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Everything posted by Killing_You

  1. That's fair. Well, regardless of Shade's alignment, we can still look at everyone else. I'm switching my vote back to ChopBam, because I trust your line of thought and I don't trust his claim. ##vote ChopBam
  2. So, 2v2v1? If that's the case, could the scum team be Retal and Chop, with some bussing going on?
  3. Shade's just shit posting, which would be fine on D1. Not so much LYLO.
  4. Frankly, I'm open to a Shade lynch. I believe the scum team is ChopBam and Shade at this point. Prove me wrong, Chop. Put your money where your mouth is and vote up Shade.
  5. Long version: That's an item I have. A bag of THC gummy bears. They remove a target's protection for whichever phase they're used on. I had a sneaking suspicion someone naughty would have that kind of trick up their sleeve.
  6. TL;DR, Chop's back on the lynch table, just in case we want to go in that direction.
  7. I'm not comfortable with you effectively removing yourself from the lynch table, on top of your fishy roleclaim and Cat5's reports. I think you need to mellow out a bit. ##share ChopBam
  8. I don't like this action resolution, either. This seems like more than "lynchproof."
  9. The only way I can rationalize that working as described is if you were on a scumteam with Retaliation. I'm not sure if I believe that pairing just yet, but the alternative is that ChopBam is lying. Either way, I don't like this.
  10. That's an incredibly strange role. I'm not sure if I buy it. We've had roles like that in the past, but none of them required the player to know the name of the action beforehand. That feels like a convinent way of justifying why you haven't done anything yet more than a legit claim.
  11. @ ChopBam Anything else about you that you'd like to share with the class? Also, if anyone else has lynchproof abilities, please speak up. I'd rather not have to deal with this thing at LYLO.
  12. Only as far as "that's how hiders work." But, as I said, I opted not to hide last night.
  13. That comment was for Retaliation, not the peanut gallery.
  14. I have a problem with Cat5 being scum. He could easily have claimed you or Shade was scum. Instead, not only did he say that he investigated iLTF, he also claimed to have gotten an unusual result that had him question his previous result on ChopBam. That seems needlessly complicated for a scum ploy, especially for Cat5.
  16. At this point, I'm willing to believe both of you. It'd be so easy for either one of you to make a false report on the other to turbo a mislynch for the win, Cat5 especially. Yet that hasn't happened. What I really find interesting is the fact that Retal is claiming Cat5/Chop scumteam, while Cat5 is claiming Retal/Chop scum team. Common factor is ChopBam. I'm willing to hedge my bets that Shade is his partner. Regardless, I'd prefer to hit the common factor just in case. ##vote ChopBam
  17. Between Retaliation rolecopping me definitively and Shade being a blithering idiot as usual, the possibility of a Chop/Cat5 scum team looks likely. Bedtime for me now. Looking forward to hearing their night reports and defenses.
  18. Jesus Murphy, man. Retal voted me up at the last minute, putting me at 50/50 for the chopping block. How can you possibly rationalize us as scrum partners, even as a hypothetical?
  19. I think it's because I genuinely have more fun as town/town sided. I like the detective angle far more than lying and trying to hide (though I do also enjoy the occasional mischievous TP that can work with town and still do their own thing).
  20. Listen, Dave might not seem like much, but he's one of the good guys, damn it!
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