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Showing most liked content on 10/20/2015 in all areas

  1. As the game core builder of AR, I can tell you that the release will not be this year. We have a coming development milestone set for new year's eve. The next project that will be released at W3D Hub should be Expansive Civilian Warfare which you will be able to play along with TS: Reborn while you wait. It's an epic game I can tell you right now
  2. To reiterate what moonsense just said; this last month, we have been working on a scheduling plan to get Apocalypse Rising to a releasable state. If we stick to this release plan we should be able to a meet the deadlines that we've set for ourselves. So not this year, but maybe next year.
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  3. While I'm not a member of the dev team for AR, it'd be best to just wait for them to post a blog about it. Also I'm sure you didn't need to make two threads for the same topic.
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  4. Will we be able to jump in the veinhole monster, and instantly die of the huge amounts of tiberium gas?
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