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Showing most liked content on 02/25/2013 in all areas

  1. Give this kid a promotion! That's mah boi!!! Fire this kid LEAKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS just quietly i should be getting something to play with in the next week or 2.
  2. Buying a CR CR net CR walking CR Dieing Ion Storm Starting Ion Storm stopping Toxin Trooper Still think we're dead?
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  3. By the way, there will be APB blogs soon as well. Promise, cross my heart, yada yada. *Goes back to APB work.*
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  4. If we had something new to tell you about it would be in a new blog, not on page 4 of the comments thread of an old blog. The wheels are slowly turning and things are happening, which we will tell you about when we're ready to do so. Having a PR person, or lack thereof, has no impact on what information you get since they would be subject to the same rules everyone else on the dev. team is subject to.
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  5. There really is not reason to hide things, it's not like you have something revolutionary on your hands, hell the game it's based off of is more than 10 years old, as is the engine. Keep hiding information (for no good reason it seems) and by the time you release this "information" you'll be the only ones celebrating, cause everyone will probably be gone. To have a good game going you need atleast 32 people interested in the mod, for the moment it seems all this time and silence has made it so servers will be with about 8 people or less. And let's be honest here, "the wheels are turning slowly" was something that should have been happening about 6 years ago, not now. Just say what you're doing with the mod before it's too late.
  6. To be fair, Reborn's wheels have been "slowly turning" since 2002 It seems like a curse
  7. I think Wallywood and his team can break this slowness curse, just as quickly as four ten-year-olds drinking energy drinks can beat Halo 4 in one night and brag about it. Uhh, you aren't helping anyone with this post. Ten-Year-Olds piped up on Energy Drinks playing such a game will probably break the controller or console before finishing it...
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