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Showing most liked content on 03/28/2015 in all areas

  1. Patch Changes Ion storm- are now off Engineers have Hackcases now Engineers can only hack at MCTs MRV has a secondary that damages enemy Vehicles Buff for health armor for Ocra Trans,Devils Tongue,Stealth Tanks DT's flames do more damage to buildings Random Unit sounds added for all inf. for Purchased, hurt, death Added Juggernaut Spy gets new Pistol, Speed increase, and can steal freshly made units from GDI but now cost 500 Toxin trooper got his toxin nade model New Ranking Icons New falling aircraft animation Hero units can now refill again Cyborg Reaper- fires one web instead of two before reload Hero units slightly nerfed Ghoststalker (Damage: 170/60->150/40, Velocity: 350->399, Proj.Extent: 0.180^3->0.150^3) CyCom (Damage: 110/60->100/50, Velocity: 120->180, Proj.Extent: 0.200^3 >0.180^3, TurnRate: 200->225, SplashRadius: 4->3, ReloadTime: 1.7->1.40) Mutant Hijacker - Speed increase from 7.5 ->-> 8.5 C.Spy - Speed increase from 6.5 ->-> 7.5 Added Spy Pistol-Damage 8.5 (Reg.Pistol 4.5) ROF - from 6->->3 Can steal vehicles fresh out of GDI WF Now cost 500 Rename spy pistol from .pist to spis Riot Trooper- add slug alt. fire Standard 110 2 per 1 shot Promoted 140 1 per 1 shot Cyborg Speed increase from 5.5 ->-> 6.5 Added Devils Tongue Warhead Set twice as effective as old flamethrower against buildings Change silos into Simple objects rather than Vehicles Increased drop speed for Orca Bomber bombs (Gravity: 1.750->3.0) Increased durability of Orca Transport (health: 150/150->300/300) Orca Transport now has a horn GDI Base Defenses health reduced (750->500) Nod Base Defenses (except obelisk) health reduced (500->400) Tweaked GDI mammoth suspension spring strength Increase Nod SAPC speed (Engine Torque: 28000->->35000) Techie and Engineers no longer heal Vehicles on default Confessor is back New MSA, MSG, Tick tank arty deploy sounds Cycle physics changes (harder to spin out, but will still spin out if you turn while hitting bumps) Elite changes GDI Techie Repair gun for Vehicles Engineers Beam upgrade that repairs both Vehicles and buildings Standard Ion tipped ammo Disk thrower Ion tipped ammo officer Ion tipped ammo JJ Ion tipped ammo Riot Ion tipped ammo Nod Techie Repair gun for Vehicles Engineers Beam upgrade that repairs both Vehicles and buildings Standard Toxin tipped ammo Rocket Sol. Toxin tipped ammo Hijacker Toxin tipped ammo Elite Carde Toxin tipped ammo Confessor Beam Plasma ammo ****We have run into some major issues with scripts, we are going to be running inf. only maps until we fix these issues****
  2. This is why W3D staff are the best, not only do they get s++t done but they get extra s++t done too that wasn't even there before. I take my hat off to you good air.
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  3. Alright, we've figured out what is wrong. A scripts build that was released (we aren't sure which, and at this point, I don't care) set all the vehicles to type "turret". What this does is tell the netcode to treat them like turrets, which usually do not move, so vehicles when they moved became desynced as the netcode is not designed to handle moving turrets. This was an easy fix however, and all vehicles are once again set to their respective (correct!) types. It's going to take a bit to release a new version however, so I've gone ahead and added a few bonus things. Ion Storms will come back, using brand new scripts that make them easy to place in maps, so for example Timeaua's maps could implement them when the patch is ready and it would take him about 2 seconds to implement, compared to previously where a lot of hacky stuff had to be done. They will only affect Radar for now however pending a lengthy discussion on how they fit into the game. So basically they are purely cosmetic until that time.
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  4. This can happen. The same just happened to colossal order, the dev of Cities: Skylines, too. So dont be too rude to yourselfs.
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  5. stop putting me through this roller coaster of emotions
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