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Showing most liked content on 02/05/2015 in all areas

  1. You don't have anything "invested" in Renegade. I've made far more content than most people have (I'd be surprised if anyone actually beat me for the amount of content generated) for the game and I had no issues dropping it for better things. There's no sense in being emotionally attached to game engines. They're just tools. I get what you're trying to say but you're not making a convincing argument here. Now for the flip side: How many people are actually playing what you're making? Who knows about it outside of the ~50 people that are left in this game? What happens to your project if Jonwil decides to quit, or if he gets hurt and can't program anymore, or dies, etc? Or if Saberhawk decides to be a shit and refuses to help anymore? It's a house of cards right now, man. You're better off learning how to do better things on better engines. There's plenty of talent to recruit from. If you have to start over, at least you're learning something new instead of trying to mod an engine whose graphical capabilities rival that of Deus Ex in 2000 - and whose gameplay is always a modded form of Renegade's C&C Mode.
  2. Give that commando an accordion.
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  3. shhh let him win, otherwise he wont continue on apocalypse rising
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  4. I haven't noticed any disruption from inside of the TT team, at least not on the bug reporting sites that we talk on and stuff. I will admit I knew about this a couple months before it happened, I assume some of them knew it was coming too.
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