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[Game Over] Game of Thrones Conquest Mafia RPG


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13 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

Does it look like anything new is happening over here? :p

Nope, waiting for report from LC. We did get attacked last night, but no casualties (as in players, we still have a  little under 8k corpses after burning another 5000 last night).

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Looks like the Army of the dead launched a test attack with 100 troops on the wall. In case anyone plans an attack on their holding the "Land of Always Winter", bring something burning or Obsidian. Some Mormont children should be useful as well. ;)

Was there more losses from starvation at the wall?

Orange or Category 5, what happened to some of your personal troops last night?

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Yeah, I didn't have enough personal provisions for my army and couldn't do much of anything about it. I did manage to get enough funds into the royal coffers that will enable me to build the Granary next. Too little too late, probably, but alas, there is no divine pulse here.

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I really don't see the point in day phases anymore tbh. @VERTi60 this game's gone on a week longer than anticipated. Any chance of speeding up the conclusion by having us choose actions consecutively? Nobody is going to object to Cat5 choosing random holdings each day, and us stewards are just going to keep burning bodies at night.

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11 minutes ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

I am basically having to decide if we should send some of my troops, or if we should send none. I can't feed what I have, but an independent holding doesn't provide any income at all and will take some resources to get back again.

We can't feed either, the only thing sending us troops will do is get them killed. They'll be killed either way though, however if Verti resolves attacks before starvation they could help. But that's about it.

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43 minutes ago, Jeod said:

We can't feed either, the only thing sending us troops will do is get them killed. They'll be killed either way though, however if Verti resolves attacks before starvation they could help. But that's about it.

starvation is very last action after everything is resolved, that I can confirm :V

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18 hours ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

Yeah, I didn't have enough personal provisions for my army and couldn't do much of anything about it. I did manage to get enough funds into the royal coffers that will enable me to build the Granary next. Too little too late, probably, but alas, there is no divine pulse here.

1 hour ago, Jeod said:

We can't feed either, the only thing sending us troops will do is get them killed. They'll be killed either way though, however if Verti resolves attacks before starvation they could help. But that's about it.

I should be able to feed a large number of troops with my capital passive ability. So before they die and join the other side you might as well send them over.


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1 hour ago, rubeci said:

I should be able to feed a large number of troops with my capital passive ability. So before they die and join the other side you might as well send them over.


Or you could be a lad and send some provisions to the wall while Cat5 sends troops since we're your first line of defense and proven to be a good defense already. :v

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Just now, Jeod said:

Or you could be a lad and send some provisions to the wall while Cat5 sends troops since we're your first line of defense and proven to be a good defense already. :v

I don't have any provisions right now but the upkeep from winter does not affect my troops.

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Final Day Twelve Vote Count:



qs5GiTD.png?1 The Long Night 12 qs5GiTD.png?1


You have chosen Casterly Rock:

Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt casterly rock


Casterly Rock

Original House: House-Lannister-Main-Shield House Lannister

Current Owner: Category 5
Army: 639

House Capital Passive Action/Perk:

Gold income is increased by 10%.
Tier 1 (HDM: 1, Income: 100+10 Gold, 10 Provisions)
Upgrade this Holding to Tier 2, unlocking new Army Booster, increasing HDM and income by 10% (200 Gold).


"Casterly Rock is an impregnable fortress. But as a good friend of mine once said, "Give me ten good men... and I'll impregnate the bitch!"

―Tyrion Lannister to Daenerys Targaryen


Casterly Rock is the ancestral stronghold of House Lannister. It is located on the Western coast of Westeros on a rocky promontory overlooking the Sunset Sea. It overlooks the major city of Lannisport. A major goldmine is located under Casterly Rock. It is one of the most productive in the realm and provides House Lannister with their wealth.




Casterly Rock's garrisoned troops (639) will be transferred to the Wall tonight - to Lord Commander's direct control.

This Holding is now Independent but can still be controlled if captured.


qs5GiTD.png?1 Army Action Rules qs5GiTD.png?1


Army Action Formula

Army Actions are Night Actions that you can choose based on your faction and resources. The more Holdings you control, the more actions you can execute (1 for each stationed army or fleet).

The basic formula to resolve all Army Actions is: ([Army Units]*[Army Booster]*[Holding Defense Modifier])*Morale % = Army Damage Strength (ADS)

The army with bigger ADS wins and will get depleted by the amount of damage caused by the opponent army's damage to their total ADS.


Army Size

Army Booster




















Army Force Elimination

If all your Army units are depleted or destroyed, you are eliminated from the game. If you send your armies to defend someone and meanwhile all your holdings are destroyed, those armies will join the army you sent to defend. A King can still continue even if he loses his House Capital, but then he will be eliminated once his/her reign is over.

If all Royal Armies are destroyed, they will be rebuilt from the existing Houses that will elect new King. The size of the Royal Army is always 50% bigger than the average House one.


Army Actions:

Depending on your faction, your army actions will be different. Please see below. However, each House follows the same rule, which is that you are in charge of your own house army. By default your army is defending your capital and at least 25% of your forces always have to stay there manning it (unless your House faction perks say otherwise). If you own more holdings, you can transfer your army to each as you like but you need to have at least 25% in both.

Each Army Action that you take, whether to Defend or Attack (only Independent and Rebellion can attack) you will need to spend Provisions.



Each Army action that you send costs Provisions. For each 100 units that you order to execute an action, you spend 1 Provision.

You also need Provisions in stock to keep the Morale. If your Provisions drop below supporting 100 units per 1, the morale of your troops will suffer as well.

This is important so that you do not send too many actions in row at once if you are low on Provisions already. Besides gaining Provisions everyday (income depends on how many Holdings you currently own), you can also buy them for gold from other Houses or by trading actions (once available).

Winter is here and we are running out of food. Provision income remains the same, but your armies eat more than is produced and deplete your stocks every night (the upkeep is 1 provision per 50 units). If you run low on Provisions, your morale will decrease (down to 25% max). If you run out of Provisions, your armies will start to starve and deplete as well until your upkeep is 0.

Capital has thus new project available - The Granary. Once build, all Lords will be able to buy Provisions from Royal Stock (1 Provision for 10 Gold).



Morale is the basic army booster. An army with 100% morale will do 100% damage but it cannot go higher or below 25%.


Army Boosters:

Army Boosters can boost the damage of your armies even further. You can obtain them by trading (when available), by House or Religion action. They can significantly improve the damage your army is causing. There are several types of army boosters that you can choose from, whether for Siege, for Defense, or both... Ultimately the best Army Booster are the Dragons.

Special type of Army Booster are Fleets of Ships that act similar as Holdings where you can transfer a portion of your forces and thus have extra staging ground. This can also help in case you are attacked and your Holding falls. 

Loyal Invasion is using a special type of Army Booster (Player Elimination Booster - PEB, with triple damage bonus).

For each Army Action, only 1 type of available army boosters can be used. Each Army Booster point represents 10% of extra damage. Army Boosters do add up for joined armies.



You can now purchase Wildfire Army Booster (x2) from the Royal Stock for 250 Gold. Once purchased, you can use it in combination of your Army Actions. Income from this purchase goes to the Royal Treasury. You can buy and use Wildfire Army Booster during same Night Phase.


Each usage of Wildfire costs Provisions and Gold (1 Provision and 10 Gold per 100 units).

Special Effect: The Wildfire substance can explode before the battle, killing outright a random number of enemy's combined forces (up to 25%) and a random number of your own units (up to 5%).



Holdings (e.g. the capitals of 9 houses, the Wall and beyond and Kings Landing) are basic staging ground of your troops. Each House can hold a maximum of three Holdings. Each Holding increases the income of Gold and Provisions. You are free to transfer your troops from one Holding to another, but there is a basic rule to keep at least 25% of your total units in each.

Holdings also have a defense modifier. Each point represents 10% or protection.


Loyal Houses:

Loyal Houses cannot use their armies to directly attack anyone. They can provide a fraction of their total army (up to 25% max) to the Royal Army which is controlled by the Royal Houses, the King and his/her Hand.

Use ##Join Royal Army [amount] to provide up to 25% of your total army to help the Royal Army defend a selected Holding by Royal Houses. If there is no battle with the Royal Army involved, your troops will return next day. If you loose all your Holdings by sending your armies to Royal Army, they will join Royal Army permanently.

If the King decides to use ##Invasion to attack a Holding with Royal Army or ##Defend to defend a selected holding with Royal Army, all Loyal Houses that send extra troops by their action to support Royal Army will automatically join the fight (Army Boosters will be added together, Morale will be used from Royal Army).




If you create an alliance with some other player you will be able to defend each other by sending a fraction of your armies to help the other. Both Houses are revealed to each other but they will not know their factions. Royal and Rebel Houses do not need to create alliance between each other but can accept one from other factions. Houses that create an alliance will have one one time special action available.

Note: Only One Alliance is allowed per player due to balance reasons.


Religion Night Action (Tier 1 of upgraded Kingdom's Religion):

Septon's Blessing: Buy FP for Gold. The income from this action goes directly to Royal Treasury. Each FP costs 1 Gold. You can't trade FP with other Houses. You cannot buy more than the current Royal's FP Stock.



Holding Tier Upgrade:

You can now upgrade your Holdings for 200 Gold to Tier 2, upgrading their income, HDM and unlocking special army booster tied to each capital. 


Your PMs are being updated.


Please send your actions at least one hour prior deadline below.

You are allowed to post 2 times per night.

Night 12 will end on Sunday, August 25, 2019 at 10:00:00 pm (UTC time). Click here for countdown.

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 qs5GiTD.png?1 The Council Meeting - Day Thirteen: Winter's Voting


The Great War continues. Your objective is to defeat the Night Queen, and the Army of the Dead.


Winter mechanics:


New Faction:

The legends from the past have returned, the Army of the Dead is on march to destroy all living. The White Walkers controlling the dead armies must be stopped, you must find a way to defeat them. If they capture a Holding, it will be destroyed and cannot be recaptured. If all Holdings or most of the Living are converted to Dead (above 75%), the White Walkers will win. They can't pass to attack the Westerosi Holdings if the Wall is still standing. Under these conditions, none of the Houses are safe anymore and general Truce is recommended:

Every Loyal or Rebel House can now become Independent, if they wish, starting next Night Phase. Rebellion can no longer overthrow other Kingdoms. If the current King/Queen's Rebellion is over, new one will no longer start until new King/Queen is elected.


New Vote System:

Voting who gets sent to the wall will no longer make sense, as the current few Lords left are trying to make Truce and find a better solution.

Instead, the Small Council will vote which Location/Holding will send their men to the Wall to garrison it. This location will then become independent. If it's occupied by one of the current Lords and it is their only location, only half of their army there will be send to the Wall.

Use ##vote [location] to select one location for sending their troops to garrison the Wall. You can check the list of Locations in State of Kingdom.

The most voted Location will have their owner and army revealed. Ties are always decided by the King/Queen's vote (king's vote value = vote +1.1).

Note: Voting King's Landing will initiate a new vote for King/Queen next day, while 25% of all staged Royal Armies will be sent to the Wall.


Executive Powers:

Because of Winter, the King/Queen and Lord Commander have enhanced executive powers.

Royal Invasion can be done by the King/Queen now without the need of vote, and only Royal troops will perform this action (Loyal Houses can still send their troops to support). The royal army can use a special army booster set for this type of attack or use one of their own. King/Queen can also decide to defend Locations with their Royal Armies (if they can spare them).

The Lord Commander of the Night's Watch has enhanced executive powers too, better overview and management over the sworn brothers between Rangers, Builders and Stewards.

Lord Commander can participate in voting which Location gets picked to send him reinforcements.


Resources running low:

Winter is here and we are running out of food. Provision income remains the same, but your armies eat more than is produced and deplete your stocks every night (the upkeep is 1 provision per 50 units). If you run low on Provisions, your morale will decrease (down to 25% max). If you run out of Provisions, your armies will start to starve and deplete as well until your upkeep is 0.

Capital has thus new project available - The Granary. Once build, all Lords will be able to buy Provisions from Royal Stock (1 Provision for 10 Gold).

Note: WIN is below 100 points. Since Winter is fading away, Provision upkeep for troops no longer applies this phase.

Granary was built, enabling purchasing Provisions from the Royal Stock while also increasing the income. See details below.

Tonight, the Provision upkeep penalty did not apply.



qs5GiTD.png?1 King's Landing Project Completion


A new project was completed today.





Granary enables Lords of the Kingdom to purchase Provisions from Royal Stock: All players from CVC can now purchase 1 Provision per 10 Gold during the Night. The maximum amount allowed is 25% of the current stock (see State of the Kingdom below).

Provision income for entire Kingdom was increased by 50%.



qs5GiTD.png?1 State of the Kingdom

Each day you will see the current state of the Kingdom as well as current Winter Indicator Number here.


State of the Kingdom


Holdings (HDM):

Kings Landing (Def: 2) 

Sunspear (Def 2)

Dragonstone (Def 2)


Other Holdings:

The Eyrie

Highgarden (Tier 2)


Riverrun (Tier 2)

Storm's End

Winterfell (Tier 2)

Casterly Rock


Royal Army Total Units: 13,940 (25%=3,485) Morale: 100%

Army Boosters: Player Elimination Booster (PEB) [x3], Wildfire [x2], Poison [x2]

Resources (Income):

Provisions: 325 (+ 75)

Gold: 955 (+ 500)

Faith Points (FP): 197 (+ 197)

Religion: The Valyrian religion

Religion Tier: 1


Current Capital Projects: 

Great Sept of Baelor, Heart Tree, Maegor's Holdfast, Guildhall of the Alchemists, Dragon Skull, Granary


Factions & WIN:

Loyal 16847
Rebel 0
Independent 31530



qs5GiTD.png?1 Current Vote Count (CVC):




Note: Day 13 is shorter!

Note: If you want to end the day earlier, vote ##End Day. If we get ALL players to either vote a Location or vote End Day, the day will be end.

Day 13 will end on Monday, August 26, 2019 at 10:00:00 pm (UTC time). Click here for countdown.


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27 minutes ago, VERTi60 said:

If you want to end the day earlier, vote ##End Day. If we get ALL players to either vote a Location or vote End Day, the day will be end.

Another Note, I will only have time to run this game by the end of this week, and I won't be available this week Wed-Sat, so any phase during this time will be moved to be resolved during next weekend. Next Sunday will also be the last Day when the game will be resolved.

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