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Showing most liked content on 01/25/2016 in all areas

  1. Greetings, I've been requested to re-create the Hostile Waters map for many years now, so with Delta being released and re-introducing naval combat to the game, I suppose it's about time that I got to work on it... A brief piece of history: Hostile Waters was originally a .935 map featuring a naval and air-only gameplay. Both teams had their own little island, with in the middle a cluster of icebergs dividing them. This created some unique level gameplay where Soviet submarines could ambush Allied ships by hiding underneath the icebergs, but also putting them in a tight fighting space. The map had custom naval and air balance, as back in the earlier days of APB gameplay balance was further from where it is now. Hostile Waters also introduced two modified "game-breaker" units, high end units designed to break a potential stalemate; The Soviet "Nuclear Submarine", and Allied "Ion Destroyer". Needless to say these were a topic of love and hate by the players, and unfortunately server side donations made them easier to obtain than intended. I will go ahead and say that the "game-breaker" units will not return in this version of the map, since Delta's gameplay does not require them. (This is a work in progress!) The new Hostile Waters is remade from the ground up, which has taken me a little while since I haven't used any W3D tools or 3DS Max since I left the BlueHell Productions team in 2012. Also learning and implementing the new 'Delta-way' of doing things has taken some additional time so far, but my thanks goes to Generalcamo and Pushwall for answering my questions and providing me with Delta assets. The map will have a few more notable differences over its predecessor: - Advanced Naval Yard and Submarine Pen. * Named "Advanced" to highlight they are different from their normal counterparts. * Designed for Hostile Waters gameplay. * Anti-camp designs, Allied ships spawn behind a gate, Soviet submarines spawn inside and leave while submerged. * Repair zone clearly marked with a crane, no more guessing which side is the repair area. * Three defenses on the building roof(s). * Both buildings have at least one designed "naval transport landing area" for potential infantry attacks on the naval buildings. * Allied Advanced Naval Yard is of similar scale as the Sub Pen, for balance. * The game ends upon sub pen/naval yard destruction. - New Icebergs * A less eye-blinding "ice" effect! * The icebergs have two Naval Transport landing areas. * Infantry access to the icebergs adds a new dynamic; Infantry can now engage more in the gameplay of this map (Tech Level 4 infantry enabled). * Special map-unique secondary objective is on the icebergs (More info soon!). - Soviet Chinooks are disabled, in order to put the gameplay focus on naval transports for all infantry purposes. - Improved map plot (More info soon!). The map and both buildings are currently fairly well underway in development, and providing there are no unexpected surprises (and there always are), I expect to have a playable version "Soon". If anyone has any feedback on the original map, or concerns about this one, this would be the place to throw it at me...
  2. Patching you in, please standby... Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update As has been stated, development on Red Alert: A Path Beyond continues. In fact, Pushwall and the team have released a new patch based on your feedback! In this update you will see map adjustments, infantry, vehicle, and boat changes, several aesthetic improvements, and more! But that's just the short of it. Here's the long of it: Changelist GENERAL The damage nuclear weapons do to units has been nerfed significantly; infantry take 1/3 as much damage as before (which will still kill most of them unless they're on the edge of the weapon's range, but Volkov can now barely survive a point blank demo) and vehicles take half as much damage. INFANTRYThe Medic has a new weapon: The MP5-N sub-machinegun. Compared to the "semi auto" M16 he previously had, this reduces his killing power from afar due to its lower accuracy and range (max range is halfway between that of the pistol and the M16) but in close quarters it is essentially a PKM with slightly more stopping power in exchange for a considerably smaller magazine and slightly worse accuracy. As a result, he is much more useful in CQB situations (where he is most likely to be used). [The MP5-N was modeled by Ric, originally textured by The_Beerinator, and modified by Killing_You.] The Medic Kit's healing rate for armour is up from 0.5/sec to 1/sec. Half of the money you get for killing infantry is now given for damaging them instead. Fixed the points/money rewards for killing Sergeants/Thieves, which were 1% of what they should have been. Reduced movement penalties for the Shock Rifle. AI Snipers have 3 times the normal delay between shots, and 2 times the normal reload time. Grenadier splash radius up from 7.5 to 8. Flamethrower splash damage up from 25 to 27.5. Shock Rifle splash damage up from 5 to 7.5. VEHICLES Ranger price up from 500 to 600. Ore Truck price down from 1400 to 1000. Tesla Tank splash damage up from 15 to 20. Handling on Gunboat, Destroyer and Naval Transport has been improved. Depth charge "proximity" up from 17.5m to 25m. Attack Sub torpedo damage multiplier to buildings up from 0.1333 to 0.15 (a 12.5% increase) Attack Sub torpedo projectile speed up from 40 to 50. Destroyer rocket damage down from 80 to 75. Missile Sub rocket damage up from 40 to 42.5. Mine limit is up from 50 to 60. Each team cannot have more than 2 Demo Trucks on the field at once. Mammoth Tank's rate of fire is now equal to the Heavy Tank's. Ranger/APC guns have double the magazine capacity but they now mimic the damage/ROF of their handheld versions instead of just being better. Minelayers can carry a passenger. Supply Trucks, APCs, Naval Transports and Chinooks can now carry 6 people instead of 5. Added hud help text to Mobile Radar Jammer/MAD Tank explaining how to deploy/detonate. Mobile Gap Generator can no longer take a passenger since passengers screw with the bubble. BUILDINGS Dead Ore Silos can no longer be stolen from. Fixed Soviet Ore Silos having slightly less health than Allied ones. AESTHETICSThe Grenadier's frag grenade has an updated model and first-person animation. Fixed the Grenadier's blocky thumb. The Helipad's appearance has been altered to be more consistent with the Refill Pad, and its light animation now only plays when reloading a unit and not all the time. Fixed z-fighting on the first person M16. The "ghost" M16 now uses the new M16 model. Bullet casings, grenades and depth charges are now properly lit. Silenced Beretta has a smoke puff. Pistols have bullet casings now, and rifles have new ones. Mobile Gap Generator now has a funnel like the normal Gap Generator. A bunch of sounds have been enhanced: Tanya's Colt .45 firing Longbow engine Volkov's voice/handcannon switching/reloading/AP firing LST engine Tesla Tank/MRJ engine Mammoth Tank engine/firing Door sounds Light Tank engine/firing Phase Tank engine/firing AA Gun firing M60 firing Defenses rotating C4 ticking Gunboat firing/reloading Cruiser firing (Seamist) PERFORMANCEDecals on dynamic objects (like units and base defenses) have been disabled due to the crashiness and visual issues surrounding them. They may be reimplemented at a later date when they are more stable. MAP CHANGES RA_AS_Seamist: Allied unit composition has changed: Start with 1 less Light Tank and APC After 5 minutes, they gain 1 Medium Tank and APC by Chinook airdrop. In the LST drop, a Medium Tank and APC are downgraded to a Light Tank and Ranger. RA_AS_Seamist: Soviets now have a Service Depot by their Helipad. RA_Fissure: Removed Thieves and Mechanics from the purchase list. RA_Fissure: Timer shortened to 10 minutes. RA_ForestOfIllusion: Changed some things with the Chrono Vortex event. RA_ForestOfIllusion: Timer shortened to 12 minutes 30 seconds. RA_ForestOfIllusion: Added a couple places for crates to spawn away from the control points. RA_GuardDuty: Allied ore tunnel and Soviet north mountain pass are now impassable to vehicles. RA_GuardDuty: Removed some overlapping water sounds. RA_KeepOffTheGrass: Minelayers now work, so the map shall be added back into the rotation! RA_PacificThreat: Flight ceiling is raised from 37.5m to 50m. RA_Pipeline: Added a Flame Tower/Pillbox to the WF side base entrances. RA_RidgeWar: Replaced the Tesla Coil with a Flame Tower. RA_RockTrap: Reduced the chance for health crates and added an MP5-N crate. RA_RockTrap: Added a couple places for crates to spawn away from the control points. Get to the launcher and grab this patch update. Be on the lookout for more updates, and see you on the battlefield!
  3. Works great in Renegade-x. Should be great in Reborn/aPB
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  4. @Declan Parachuting is definitely possible on the W3D engine. Both ECW and RA2:AR have it in some form. I assume your question is meant for RA:APB yes?
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  5. Here is a different angle. Unless I misunderstood the manual, the reason for a lack of panels is a built-in technician...? Better ask the technical folks for an exact answer of where the panels go...
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  6. Soviets have more ways of dealing with Longbows than Allies have ways of dealing with Hinds. Therefore the fact that Longbows have an edge in Air to Air gameplay is a good example of asymmetrical balance design at work. Besides, Hinds got a good way of a guaranteed kill on Longbows; Kite, longbow missiles time out while bullets do not.
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  7. Empire of Da’lian The republic of Da’lian was created after the War of the Enterprises. It was created by international treaty and business contracts in order to keep peace between the theocratic Jirilan and the Corporatocracy of Danse who both desired the continent of Da’lian and started the first world war in the planet's history. The other nations of the world watched as the strategic continent and her people were torn apart by 600 years (150 Earth years) of war. The then fledgling republic began to grow and prosper to the Nation with the highest standards of living in only 700 years. People flocked to it from all over due to the rich natural resources and open space. What was once just a number of territories inhabited by a small population of 300,000 people was now a rich and diverse nation of over 10,000,000,000 people. In the year 15693, the first emperor was made the defacto leader due to constitutional amendment because of how popular he was. Today, his grandson, Jeff Higgins III, now has taken over his reign. The Imperial Self Defense Force (ISDF) The ISDF was created from the first charter established by Jeff Higgins I from the remains of the RSDF before it. It hasn’t changed much in the 1300 years since it’s inception and relies heavily on shock tactics and brute force. Certain situations have called for a more planned approach, and as such situations occur, they have units specialized for the job. However, if you can’t make peace with the Empire, the Empire will force peace with you. Strengths: Rate of fire/damage on weapons Number of units to be easily placed on the field Heavy use of explosives and armor piercing weaponry Highly trained military Infantry can use units outside of their standard, though this is and must be deliberately done via command. Weaknesses: Over-reliance on brute force (few specialized units) Lighter armor on most vehicles Little training with guerilla-style forces Only highest tier base defenses are automated Empire color [x]
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