kept it close to the chest for so long. If it makes you feel any better, I designed the role around the character rather than trying to craft a specific role. I did that with all the roles I submitted, actually, since they were all Dead Legion characters. I just so happened to get one that was pretty useful, and also the character I play in the show.
  10. Now hold on, we can resolve this democratically. That said, I vote for early resolution as well.
  11. Dunno about you guys, but personally, I'm not changing my vote at all today.
  12. Right, this is pretty open and shut to me. Retal supported the ChopBam lynch, Shade fought against it. ##vote Shade
  13. I'm looking forward to seeing your attempt to argue your way out of this.
  14. It's not really that important anyway. At best you tie the vote assuming Chop's vote counts for double.
  15. I think I'm being thrown off by us voting to keep hammer consistent earlier in the game. Eh, Irish and Louis will handle it. No biggie.
  16. I think we should wait until after hammer is resolved before theorycrafting. If it's not Chop, it's GG anyway.
  17. You got Shade flying the flag of possible TP jester, which doesn't fit a Chop/Shade scum team for obvious reasons. Blame him, although you might be better off flat-out ignoring him.
  18. If we lose this game due to Shade being TP and self voting I swear...
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