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Everything posted by Killing_You

  1. In fairness, the last time he did that you actually were scum.
  2. Oh boy, I'm about to make myself public enemy number one here... I actually rather enjoy the Kelvin Trilogy. It's kinda dumb at times, sure (especially Into Darkness), but I still have a lot of fun with them.
  3. It's from one of the movies, actually. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, one of the best Star Trek movies. (Currently my fourth favorite, for those keeping score). If you want to get into it, they're a good place to start. Specifically, in this order: Wrath of Khan, Search for Spock, The Voyage Home, The Undiscovered Country. Also, avoid The Motion Picture, The Final Frontier, and Nemesis. Like the plague.
  4. If he did claim D1, that actually puts weight behind the theory that the scum team might have elected to holster their nightkill in an attempt to throw us off. I agree that it's unlikely on sheer principle, but with my town read on FRAYDO it's the more likely scenario in my head.
  5. We know he roleblocked FRAYDO, since FRAYDO confirmed being blocked.
  6. Shade claimed Tesla Trooper D1, correct? I missed D1 and didn't feel like catching up, but it sounds like he did.
  7. Not much more than a gut feeling, honestly. The circumstantial evidence on FRAYDO is strong, and it doesn't match with the read he's giving me.
  8. I'll cast my vote there as well. I don't think you're the correct choice, frankly. ##vote NoLynch
  9. I've only partly been paying attention because reasons, but I disagree. FRAYDO's reaction seemed rather calm to me, not what I'd expect from an outed scum.
  10. I hope you guys are right, because this still feels too easy.
  11. Because the way he responded read as "town" to me, and I stand by that feeling because of what I just said. Two on Coolrock, one of which is himself. Not much of a trend IMO.
  12. That's not quite what I meant, though. Usually if a scum member gets caught with their hand in the cookie jar, their partner will rush to find a way to push the lynch onto someone else. You're the only one who really did something similar, and I'm townreading you, hence my concern.
  13. I did nothing last night. Frankly, I'm a bit uneasy about lynching FRAYDO. Nobody's made a real effort to try to take the heat off of him, so it's looking less and less like he has a partner. The circumstantial evidence that he was blocked is strong, sure, but the fact that nobody's tried to divert the lynch elsewhere makes me think that this is the wrong track. I'm not sure if Coolrock is the right way to go, either; he's reading as "new/dumb town" to me rather than "scum."
  14. You mean like the one time I faked the card swipe in front of FRAYDO and won?
  15. I'm still surprised you did that, even moreso that you managed to get the win.
  16. Frankly, from a meta perspective, Anon_Kat being active would be sus.
  17. It's not really not risking the spotlight, moreso I don't scumread Coolrock. Circumstantially, yes, if TP was a blocker, Coolrock would be under the microscope by default. But we don't know that, and my read on Coolrock right now is "new Town," especially after that claim. I do want to wait for more night reports, if there are any, because so far nothing's sticking out to me.
  18. That's for me to know and everyone else to find out if it's ever relevant. Doubt it ever will, though. I'm starting to now. I missed D1 entirely and still haven't caught up with it.
  19. That's right. I did forget about that. Is that an actual claim? If so, why now?
  20. If that's true, that'd put suspicion on Coolrock. I don't think this is the case, though. I'm inclined to believe FRAYDO, and it's more likely that the Rhino Tank blocked the kill. ##unvote
  21. Well, looks like we had a good night! ##vote FRAYDO Not gonna waste any time turning up the heat here. Do tell. What happened?
  22. I'll catch up before day start, but based on the lynch result, I have one opinion. You people are all dolts.
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