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Dev.Blog 2 - Halloween H20 (10/31/2011)

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Let's jump off this blog the right way and wish the fans a



Now lets get straight to it. If you read last weeks blog you might have a few questions well maybe this will help.....



-EMPs: We are going to make EMPs in the Renegade engine a real thing. Basically the way this is going to work is when you’re hit by an EMP, your unit will no longer be able to move or fire for a short amount of time. This will make things like the EMP cannon and the Mobile EMP a real possibility.


-New infantry units: We have a few new units coming to the roster: Toxin Trooper for Nod, Riot Trooper for GDI, and AA trooper for GDI. Now we know that there was no AA trooper for GDI, but for the sake of balance and because GDI has no real anti-air unit, we’ve decided to add him in.


-New vehicle units: We've also decided to add units like the MEMP (Mobile EMP), the Mobile Senor Array and limpet drones.


-Revamped current infantry: We've gone through the roster and made some improvements. We're making sure each unit has its own unique feel so that no unit overshadows another. In light of this, we had to make a few cuts. Here’s what the current roster is looking like:




*Light Infantry






*Rocket Infantry


*Chameleon Spy


*Mutant Hijacker


*Confessor (Renamed the Kerubim so it fits better)




*Cyborg Commando


*Elite Cadre


*Toxin Trooper




*Light Infantry






*Disk thrower




*Jump Jet






*Ghost Stalker


*Riot trooper


*Anti-Air Trooper


You’ll notice most of the mutants have been taken off the list, but don't worry! You’ll probably be seeing them again in different ways. ;)


-Ion storms: Okay, I am VERY excited about this. Jonwil and I put our heads together and made REAL ion storms a thing on the W3D engine. When a random ion storm occurs, both teams will lose their base’s power and radar. Yes, you read that right…random. Ion storms are going to be randomized, so there could be as many as 15 storms or as little as none on a map, and they could last anywhere from 15 seconds to 3 minutes. You'll never know how it’ll affect battles!


-Building hacking: This is going to be the bread and butter that will change this game to its own style apart from AR, APB, and Renegade. Engineers have always been powerful units in the C&C RTS world, so we've decided to bring that logic to TS:Reborn. Engineers will now be given suitcases with laptops in them that will be able to "hack" buildings. Think about it like a hidden secondary health bar. When an engineer is hacking it, it will slowly bring this bar down. If you are able to bring this bar down to…let’s say yellow, it will knock that building’s functions offline. If the bar drains completely, the building will die. Engineers don't have to stand at a certain spot either as long as they are within the building’s hacking area, so as long as you have the briefcase out and are using it, you can hack anywhere outside or inside of the building. So how can you prevent this? Well there’s two ways. The first way is to kill the engineer. The second way is to grab your own engineer, pull out your briefcase and "unhack" your own building. But what if you've lost your barracks or Hand of Nod and can't buy an engineer? Well don't worry about that, because hacked buildings will slowly repair their own hack damage as long as they’re not dead.


-New buildings: There are tons of buildings in the Tiberian Sun world, and we've decided to give each building its own function. We're going to add Tech centers, Radars, EMP cannons and super weapon structures. The radars will control the limpet drones and the radar function. The tech centers will affect the tech levels and the hunter seekers. The missile silo and upgrade center will handle the super weapons. Also Spice has been working on the GDI Service Depot and this is what he has so far.




-Different game modes: I've always been a fan of variety and sometimes I get tired of the same old back and forth battles. We're going to be adding different game modes for multiplayer. Things like capture the flag, team death match, capture the token, free for all, marathon mode, and maybe an infected mode. More details will come about this later.


-Poison: As you can see we've added a Toxin Trooper to the mix, and since Nod has no problem poisoning people, the Toxin Trooper will be given the ability to poison enemies once their armor is taken out. They will be given a toxin rifle and toxin grenades. This effect will slowly damage you until you get a medic to heal you or buy a new unit. Also I know you’re asking yourself, “Will mutants be affected by this toxin?” Well, yes and no. The toxin will hurt mutants, but not poison them.


-Super weapons: We have a few special plans for the super weapons, but as of right now our first idea isn't ready, so for the time being Reborn will share the same super weapon logic as APB with a few exceptions. Every X number of minutes you will be given a beacon that CANNOT be disarmed. Now I know what you’re thinking: "How can we fight that?!" Well I'm glad you asked! There will be two ways to stop from getting hit. Number one is to kill the unit placing/holding the beacon, and number two is to sneak an engineer into the silo or upgrade center and have them reset the timer for the beacon. Now this is not going to be an easy thing to do at all, considering the sizes of both buildings, but if our aforementioned special plans become possible, a lot of this will change.


-Mission maps: Mission maps have always been a lot of fun for me, and they give a little more of that C&C feel. Also I hate wasting assets, so you'll get a lot of mission maps. And with those mission maps you'll get to see units you won't typically see in normal gameplay, such as Kodiaks, MCVs, Carryalls, the Montauk, Nod pyramids, Nod temples, and maybe even Kane himself!


-NO MORE SNIPERS: This is what you've all been wanting to read about. Now I know some of you are all like "NOOOO WALLY YOU CANT TAKE AWAY SNIPERS RAWR!!!!!" Well yes I can, and here are a few reasons why. For one, snipers have never faired very well in W3d. They've always been a very selfish unit. Two, they do very little for the team and are more of a "RAWR I HAS AWESME KD" unit. So we've decided to do away with snipers and add scoped auto-rifle units. This is how I explained it on another forum: "It won't be a hit scan weapon, and you'll have to lead your shots, but with the way we're thinking it'll work a lot better at mid range and it'll most likely fire in a 3 round burst, perhaps with an alt fire single shot, maybe with a slight charge that’s worth the damage of a 3 round burst that will cost 3 bullets to fire, so players will still get that sniper feel. This logic will apply to both Umagon and the Toxin Trooper, but the Toxin Trooper will be able to poison players he hits as long as they don’t have armor." So the basic idea is a not-sniper sniper. If you get really good at timing your shots with that alt fire it could be like a very weak sniper rifle, but the best way to think of it right now is like a DMR from Halo.


You'll notice that there is also a sub blog. Lord Kane and I will be doing a live pod cast Q&A next weekend, so if you have any questions or concerns you might want address be sure to ask them there or join us live on the Bluehellproduction teamspeak Sunday night GMT -5


Post your questions in this blog http://www.bluehellp...showtopic=24912


Also next week we'll be talking about unit's weapons and the ranking system. (Yes, There will be pictures)

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Guest Mei Terumi

No more snipers!!! YEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! i agree 1010% with the reasons why you removed them.


Also good stuff on the other changes. Ion Storms im defently looking forward to. Will the lightning bolts damage vechicles too? As i clearly remember in TS that a direct hit made your vechicles explode!

Edited by Sn1p3r87
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I love the fact that there will be random Ion Storms! :D


About the Engineer, I like the hacking idea, but his laptop should not take up his entire suitcase, and instead be more of a hand-held computer (iPad 3 LOL? :emot-v:); This is 2030, after all.

Plus, he needs room for his tools. ;)

Edited by APB_ICE
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After playing Deus Ex:HR I like the idea bout hacking, the hacking sounds like a good addition to game play nowadays. I was expecting though that the engineer can shut down/reconfigure some enemy defenses or capture the building for a while (changing the purchase terminals etc). Buildings shouldn't die completely by hacking though.

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I love the fact that there will be random Ion Storms! :D


About the Engineer, I like the hacking idea, but his laptop should not take up his entire suitcase, and instead be more of a hand-held computer (iPad 3 LOL? :emot-v:); This is 2030, after all.

Plus, he needs room for his tools. ;)

The model is already made and is being textured. Its basicly a briefcase that opens up to be a lap top. it will fit just fine the way it is, no need critiquing something you havn't even seem yet.

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Guest Mei Terumi

I love the fact that there will be random Ion Storms! :D


About the Engineer, I like the hacking idea, but his laptop should not take up his entire suitcase, and instead be more of a hand-held computer (iPad 3 LOL? :emot-v:); This is 2030, after all.

Plus, he needs room for his tools. ;)

The model is already made and is being textured. Its basicly a briefcase that opens up to be a lap top. it will fit just fine the way it is, no need critiquing something you havn't even seem yet.


This is APB_ICE were talking about here :rolleyes:

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Hmm... Well, I guess you could say that its capabilities are similar to those of our modern day supercomputers. (That's basically the advancement of computer technology; What required a supercomputer in the 1980's can now be done with an ordinary desktop computer, and the same would apply when comparing Tib' Sun computers to their Tib' Dawn predecessors.)

Edited by APB_ICE
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Guest KevinLancaster

That GDI Service Depot picture can't be viewed for some reason.

Also Comic Sans MS scares the shit out of me. You couldn't have picked a more fitting font.

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The AR team was nice enough to let us re-use and re-texture their model. Basically this but textured for GDI and NOD




Also don't forget to ask your questions over at the Pod cast Q&A blog. :)



Is anyone else having trouble with the SD pic?

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Guest Generalcamo

Well, with Ion Storms, allowing controls to this, I do not want to see them too often in pristine, future blue zones, but I do want to see them a lot more in the Genesis Pit.

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Guest Sonarpulse

Might egineers someday be able to hack buildings to capture them? If the hack meter had to heal from 0 after the building was captured, but the building was not damaged from the capture, I could see this being neither pointless or too overpowered. A forward spawn point could help break stalemates, and, of course, capturing stuff is awesome.

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Excellent! Finaly something is being done by somebody! Nice to see the APB - Reborn war is over, and the GDI - Nod war on hold just for a little bit longer.

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Guest ImperialKaskins

YAY :D. Also i hate his face at that avatar. Remains me of that horror movie


EDITED : LOL i post it by 1 minute away.

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Guest MartinMb

Awesome !!! Can't wait to try all this. Reborn will seriously get some huge nostalgia feeling out of me.


Ion Storms are gonna be hilarious : a Hover MLRS rush is about to pwn your defenses ? RANDOM ION STORM xD



Now I know some of you are all like "NOOOO WALLY YOU CANT TAKE AWAY SNIPERS RAWR!!!!!" Well yes I can,


You got balls man, that's excellent !



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Guest Meelis13

i like all of this a lot, but i do have question about ION storms: will they affect hover/flying units like hover MLRS or orca? and are there those lightning strikes as well, wich can randomly damage buildings and kill troops?

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I'm curious about capturing buildings. Will the certain elements (colours) of the building's texture change to indicate that it has been captured?

As much as I wish, the hacking thing isn't a capture thing :-/ It's more or less to knock the building offline.

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The GDI Service Depot will have its robotic welding arm, right?


*Toxin Trooper

An easy placeholder method for this would be to simply retexture the GDI Neurotoxin Soldier, since it's being removed from GDI anyway.


Also Spice has been working on the GDI Service Depot and this is what he has so far.


The GDI Service Depot will have its robotic welding-arm station, right?


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The GDI Service Depot will have its robotic welding-arm station, right?

There wasn't one in TS or FS so probably not.


An easy placeholder method for this would be to simply retexture the GDI Neurotoxin Soldier, since it's being removed from GDI anyway.

Why do that when we already have one being made. Besides I already made a temp place holder.



ICE relax a bit and let us drive this ship.

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The GDI Service Depot will have its robotic welding-arm station, right?

There wasn't one in TS or FS so probably not.

*Facepalm* Oh, right. I've been playing TS Retro for so long now that I forgot that the original version lacked the arm-animation. :emot-v:

However, it still had some sort of station-thing, so it should be included.



An easy placeholder method for this would be to simply retexture the GDI Neurotoxin Soldier, since it's being removed from GDI anyway.

Why do that when we already have one being made. Besides I already made a temp place holder.


ICE relax a bit and let us drive this ship.

Okay, cool. I didn't know if you had already made one or not, so I was just tossing you a suggestion. :)

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Guest Mei Terumi

Isn't there already a GDI tech center modeled and textured? i'm pretty sure i saw one in a blog once. Though its going back one or two years. And what ever happened to those laser fences? I haven't seen them on any of the closed beta maps. Missing assests.... arghh..


Edit: found it. Goes back to Sept 08 the blog.

Edit 2: How to you spoiler tag pictures on the new forum?

Edit: 3 found the laser fence.




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