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Showing most liked content on 10/24/2015 in all areas

  1. Maybe by next year Tiberian Odyssey (a tiberian sun mod) will be released. You do realize that the infantry .gif in your avatar was used in Mental Omega, right?
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  2. It's not so much the engine as the C&C intellectual property. Besides, Steam is a for-profit platform and we can't legally make or allow any third party to make money from our games.
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  3. Check out the latest news from the Apocalypse Rising dev team! We have lots of updates, don't miss out! Hello dear AR fans and welcome to the latest Apocalypse Rising update! I apologize for making you guys wait for an update for so long again, we know that you want to see progress! The thing is that we are working a lot internally, but often think "it isn't good enough for showing-off". This approach will stop now. Let's see what we got for you in this update! AR Roadmap The project's leadership has set some milestones to fasten up development of the game and focus on more important items. This means that both the team and the tasks are better organized, and you will get your hands on AR earlier than we first planned! Airforce HQ I have been working on the Allied Airforce Command HQ. The exteriors have been remodelled completely. The reload pads are not finished yet and the textures are WIP. The new exterior compared to the old one. Credits also go to Ric for shaping up the basics of it. This model started off as the allied radar piano... ...but then turned into the communications console, minor weakpoint of the ACHQ Now this building barely had internals before. Thanks to Squid Empire's concept arts, they are now done model-wise and that puts another building onto our complete list We'll show how Harriers are built in a later update, so stay tuned! G.I. One Winged Angel is finishing the G.I. model. He's been fixing up his head and the helmet lately. Excpect to see him 100% complete very soon! Latest render of the G.I. by OWA. Yes, the bullet belts will be added Objective markers In AR, we have quite big interiors compared to most of the other C&C-based W3D games out there. One thing that the testers have been telling us that because of this, it was never easy for them to find weakpoints or the exit doors of the buildings either. To solve this issue, we have added little markers ingame to help you find your way around. Let me elaborate this a little further. You only see these markers if you are inside the given building. That makes sure there is no unnecessary information rendered on your screen (e.g. it wouldn't make sense to show exit signs of a structure you are not inside of now would it?). Weakpoints and building exit markers, seen in the Allied and Soviet Barracks We also realized that we can use these markers everywhere. Here are a few examples: We can show players who drive a Chrono/War Miner where the ore fields are. Engineers can see where the capture terminal is within a Tech Hostpital or Oil Derrick. Tesla Troopers can be notified that they can charge the Tesla Coil. The possibilities are almost limitless. We have a LOT of nice features in AR and we'll try to help players access them easy with these markers. We have other ways as well to help people understand everything. For instance, this little feature shows players how full their ore storage box is: The ore storage fullness indicator's first version Recruitment We are hiring new team members to fasten up the release! Let's see the people we require: 2 people for modeling AND texturing civilian buildings and props. 1 person for making nature assets (trees, bushes, etc.) 1 level designer 1 character artist 1 texturer (optionally unwrapper) to help in texturing building interior objects There are defined milestones for the project and crystal clear tasks, so if you feel like contributing to the game and think you have the skills, don't hesitate to apply! To do so, just send me or One Winged Angel a personal message and tell us which position you want to apply for. End That's it for this update, come back next week for more!
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  4. ATi/AMD and Intel empirically beg to differ.
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  5. If you have C&C Generals: Zero Hour, I highly recommend Shockwave. Seriously, get it. Rise of the Reds too if you like RA2 and RA gameplay, since it takes a lot of influence from those games.
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