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Showing most liked content on 02/18/2015 in all areas

  1. I present to you, my Allied Command Ranger. It's a 2001 Ford Ranger XLT 2WD with a 3.0L V6 Engine commonly found in Ford Explorers of the time. She's pretty spartan on features but it's literally all I need of a vehicle for now. Can comfortably seat three and has a GPS mount. Sadly, I can't find a good WabCo E2-B1 train horn reproduction that I want but maybe it'll be something for the next one. Blatant Allied Propaganda
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  2. Episode #7! Sooner than you thought!
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  3. I think moving to a new engine would be a good move . Personally I think the best thing you could do is to make you own engine bases of Renagade's that uses the assets you have already crated in a similar way so you don't have to remake all of your assets . Construct it with the same code/language as Renagade . You should not underestimate the power of a good engine . Look at Limit Theory's engine it is insane : And it is by a single person.
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  4. Hmmm, I think I've seen this before, you must live near me.
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  5. I've used this nickname ever since America Online was still relevant in 2002. It was actually a username given to me when my brother was setting AOL up at the time.
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  6. AR considered moving (and started working on a port) to UDK a few years ago. Our artwork actually looks pretty good in Unreal and I had stuff like flexible tank tracks and IFV turret switching working. The reason it fell through last time was mostly because I was the only one writing code for it, and I kind of had to drop it to focus on university. (danpaul isn't a fan of UScript). If we were to switch at any point in the future it would probably be to UE4 not the UDK though. I may port it myself at some point. Since I'm professionally working as a programmer now I consistently have less time than I used to but I'm not going to be forced to drop things by a sudden spike in work. If/when I start working on this I'll make it public...
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  7. You don't have anything "invested" in Renegade. I've made far more content than most people have (I'd be surprised if anyone actually beat me for the amount of content generated) for the game and I had no issues dropping it for better things. There's no sense in being emotionally attached to game engines. They're just tools. I get what you're trying to say but you're not making a convincing argument here. Now for the flip side: How many people are actually playing what you're making? Who knows about it outside of the ~50 people that are left in this game? What happens to your project if Jonwil decides to quit, or if he gets hurt and can't program anymore, or dies, etc? Or if Saberhawk decides to be a shit and refuses to help anymore? It's a house of cards right now, man. You're better off learning how to do better things on better engines. There's plenty of talent to recruit from. If you have to start over, at least you're learning something new instead of trying to mod an engine whose graphical capabilities rival that of Deus Ex in 2000 - and whose gameplay is always a modded form of Renegade's C&C Mode.
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