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Everything posted by Killing_You

  1. That's a good point. I fully expected one of them to be dead last night. My only issue is that Cat5 was pairing me with iLTF, so I'm not sure why he'd set that up only to have it immediately shattered. That said, you do raise a good point. ##unvote
  2. What can I say? Dave decided to be brave. Also, that is the name of my action, so props for getting that right.
  3. Also, I opted not to hide behind anyone last night to minimize the chance of a double kill, plus it'd allow Cat5 to cop me if he so desired.
  4. Out of all the outcomes, I didn't expect that one. Calling it now. Retal/Shade scum team. ##vote Retaliation
  5. I can't believe we went that long without a birthday.
  6. Whatever. At this stage, I'm either lynched today or lynched tomorrow, assuming the game is still going then...
  7. I didn't get a result PM, which I had assumed meant I was successful until you roleclaimed.
  8. whyonearthwouldyoumakemedomathIjustgotoffworkanhouragoyouscrublord Three, I guess...? Which is why I've done my best to pick people who are least likely to be targeted for the NK. What are you trying to get at with this line of questioning? Oh yeah, I've once again either picked a stupid role with a bad win condition, or it's a cover for my actual deadly doublekill ability. Am I on the right track?
  9. More or less, yeah. Oh wait, let me guess, it's a cover for my actual role, which is a deadly backstab assasin janitor, right?
  10. I was gonna post an audio clip of Voe singing that, but alas, I can't find it =/
  11. That felt like too quick of a turn. I don't like that.
  12. Okay I'm confused now, because I didn't get a result for my action.
  13. Yes. Not right before hammer, but I knew I was gonna be gone a while, so I figured a heads-up would be nice. I'm 99% sure, yeah. That's why I hid behind Orange, because I figured he'd be the least likely to be NK'd. While I don't really agree with lynching Orange at this stage, I can see how it'd give us information, plus I did agree to go along with y'all today. Therefore, while I'd prefer a Retaliation lynch, I shall ##vote OrangeP47
  14. I guess I should also mention that I have a day passive that allows me to dodge daykills, which means someone here has one, and I'm willing to hedge my bets that they're not friendly. Thinking about it, I could see an angle where Retal or his partner has a daykill, and Retal's ability is designed to see if someone could be hit by it or not.
  15. I thought it was clear from the context that I meant "Day-role-cop," it just slipped my mind that specifying the "role" part of rolecop might've been necessary. I think it comes down to a difference of opinion. I expect N1 kills as standard due to player size and potential doctors not really knowing who would be best to protect. Nobody dying N1 is what stands out to me. Because my action wasn't informative. I have nothing more to go off of than you. Fair enough. I suppose I should come clean as well. I'm Dave. I'm a Hider. Specifically, I'm a Hider of the normal variety, meaning I don't die if I cower behind scum. That's why I had nothing to add. I figured Orange would be safe to hide behind given he was the most suspicious person D1, and therefore least likely to get hit with the NK. Of these three, I'm most suspicious of Retaliation. I'll be back in after work (and before hammer, I'm pretty sure), so I'll withold my vote until then, and let Chop take the lead.
  16. Oh shit. Well, that's fair. ##unvote I'll give you time to get your input in.
  17. Alright then. I'll just add my general commentary and hope that kickstarts some conversation. Killing You- Hi. OrangeP47- I haven't fully caught on to his playstyle, at least early game. Late game, scum Orange and town Orange diverge in gameplay, but at this stage I can't quite tell. If I had to lean in one direction, I'd lean Town. His reaction to Retal's scan didn't feel like scum!Orange getting outed or being handed an alibi. He was actually rather forthcoming as far as I can tell. Maybe something will turn up later that contradicts his story? Either way, for me, it's 55/45 leaning Town for me. iLikeToSnipe- Quiet, unusually so. I don't like it. That being said, silence is little to go off of. Shade939- Town. Shade doesn't make out-of-the-blue, patently stupid ideas/accusations when scum. Category 5 Hurricane- Tunnel-visioning Orange, but with good reason. While I'm not sure if this is productive, it falls in line with Town!Cat5 more than Scum!Cat5. I'd like to see his input on everyone else, but I'm leaning Town for him. ChopBam- Doing his best with what we've got, and I like his reasoning. Strong Town read at the moment. Retaliation- Not sure what to think. All I have to go on is the daycop ability of his, which could be useful to any faction. Null read. Current sus is on iLikeToSnipe. I want to hear more from him. ##vote iLikeToSnipe
  18. Cool, so I got that part right. With that in mind, I'm not scumreading Orange at the moment. A developing ability seems odd, but not too farfetched, and Orange has been fairly cooperative thus far. With this post, I'm also pretty sure Shade is town.
  19. So, I'm looking back and I'm not seeing what's going on here. Though, I could be misinterpreting D1 discussion (which is possible). @ Retaliation I think you're the guy to weigh in here.
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