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Showing most liked content on 08/20/2015 in all areas

  1. Thats right! Corrupt a wish is starting over! Why? Well for one, the first one was getting a bit long. For some of us, the more pages a thread has, the slower it tends to be. So we'll retire that one for another! Also, I'd like to change the rules a bit. Basically I'm just adding a win condition. In the original thread, I convinced someone to grant my wish but not corrupt it. I must admit that it was a complete accident. After noticing this, I jokingly posted that I'd won. This gave me the idea to just start over, but with a win condition included. So! Same rules as before, as Generalcamo stated. Only difference is that if someone grants your wish but DOESN'T corrupt it, YOU WIN! No there are no prizes, only bragging rights. Lets begin! The seed wish.... I wish the power had not been off all night at the plant where I work.
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  2. I declare this thread revived. So anyways I made this username for here and I used it for almost everything since then. It is a pun off of my real name Isaac S. Maddox (I am not telling you my middle name) and my usual play style (which is act crazy ,don't judge it works quite well sometimes). I win Corrupt-a-wish. :
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