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Showing most liked content on 02/21/2015 in all areas

  1. I recorded two matches during this whole thing. There's quite a bit of awesome trash talk here and there, as well as some exciting gameplay. Hopefully I'll have some Reborn highlights soon as well.
  2. As some of you know I've made Cats, Deer, and Bears for Renegade, now I'm moving to make Dogs. Unlike the previous animals I actually except that some other mods on this engine might want to make use of these. I've made the run animation so far; however, (as much as I'll probably hate myself for doing this) I'd like to ask what you guys think of it so far, this is the state when tweaking the animation is easiest, give it a few more days and I'll be a huge pain in the ass to change. Just keep in mind that my skills at animating are quite limited, so don't expect everything suggested to be fixed. Added crouch and walk animations. Added strafing, jumping, and aiming tilt animations.
  3. (Credit to Godwin for the Orca and Kalle Bowo for the Tiberium Earth) We're organising a bit of a game night this Friday, so come and join us on TeamSpeak at ts.w3dhub.com We'll be playing some Unreal Tournament 2004 (and fragging Lord_Kane a lot) as well as other great games! If you have some free time, make sure to stop by and say hi to us! We don't bite, honest! Game night is scheduled to start at 7PM GMT, so we'll hopefully see you there!
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  4. http://youtu.be/_caOk6lycb0?t=1m7s That's the best I could find really.
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  5. Well if Generalcamo wants one himself I'll be happy to give it a go! I spent a week up at the beach with some mates but unfortunately a cyclone struck and we spent a few days stuck indoors. Luckily someone brought an Xbone and the Halo collection so we played a few tournaments, and that's why this guy I drew is pretty much a Halo Spartan...
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