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Blog 9 - Still Alive

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I hope so, i'm so close to just giving up. I've lost enough enthusiasm about this mod as it is. If we have to wait till 2013, 5 years after the release of the inf beta, then thats bad. Even worse is that it could be 10 years after the release of the first Reborn. I know you guys work on this in your spare time, and that sometimes, life really drags you by the hair, also that you are working on two other mods simultaneously, but seriously, if you're aiming to make it perfect in every respect, it obviously will never be released. I believe i have made my point.

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Guest C0de_man

Agree with CYBERMAN here


I respect, even admire your decision to go all the way, but first, i doubt most of the community still can and that this approach will help to recruit new fans.

Now second, i can understand you dont want to have bugs or glitches and imbalances, but the happen, they always do. I know that from first hand. But this approach just seems too idealistic.

Third: one thing i like about community games are that they evolve and people can be part of it, look at APB, look at how crappy it used to be and how it managed to climb up.

Plus in the time i played APB, i saw many bugs and imbalances and many of them were funny and even insightful. Ofcourse nasty bugs and glitches are terrible, but you dont have to squish every single one. I have a bad memory so i cant really many fun bugs and exploits right now, but i know there were many and i know people can recall them as good memorys.

I was not there when i still was a ren mod, but i was here from the very first public version, its a marvelous thing being able to watch and even perhaps in some way shape the development of such a marvelous game.

Especially these days where BHP starts with open testing people have much more of a chance to help, i hope to see more open development in the future.

If you release it then people will come up with new ideas and demands and you will have to deal with them in one way or another, or you will end up being abandoned.


Im not suggesting you to just dump what you have or release buggy shit, take all the time you think you need. But just dont aim to high.

Even if you release a sort of vehicle beta with only some vehicles and buildings, it would be a major hit, im sure.


Best of luck anyway and i will be waiting for your next blog.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Guys, Relax...TSR is under new management and is still being worked. You can't expect it to be finished in a snap. These things take time, and you haven't been giving us a fair amount of that. Things are coming along and bugs are being worked out. So yes, progress is being made. We do have footage ready to show that, but it's not edited yet. It will be ready for Blog 10. So don't give up, hang in there and trust me when I say the pay off will be worth it. :)

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Guys, Relax...TSR is under new management and is still being worked. You can't expect it to be finished in a snap. These things take time, and you haven't been giving us a fair amount of that. Things are coming along and bugs are being worked out. So yes, progress is being made. We do have footage ready to show that, but it's not edited yet. It will be ready for Blog 10. So don't give up, hang in there and trust me when I say the pay off will be worth it. :)


I suppose its the scars left by the old management that forces me to think in this way. Well thanks for the heads up mate. :) The previous blogs were impressive, i'm sure the next ones will be as well.

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Guest dearlydie

We all have to be realistic here, these people are working as hard as possible with the time their given, and asking nothing in return, so by definition, we can't be inpolite and demand it suddenly, everything takes time, its better to have a game worked on for 10 years, than something made within a week. So atleast you know that this game is being carved into as much of a masterpiece as the team can make it. :) When it comes out, it'll be worth it! Just you wait. :D

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Guest SgtSavage67

I agree. I haven't even seen much of the improvements being made, but I know the quality the BHP expects from their projects. When we look at APB and Apoc Rising, let's remember what BHP Quality looks like. I'm very excited that they got their hands on this project, and that they are putting in the work to make it awesome.


I'll be there for the next Beta, you can count on it. :)

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Zeta1125

I'm going to post this again. I posted it in blog 8 and it just seems we're getting a repeat of before:



OK you guys are working but none of the work can really be shown, I still think you should try and post every week, or every 15 days, or hell every month just stating that people are active and work is getting done; just a general update from the team. You're going about this the wrong way if you just stay silent cause there's nothing to show , even if there is no work, a paragraph with a summary of what has happened to the team is enough.

I've been following reborn since 2003, and this has happened before, they stopped communicating even though things were getting done, it turned out to be a huge mistake on the team's part.


When you stop communicating to your fans things get dark


Is it really too much to ask for one paragraph a month, even if there are no pictures? Just to say "hey we've been working on textures and we haven't progressed much on models, but we've got all infantry working" That's it, once a month, I'm working and studying for my GMAT exam and even I have time to do that once a month.


You're really just leaving your followers in the dark, blog 8 was in january, blog 9 was in june, we're in October, should we just expect another blog every six months?


I know you're working and I know you said that work is being done but it can't be shown, but it can be described, so can't we just get a paragraph a month? This is something a PR guy should be responsible for.

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Guest SgtSavage67

I'd be with you, except that it's going to be free-to-play, and it won't help this project much to gripe about the wait.


Why don't we all just be patient and let them alone so they can work? This would be harder if we had never seen these guys in action before, but we have. APB, nuff said. They know what they're doing.


Let's just try and be patient, okay?


@Cyberman, oh c'mon, you'll be playing right along with us when the first release comes out, you know that. :bandwagon:

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@Cyberman, oh c'mon, you'll be playing right along with us when the first release comes out, you know that. :bandwagon:


Yes i will, i'm just saying i'm not going to sit and wait for it anymore. When i catch wind that its out, i'll be ingame like the old days.

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Guest Zeta1125

I'd be with you, except that it's going to be free-to-play, and it won't help this project much to gripe about the wait.


Why don't we all just be patient and let them alone so they can work? This would be harder if we had never seen these guys in action before, but we have. APB, nuff said. They know what they're doing.


Let's just try and be patient, okay?


@Cyberman, oh c'mon, you'll be playing right along with us when the first release comes out, you know that. :bandwagon:


I'm not griping about the wait, I'm not saying "work faster" or "this is taking too long". I'm talking about letting us, the fans, know stuff.

Yes it's free to play, yes they're giving their time but we're hear, we're giving support, I'm giving constructive criticism, and it's annoying that it falls to deaf ears when I really think it can help the team out.

I'm not saying "OMFG no game, me waiting and waiting, no game" I'm telling them to work on their PR, because in the end if they haven't been keeping the fans updated people might get upset and leave, and then even if the game is good, a good multiplayer game won't be very fun without people; or do you just want to be playing it with 3 other guys on a server?

This isn't something new I'm suggesting, I said it back in June I think, and I know people have lives and people are busy, trust me, I find myself with little time these days, but if you really want to make something for a community, even if it's free, then I think it's safe to assume that spending about 20 minutes a month writing a paragraph to keep people up to date isn't too much to ask.


Just to be clear, I'm not saying that they need hurry up on the game itself, all I'm asking for is a little news once every week/15 days/month. Even if they can't show screenshots and it's all just bug fixing or coding, that can be described; it will keep the fans in the know and it will help maintain the community alive for when the game is finally released.

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Guest SgtSavage67

Just to be clear, I'm not saying that they need hurry up on the game itself, all I'm asking for is a little news once every week/15 days/month. Even if they can't show screenshots and it's all just bug fixing or coding, that can be described; it will keep the fans in the know and it will help maintain the community alive for when the game is finally released.


That is pretty reasonable actually.

I'm one of those people that likes to mull over coding changes and technical stuff, simply because I'm following the Mod, so that sounds nice to me.


Maybe the thing for BHP to do is find a different PR Officer for each game? That way you don't have the working guys, who are already swamped with actual "modding", taking on this added burden of keeping us in the loop.


But yeah, an update or two a month, that'd be awesome in my book. Even if it's something as short as:

"Change added: (such and such) now fires (Blah)% less powerful than (Other such and such)".


We're rabid fans with too much time on our hands. Trust me, we'll take it. :dance:

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I assume there's already PR guys at BHP but I can't remember if they were dedicated staff who's only job was that, or if it was a side role to additional duties. If the latter, I would HIGHLY suggest that BHP look into recruiting atleast one dedicated PR guy, if not one for each mod specifically in order to cull this "No direct contact to address the community for months" issue. It was an issue at Reborn originally, and it's persisted here as well and it's honestly something that can be avoided.


Even in the event that there really isn't anything to talk about, there can still be banter blogs where you highlight RL, mod, or game related events. (See: The end sections of existing blogs that do exactly this, in lesser form)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Mei Terumi

So what exactly is happening with this mod? And please don't say. "You don't need to know" I got sick of that reply whenever anyone asked about the mods progress. Are we gonna get a release by the years end?

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I'm not entirely aware of what's going on in the TSR section of development (anything that isn't said in the forum, I won't see, and it seems like most contact is outside of the forum), however I'll chip in here since you guys deserve a little input from someone. I've been seeing some talk of building a new beta (presumably a test beta, although I can't know for sure) in the past couple weeks. It appears as there is a bit of a delay doing that as they wait on certain things to be done (or seeing if those things are infact necessary)


I don't anticipate a release by years end, but again, I'm not privy to all the info related to the project and I'm only saying this to you guys in absence of anybody else with more to say about it.

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Guest Hunterr

Thats true. It would be great if you could post at least one small update in a month or so. That would be enough for me to see that something is going on. I know maybe other persons already have written stuff like that but I just wanted to tell my mind about that :c00l:

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This is going to sound like a I am tooting my own horn but I think this is relevant so sod it.


Personally, since I started work at CERN I have had loads of emails and facebook messages from friends and family asking what I do. Often this is on a weekly basis but honestly I don't really have much to tell them. Most days I debug and run tests, I rarely do new and exciting things because complicated software takes a long, long time to complete. That's not to say my work is boring (to me at least) but it's not really something to tell anyone about. If I told them I had improved the throughput or have increased the number of distributed platforms in my test most of them would say something complimentary but have absolutely no idea what I am talking about. I would have lost most of them at server.


I think the same is true here for Reborn (so tempted to type ba...., old habits die hard). Stuff is happening but it's really not worth knowing about.

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Guest Hunterr

Okay, I understand that. I just hope that im not waiting in vain, thats all. Because im still a big fan of that mod and it would be sad if it ends in smoke I say now lol ^^ I just wonder if the next Reborn release has a new editor? Because the infantry beta one is too old and bugy.

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Okay, I understand that. I just hope that im not waiting in vain, thats all. Because im still a big fan of that mod and it would be sad if it ends in smoke I say now lol ^^ I just wonder if the next Reborn release has a new editor? Because the infantry beta one is too old and bugy.

It'll probably come with a new Level Editor.

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Guest SirJustin

This is going to sound like a I am tooting my own horn but I think this is relevant so sod it.


Personally, since I started work at CERN I have had loads of emails and facebook messages from friends and family asking what I do. Often this is on a weekly basis but honestly I don't really have much to tell them. Most days I debug and run tests, I rarely do new and exciting things because complicated software takes a long, long time to complete. That's not to say my work is boring (to me at least) but it's not really something to tell anyone about. If I told them I had improved the throughput or have increased the number of distributed platforms in my test most of them would say something complimentary but have absolutely no idea what I am talking about. I would have lost most of them at server.


I think the same is true here for Reborn (so tempted to type ba...., old habits die hard). Stuff is happening but it's really not worth knowing about.

What about the few of us who do understand every single piece of information you presented, while some are ignorant to technology and its merits and implications, those of us who aren't love that information. 8)
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Guest C0de_man

This is going to sound like a I am tooting my own horn but I think this is relevant so sod it.


Personally, since I started work at CERN I have had loads of emails and facebook messages from friends and family asking what I do. Often this is on a weekly basis but honestly I don't really have much to tell them. Most days I debug and run tests, I rarely do new and exciting things because complicated software takes a long, long time to complete. That's not to say my work is boring (to me at least) but it's not really something to tell anyone about. If I told them I had improved the throughput or have increased the number of distributed platforms in my test most of them would say something complimentary but have absolutely no idea what I am talking about. I would have lost most of them at server.


I think the same is true here for Reborn (so tempted to type ba...., old habits die hard). Stuff is happening but it's really not worth knowing about.

What about the few of us who do understand every single piece of information you presented, while some are ignorant to technology and its merits and implications, those of us who aren't love that information. 8)

Word that brotha!


Seriously, some technical stuff that nobody gets is still better than nothing.

On the other hand there is no point making a huge post knowing only few people will get them.


I suppose the best thing would be to simply post stuff when you would like to share your successes.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Dreamcaseal

Hey, guys. I'm wanting to create some animations for youtube. Would it be possible if I could use your models from cnc reborn? I plan to turn them into 2d animation props and heavily modify them but the theme of the animations is tiberian sun. just thought id ask before i start making them from scratch.

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Guest Meelis13

I have read most of the posts in this topic and i have an idea: why not make small video log every month or even more often: it doesnt nessesarily need to be "look all the cool stuff we done meantime", but it could just very well be updated testing gameplay with bit of commentary. It would be enough to keep loyal fans still interested in updates

just an idea i had, thats all

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