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Showing most liked content on 02/15/2016 in all areas

  1. It's unfortunate that the match you played ended within 3 minutes due to an infantry rush. I'll be reducing the potential for those early rushes to have a chance at success for the final release.
  2. It would be nice if ship maneuverability could be tweaked a bit. Currently any attempt to turn while going at a respectable speed results in the boat going completely sideways and often slamming into a cliff. Fact check: We may have to dig a little deeper into this matter.
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  3. Yeah that's cool except there's a reason why the Cruisers on Seamist are not visible even if you spectate over to the place the shells are coming from. We don't have a model. There's a bunch of other problems too: That range suggestion means it would have a godly 5-10m extra range compared to the Destroyer... hooray... A high arc would allow it to hit subs which is totally not what it should be doing. Unless its gun was forced to a high angle which would also mean it would have a lot of trouble actually hitting certain buildings even if it had 100% accuracy. "Really slow", only 10-20% extra damage, inaccurate, and a negligible range increase... considering that a Destroyer will get in range of the enemy base much sooner and therefore deal damage sooner and can actually HIT aircraft and can reliably hit buildings other than the sub pen, and will ideally not have a dumb arc setup that allows it to hit units that it shouldn't (subs), why don't I just get a Destroyer instead? It would have to have only one turret for the same reason I've mentioned dozens of times about why the Destroyer's depth charge rack can't be turned. It's difficult enough for destroyers to navigate the icebergs on Hostile Waters, you really want something twice as big going through there?
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  4. I'll be making changes to the base layouts in such a manner than simply charging the MCT room would be suicide. It will be possible, but you will need to deal with some defenses first which are best taken down via Destroyer/Missile Sub. Being able to simply ignore base defenses will also be impossible with a health/armor nerf, which is something Naval Transports can currently do. The sole purpose of defenses on the map is to prevent the game ending early, and that has clearly been a shortcoming in this version.
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  6. I have a suggestion for the Phase Tank/Chrono Tank issue. Since they essentially fit the same role as each other they could be swapped in and out of various maps. So certain maps would have the Chrono Tank and others would have the Phase Tank. Both units are experimental, so it's unlikely that the Allies would be fielding both at the same time if they fit a similar role to each other. They'd choose to deploy them on a case-by-case basis depending on the requirements of the battle. Plus, it's a nice way to stop Chrono Tanks from being abused on maps that weren't designed with them in mind.
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  7. I feel the same way about the blue.
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  8. tl;dr, I agree with nodlied. He made good posts. that green is eyeblinding and gave me a headache trying to read it
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  9. Underground silos in caves protected by walls of flame towers / pillboxes
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