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Mystery Mafia: Holidays 2019


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Just now, Jeod said:

One thing I considered was the situation we're in. If Mojoman hadn't been afk, scum would have won by now. How is that possible? Well, by Orange's daykill. If Retaliation hadn't been killed, we'd have been at 7 players today--3 scum, 4 town. Today would have been the deciding factor in the natural order. However, not only did we get extremely lucky today, but we'll be in the same situation tomorrow--and be at a loss if Mojoman decides to return. In a game where mafia don't know eachother, and after ISOing Chop, I think Orange is a likely candidate for the third scum. The Sniper.

That's quite a 180 you've pulled. You're wrong though. I'd say I'd be happy to let you be the one to take the blame for losing the game, though, but you're probably going to be the one killed since you admitted to being the cop, so it will probably be down to me KY and chop tomorrow to decide the game.  I'm down for voting Mojo as the "safe" bet and then.... hmm.... assuming there's a nk.... it'll be 1 on 1.... I guess we'll just know by that point who's who, no sense talking about it.

Maybe Shade had a point :p

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I can't say that I'm comfortable enough with the idea of a Mafia Dayvig, but it's the only option that makes sense (other than me lying and playing the long con, but I'm not going to push that for obvious reasons). Frankly, though, I think our fate might be sealed unless something miraculous happens.

Honestly, though, Mojo being AFK shouldn't really be a deciding factor. There has to be something we're missing.

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2 minutes ago, Killing_You said:

I can't say that I'm comfortable enough with the idea of a Mafia Dayvig, but it's the only option that makes sense (other than me lying and playing the long con, but I'm not going to push that for obvious reasons). Frankly, though, I think our fate might be sealed unless something miraculous happens.

Honestly, though, Mojo being AFK shouldn't really be a deciding factor. There has to be something we're missing.

I mean, nks will target town. We go for the safe mojo vote, and we're down to 1 v 1 regardless. It's the safe play. Anything else and we have a chance to screw it up. I mean, I know it's not me, but I can't decide between chop and KY. Likewise, for whichever one of you is town, you know you're town, but you realistically just can't make the call. We might as well just coinflip the game now.

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19 minutes ago, Killing_You said:

I can't say that I'm comfortable enough with the idea of a Mafia Dayvig, but it's the only option that makes sense (other than me lying and playing the long con, but I'm not going to push that for obvious reasons). Frankly, though, I think our fate might be sealed unless something miraculous happens.

Honestly, though, Mojo being AFK shouldn't really be a deciding factor. There has to be something we're missing.

If orange had saved his shot, he would still need to be lucky enough to shoot town today in order to get scum to come out and tie the vote. Granted it would be simple with the cop claiming a report. Might as well put a target on my back. Although there’s the doctor, and wifom assuming town would know to pretend to be scum so true scum could still hit true scum.

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2 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

I asked this question D1 and nobody really responded to it :p

Honestly probably because Shade was the most likely to theorize, but he knew the real answer, so for once made a wise decision and actually shut up.

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9 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

Huh.... I was going to say if Jeod didn't die, he was going to be an insane cop.... but, Chop died and was actually town.... well....

So what do you say now?

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2 minutes ago, Jeod said:

So what do you say now?


Just now, Jeod said:

KY is town. Still thinking there could be a Godfather in play.

Well godfather but not Chop, because it's not me, and I don't think it's you. Unless it is you...

Still... the correct choice is Mojo, and we'll be down to 1 v 1 tomorrow. Though honestly, while I can kinda see the ILTS logic with no communication at 3 v 3 and 2 v 2.... it doesn't really hold up at 1 v 1.... but regardless.... it doesn't change that Mojo is the correct choice.

##Vote Mojoman

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1 minute ago, Jeod said:

Frankly I don’t have motivation to put thought into The Godfather thing. It’s always going to end in a 1v1 scum win.

##vote Mojoman

I actually forgot to add the key thought to that last post:  Shade may have been lying is my point, and there's not 3 scum, and it's just Mojo.

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1 minute ago, Jeod said:

I dunno man. A doc, a cop, and a vig. Two scum doesn’t fit well.

I mean maybe there's three, but if so, when we're down to 1 v 1, I feel as if some of Shade's salt might be justified. In whatever game it was I was scum with Cat 5 recently I made a very similar argument in the scum doc but Cat 5 was not very sympathetic :p

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10 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

Maybe ILTS is the 3rd scum.


1 minute ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

Was hoping to get someone to fill in for Mojo, but there's really no point now. After seeing the way the votes are going I will be ending the game. Standby for end of game post.

I was right!

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4 minutes ago, Jeod said:


I literally figured it out ten minutes ago. You evading the NK and reporting me as Town when you were more suspicious of Orange? Didn't sit right with me.

But of course, it doesn't really matter since the game is over.

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End of GameMojoman was the Mafia roleblocker (a rather useless role now). Honestly, the only reason to keep the game going was if a replacement came in for Mojo and didn't think Jeod was his teammate. At this point, nothing could stop a mafia night kill, and I think Jeod has earned a victory for his team. So I'm giving this game to the Mafia.

Dead Doc

Mafia Doc

Game Info


So, the whole idea behind this was to increase activity. This was supposed to give mafia a necessity to post and be active so that they could link up with each other. It was also supposed to move the investigation of alignment entirely from roles (cop, tracker, etc) to post analysis. However, that doesn't seem to work out with a smaller player count. On paper it might be balanced, but there just weren't enough players to make this work.

I'm sorry that this didn't work out at all, but not much I can do for game balance when 25% of the players don't show up.

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It's alright. It made for a fun mystery while it lasted. And the setup seems like a good one for a larger/more active player group.

Since we have so few active players, I kind of want to run/play in the 5-person setup Jeod had a while ago (that got eaten by forum updates literally the day after it ended). Gonna eat dinner now, though, so apologies for late responses.

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1 minute ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

End of GameMojoman was the Mafia roleblocker (a rather useless role now). Honestly, the only reason to keep the game going was if a replacement came in for Mojo and didn't think Jeod was his teammate. At this point, nothing could stop a mafia night kill, and I think Jeod has earned a victory for his team. So I'm giving this game to the Mafia.

Dead Doc

Mafia Doc

Game Info


So, the whole idea behind this was to increase activity. This was supposed to give mafia a necessity to post and be active so that they could link up with each other. It was also supposed to move the investigation of alignment entirely from roles (cop, tracker, etc) to post analysis. However, that doesn't seem to work out with a smaller player count. On paper it might be balanced, but there just weren't enough players to make this work.

I'm sorry that this didn't work out at all, but not much I can do for game balance when 25% of the players don't show up.

Don't beat yourself up too much. It was an interesting setup, and people flaking wasn't your fault. The focus on posts is probably good and a good change of pace for us and something we should do more often, but unfortunately I'm always the top poster and get scum read no matter what I do. In fact, as i told Shade before the game started, I was seriously thinking of deliberately hamming it up and seeming scummy even if I was town this game to give myself more cover as scum in future games, though I did not go this route in the end (but I still wound up scum read regardless :p )

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