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Showing most liked content on 02/16/2016 in all areas

  1. Locking 'dis. It's past it's sell by date.
  2. The test period has ended, the event was a bit of a failure since most people were not aware of it. The limited testing that did occur, provided me with a list of things I will be changing. Expect the final version of the map to both play and look even better. Despite the low participation rate in the screenshot part of the event, I am a man of my word; I will review the submissions I did receive and pick a winner... Even if I ultimately may not use that screenshot for the actual loading screen. You can expect Hostile Waters to become part of APB Delta's official map roster near the end of the month!
  3. Please don't bump 9 month old threads.
  4. It had the exact same health and armour type as the med in RA. Giving it more armour is just asking to make allied infantry more useless. Med's price got raised to 900 for a reason. If you want a really bullet-resistant vehicle get a mammoth, that's what they're for.
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  5. Take your crazy logic and get out of here! You will not stop me from having my snow camo Technician on Pipeline.
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  6. Infantry camo's would be very rare in this time period. Solid colors were used during WWI and WWII because it hides you better while moving. Camo's weren't used by most nations regulars in our time until after the Vietnam war. In the RA universe, we haven't had the lesson's of almost 4 (WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam) wars to realize that war is becoming more sedentary as firefights start from a bit further away (100m vs 50m) and last a great deal longer. Solid colors would be used by most forces, and the only soldiers who would would be special forces soldiers, so the sniper, Tanya, spy, thief, and shock trooper would be the most likely candidates. Volkov would be on this list, too, but since he was an experiment that was used as a one-man army, he would be moving around too much for camo to be effective. Instead of camo, the other troops would be issued color-variants of their current uniforms (tan, OD green, grey, and white).
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  7. My original intent was indeed to make the islands themselves much harder to penetrate than the naval buildings, this to encourage hitting the naval buildings. It just falls apart a bit too much in 12+ team matches, so I'll be shuffling a few defenses around, and removing a hand full. Also keep in mind that Naval Transports will no longer be able to sail past defenses and survive... They will properly need to be escorted, and a landing area made clear from defenses... Or take the long route and land on the island where chance of failure becomes larger.
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  8. It takes 2 seconds to select a camo. Sure, if your base is under heavy assault you might not want to waste such time, but it really doesn't take very long.
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  9. I have a suggestion for the Phase Tank/Chrono Tank issue. Since they essentially fit the same role as each other they could be swapped in and out of various maps. So certain maps would have the Chrono Tank and others would have the Phase Tank. Both units are experimental, so it's unlikely that the Allies would be fielding both at the same time if they fit a similar role to each other. They'd choose to deploy them on a case-by-case basis depending on the requirements of the battle. Plus, it's a nice way to stop Chrono Tanks from being abused on maps that weren't designed with them in mind.
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  10. Press your print screen button, then go to the launcher, select APB, and select the screenshots folder (Or navigate to it: ...\Users\USERNAME\Documents\W3D Hub\games\apb-release\Screenshots).
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